Dear All! I posted an issue on official forum without any reply. So, I will paste the conetct of the thread here. Maybe it's possible to investigate and resolve the issue, bug. I've found the issue on my virtual infrastracture. The speed descreases after moving between virtual machines. Hypervisor: OS: FreeBSD 11.2 Application: bhyve Network: bridge+tap Guests: OS: FreeBSD 11.2 Network: vtnet media: Ethernet 10Gbase-T <full-duplex> Traffic flow: INTERNET <-> hypervisor <-> FW (vm guest) <-> server (vm guest) I set MTU to 4070 (max) and to 1500 as default standard, no difference. All PF filters allowed without logging. After speed testing it looks like this. hypervisor:~ % speedtest-cli --server 5134 Retrieving configuration... Retrieving server list... Retrieving information for the selected server... Hosted by NETIA S.A. (Warsaw) [10.25 km]: 2.415 ms Testing download speed................................................................................ Download: 1458.58 Mbit/s Testing upload speed................................................................................................ Upload: 617.50 Mbit/s FW:~ % speedtest-cli --server 5134 Retrieving configuration... Retrieving server list... Retrieving information for the selected server... Hosted by NETIA S.A. (Warsaw) [252.37 km]: 1.944 ms Testing download speed................................................................................ Download: 1135.09 Mbit/s Testing upload speed................................................................................................ Upload: 561.99 Mbit/s server:~ % speedtest-cli --server 5134 Retrieving configuration... Retrieving server list... Retrieving information for the selected server... Hosted by NETIA S.A. (Warsaw) [252.37 km]: 2.324 ms Testing download speed................................................................................ Download: 626.66 Mbit/s Testing upload speed................................................................................................ Upload: 574.15 Mbit/s
I can confirm this problem with opnsense, based on freebsd 11.2 p16 My setup looks like this: <client> <-----> <router1> <-- openvpn tap --> <router2> <-----> <server> i have bridged the tap and lan interface on router2. When i assign the lan ip to the bridge, the openvpn throughput drops to 27MBit/s If the lan ip is assigned to the lan adapter i can reach the wan max of 100MBit/s Test done with iperf3 Kind regards, René