In man 7 ports ( the "package" section states the following: package Make a binary package for the port. The port will be installed if it has not already been. The package is a .tbz file that you can use to install the port on other machines with pkg-add(8). If the directory specified by PACKAGES does not exist, the package will be put into the current directory. See PKGREPOSITORY and PKGFILE. However when running make package it appears the built package is not a .tbz but a .txz in work/pkg Maybe it would be great to reword it like this: package Make a binary package for the port. The port will be installed if it has not already been. The package is a .txz file that you can use to install the port on other machines with pkg-add(8). If the directory specified by PACKAGES does not exist, the package will be put into the current directory in work/pkg. See PKGREPOSITORY and PKGFILE. :)
This already existent review is more complete.
A commit in branch main references this bug: URL: commit 248a47a4c2fb229ae815fa61875b3f62a2d6856c Author: Daniel Ebdrup Jensen <> AuthorDate: 2021-02-18 21:50:54 +0000 Commit: Daniel Ebdrup Jensen <> CommitDate: 2021-02-19 12:42:16 +0000 ports(7): Update instructions for package target Packages default to ending up in a different location compared to the documentation, so catch up to the implementation by referring to the location where packages can usually be found if no environment variables have been set. While here, also update the mention of the file extension to match the txz format that packages use. PR: 253179, 224370 Reported by: rwatson, jeromer at fastmail dotnet share/man/man7/ports.7 | 10 ++++++---- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
Thank you for your attention to detail. :)