Bug 220357 - devel/hg-git: Breakage during conversion (potentially incompatible with current devel/mercurial)
Summary: devel/hg-git: Breakage during conversion (potentially incompatible with curre...
Status: Closed Overcome By Events
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Some People
Assignee: Kubilay Kocak
Depends on:
Reported: 2017-06-29 12:53 UTC by Domagoj Stolfa
Modified: 2017-09-23 12:22 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:

Backtrace during hg update (3.61 KB, text/plain)
2017-06-29 12:53 UTC, Domagoj Stolfa
no flags Details

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Description Domagoj Stolfa 2017-06-29 12:53:51 UTC
Created attachment 183910 [details]
Backtrace during hg update

Using the HEAD ports tree on FreeBSD 12.0-CURRENT with hg and interacting with a git repository while using devel/hg-git breaks. This breakage does not exist and everything works perfectly once the pip version of hg-git is used.

Specifically, this can be reproduced with the following steps:

# pkg install py27-hg-git

$ cd /path/to/repo
$ hg init
$ echo '[paths]' >> .hg/hgrc                                                                                                                                              
$ echo 'git = git+ssh://<git repo>/                                                                                                                      
$ echo '[extensions]' >> .hg/hgrc                                                                                                                                         
$ echo 'hggit=' >> .hg/hgrc                                                                                                                                               

followed by:

$ hg pull git
$ hg update

The updating part breaks with the attached backtrace.
Comment 1 Domagoj Stolfa 2017-06-29 13:02:59 UTC
Update with more info: seems like it's a version mismatch (pip -> 0.8.6), (ports -> 0.8.5)
Comment 2 Kubilay Kocak freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2017-06-29 13:07:56 UTC
That is only to say, there is a later version in PyPI.

That, coupled with previous commits to this port [1] mentioning: 

"Update hg-git to 0.8.5 + recent commits for compatibility with current Mercurial"

Is likely to implicate an incompatibility between the current (ports) hg-git version and the current (ports) mercurial version.

Additionally, given this has been broken in the same way in the past, we may need to consider a better way to keep these things in sync with each other, whether the same maintainer for both, coordination/testing/updating of consumers when updating mercurial or something else.

[1] https://svnweb.freebsd.org/ports?view=revision&revision=434489
Comment 3 Kubilay Kocak freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2017-06-29 13:10:05 UTC
devel/mercurial is currently maintained by python@ (Add to CC). That may or may not be the best thing going forward
Comment 4 Johannes Jost Meixner freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2017-09-21 16:15:33 UTC
"Works for me" with mercurial 4.3_1 and py27-hg-git-0.8.6.

Ccould you please check if you can still reproduce it, or if we can mark it "overcome by events" ?
Comment 5 Domagoj Stolfa 2017-09-22 21:16:34 UTC
Seems to have been "overcome by events".
Comment 6 Kubilay Kocak freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2017-09-23 12:22:44 UTC
Let us know if this happens again by re-opening this issue. It would be good to nip this permanently in the bud (to the extent its possible, possibly only administratively)