UEFI boot loader loose ends
Any specifics, so we don't forget the ideas from BSDCan?
my current list: Chain booting to multiple levels (loader.efi needs to look at BootXXXX) Sane fallback when nothing left to do (either due to BootOrder exhaustion or protocol violations) /boot/efi/root would be nice
r336656 Finalize the boot manager protocol support for next-stage boot loading.
Is this still relevant? I wonder if instead of supporting chain booting, we should exit and allow the system to try other BootXXXX entries itself instead?
Yes. It is still relevant. UEFI still can't read UFS or ZFS filesystems. When we load loader.efi directly, we have to then load a kernel using it. BootNext can never help this situation because the kernel is not an EFI loader. Chain booting isn't used here in the narrow loader.efi sense of the chain boot command, but in the larger sense of loading the next thing.
these issues have all been fixed.