gimp-gmic-plugin 1.6.9_1 is oudated very long time. Outside is version 2.4.0 and also version for GIMP 2.10 which is in the ports now. The old version doesn't work with new GIMP. Thank you.
Fix bug title and fix auto-assign fail.
BTW, graphics/gimp is still at 2.10.8 in the freebsd repo. Shall I open a ticket ?
Currently, maybe blocked by bug 258529. (In reply to kunda from comment #2) If you can not also attach a patch, then there's probably no need for a report. From <>: > … Please do not submit problem reports that simply state that a > newer version of an application is available. Ports maintainers are > automatically notified … (In reply to Tobias Kortkamp from comment #1) Thanks for correcting the prefix. lumiwa, for the future, please note that automation relies upon the summary line having a suitable prefix at the time of submission of a report. The FreshPorts route to making a bug report will automatically use a suitable prefix.
Port has been removed from the tree.