I ma using Seamonkey web browser 2.46 and there are multiple vulnerabilities long time: pkg audit seamonkey-2.46_8 is vulnerable: mozilla -- multiple vulnerabilities CVE: CVE-2016-9077 CVE: CVE-2016-9076 CVE: CVE-2016-9075 CVE: CVE-2016-9074 CVE: CVE-2016-9073 CVE: CVE-2016-9072 CVE: CVE-2016-9071 CVE: CVE-2016-9070 CVE: CVE-2016-9068 CVE: CVE-2016-9067 CVE: CVE-2016-9066 CVE: CVE-2016-9065 CVE: CVE-2016-9064 CVE: CVE-2016-9063 CVE: CVE-2016-9062 CVE: CVE-2016-9061 CVE: CVE-2016-5299 CVE: CVE-2016-5298 CVE: CVE-2016-5297 CVE: CVE-2016-5296 CVE: CVE-2016-5295 CVE: CVE-2016-5294 CVE: CVE-2016-5293 CVE: CVE-2016-5292 CVE: CVE-2016-5291 CVE: CVE-2016-5290 CVE: CVE-2016-5289 WWW: https://vuxml.FreeBSD.org/freebsd/d1853110-07f4-4645-895b-6fd462ad0589.html seamonkey-2.46_8 is vulnerable: mozilla -- multiple vulnerabilities CVE: CVE-2017-5396 CVE: CVE-2017-5395 CVE: CVE-2017-5394 CVE: CVE-2017-5393 CVE: CVE-2017-5392 CVE: CVE-2017-5391 CVE: CVE-2017-5390 CVE: CVE-2017-5389 CVE: CVE-2017-5388 CVE: CVE-2017-5387 CVE: CVE-2017-5386 CVE: CVE-2017-5385 CVE: CVE-2017-5384 CVE: CVE-2017-5383 CVE: CVE-2017-5382 CVE: CVE-2017-5381 CVE: CVE-2017-5380 CVE: CVE-2017-5379 CVE: CVE-2017-5378 CVE: CVE-2017-5377 CVE: CVE-2017-5376 CVE: CVE-2017-5375 CVE: CVE-2017-5374 CVE: CVE-2017-5373 WWW: https://vuxml.FreeBSD.org/freebsd/e60169c4-aa86-46b0-8ae2-0d81f683df09.html seamonkey-2.46_8 is vulnerable: mozilla -- multiple vulnerabilities CVE: CVE-2016-9893 CVE: CVE-2016-9080 CVE: CVE-2016-9903 CVE: CVE-2016-9902 CVE: CVE-2016-9901 CVE: CVE-2016-9904 CVE: CVE-2016-9900 CVE: CVE-2016-9898 CVE: CVE-2016-9897 CVE: CVE-2016-9896 CVE: CVE-2016-9895 CVE: CVE-2016-9899 CVE: CVE-2016-9894 WWW: https://vuxml.FreeBSD.org/freebsd/512c0ffd-cd39-4da4-b2dc-81ff4ba8e238.html seamonkey-2.46_8 is vulnerable: mozilla -- multiple vulnerabilities CVE: CVE-2017-5398 CVE: CVE-2017-5399 CVE: CVE-2017-5422 CVE: CVE-2017-5421 CVE: CVE-2017-5405 CVE: CVE-2017-5420 CVE: CVE-2017-5419 CVE: CVE-2017-5418 CVE: CVE-2017-5427 CVE: CVE-2017-5426 CVE: CVE-2017-5425 CVE: CVE-2017-5417 CVE: CVE-2017-5416 CVE: CVE-2017-5415 CVE: CVE-2017-5414 CVE: CVE-2017-5413 CVE: CVE-2017-5412 CVE: CVE-2017-5408 CVE: CVE-2017-5409 CVE: CVE-2017-5411 CVE: CVE-2017-5410 CVE: CVE-2017-5407 CVE: CVE-2017-5406 CVE: CVE-2017-5404 CVE: CVE-2017-5403 CVE: CVE-2017-5402 CVE: CVE-2017-5401 CVE: CVE-2017-5400 WWW: https://vuxml.FreeBSD.org/freebsd/96eca031-1313-4daf-9be2-9d6e1c4f1eb5.html 1 problem(s) in the installed packages found. Is it safe to use it or i better to find another browser, please?
"pkg audit" reports vulnerabilities in the Gecko engine shared with Firefox. How many of those affect SeaMonkey is unclear but certainly not zero. Better ask upstream. https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/support-seamonkey