Created attachment 198197 [details] update to 2.2.3 Update to 2.2.3
Hi, maintainer: Shall we ask for a exp-run for this patch ? And matplotlib-3.0.0 had been released which only support python3, I suggest math/py-matplotlib should be repocopied to math/py-matplotlib2 and update math/py-matplotlib to 3.0.0, how do you think ? Regards, wen
I agree on both counts: ask for an exp-run, and repo-copy math/py-matplotlib to math/py-matplotlib2. Geoff
Reporter is committer, assign accordingly. Set exp-run flag to request QA
Should portmgr be exp-run'ing the full set of changes (including repocopies, new port, sweeping commits to update dependents)? If so, assign portmgr once the patch is updated. If not, you can assign portmgr now
Thank you for the work on this so far.
(In reply to mainland from comment #2) Hi, Now I prefer to update math/py-matplotlib to 2.2.3 and repocopy it to math/py-matplotlib3 and update math/py-matplotlib3 to 3.0.2. Because in this way we can modify the portstree less since there are many ports depends on math/py-matplotlib. If you agree I shall assign this PR to portmgr@ and ask for a exp-run. Thanks ! wen
I'm ambivalent about math/py-matplotlib3 vs math/py-matplotlib2. Do we have a sense of how many ports are incompatible with v3? Wouldn't it be more in keeping with standard practice to repo copy to math/py-matplotlib2 and change the dependency for ports that really require v2?
(In reply to mainland from comment #7) matplotlib v3 only support python3, so I guess most of ports depends on matplotlib are incompatible with v3 :( wen
Until we support python2, we need matplotlib 2.2, so I'm also for a separate matplotlib version for python 2 and 3. math/py-matplotlib(2?) and math/py-matplotlib3 Update to 2.2.4:
I think that it can be closed.
Opened #236913 requesting a separate port for v3.0.3