Bug 219528 - "Logitech Lenovo" USB Mouse causes FreeBSD to fail to boot.
Summary: "Logitech Lenovo" USB Mouse causes FreeBSD to fail to boot.
Status: New
Alias: None
Product: Base System
Classification: Unclassified
Component: usb (show other bugs)
Version: 11.0-STABLE
Hardware: amd64 Any
: --- Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-usb (Nobody)
Depends on:
Reported: 2017-05-25 12:58 UTC by jimmybot
Modified: 2017-05-27 01:46 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description jimmybot 2017-05-25 12:58:40 UTC
FreeBSD successfully boots and has no issue with other hardware, but has a particular issue with this model of mouse. The system WILL NOT BOOT when the mouse is inserted. When the mouse is removed, FreeBSD boots just fine.

The mouse is a:

"Logitech" Lenovo M-U0025-O

It seems to have been manufactured for Lenovo, by Logitech. The system boots fine without the USB mouse attached.

Here are some examples of the errors I get when the mouse is plugged in that cause the system to fail to boot...

ugen4.3: <Logitech> at usbus4 (disconnected)
ugen4.3: <Logitech> at usbus4

It carries on like this forever.

I tried on 10.3 and 11.0 and the error is present going back.
Comment 1 Hans Petter Selasky freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2017-05-25 13:37:19 UTC
Try setting:


in /boot/loader.conf