Created attachment 200868 [details] Patch file for www/falkon Makefile Patches attached to move the KWALLET integration to an optional alongside the current GNOME-Keyring integration option. This also catches/fixes some unlisted build dependencies that the KWALLET integration was silently pulling in. Summary of Changes: * USE_KDE = ecm_build (enhanced cmake modules - required for build) * USE_QT += linguist_build (Qt linguist support - required for generating translation files) * USE_KDE += kwallet moves to new "KWALLET" option. Notes: This will change the default behavior to NOT building with KWALLET integrations. If continuity is desired with the previous port version, then the following line should also be added to the Makefile: ``` OPTIONS_DEFAULT+= KWALLET ``` Simple Text of patch files (in case attaching them does not work) --------- patch-Makefile.txt ``` --- Makefile 2019-01-07 10:44:17.400370000 -0500 +++ 2019-01-07 10:50:40.739012000 -0500 @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ PORTNAME= falkon DISTVERSION= 3.0.0 -PORTREVISION= 4 +PORTREVISION= 5 CATEGORIES= www MASTER_SITES= KDE/stable/falkon/${DISTVERSION:R}/src/ @@ -13,16 +13,18 @@ LICENSE_FILE= ${WRKSRC}/COPYING USES= cmake desktop-file-utils kde:5 qt:5 ssl tar:xz -USE_KDE= wallet +USE_KDE= ecm_build USE_QT= core dbus declarative gui location network printsupport \ sql webchannel webengine widgets x11extras \ - buildtools_build qmake_build + buildtools_build qmake_build linguist_build USE_XORG= xcb USE_LDCONFIG= yes -OPTIONS_DEFINE= GNOMEKEYRING +OPTIONS_DEFINE= GNOMEKEYRING KWALLET OPTIONS_SUB= YES + +KWALLET_USE= KDE+=wallet GNOMEKEYRING_CMAKE_BOOL= BUILD_KEYRING GNOMEKEYRING_USE= GNOME=glib20 ``` patch-pkg-plist.txt ``` --- pkg-plist 2019-01-07 10:44:17.400923000 -0500 +++ 2019-01-07 10:52:08.714227000 -0500 @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ %%GNOMEKEYRING%%%%QT_PLUGINDIR%%/falkon/ %%QT_PLUGINDIR%%/falkon/ %%QT_PLUGINDIR%%/falkon/ -%%QT_PLUGINDIR%%/falkon/ +%%KWALLET%%%%QT_PLUGINDIR%%/falkon/ %%QT_PLUGINDIR%%/falkon/ %%QT_PLUGINDIR%%/falkon/ %%QT_PLUGINDIR%%/falkon/ ```
Created attachment 200869 [details] Patch file for www/falkon pkg-plist
Thanks for this patch Ken. As a falkon user but not a kde user I appreciate it.
The default needs to be kwallet on. This is the defacto KDE browser after all :) Mfg Tobias
Could you also add an explicit toggle on kwallet. Otherwise it will still link against it when built in an unclean environment where it is present.
(In reply to Tobias C. Berner from comment #3) I will update the Makefile patch with this change in just a moment
Created attachment 200874 [details] www/falkon Makefile patch (with KWALLET option enabled by default)
(In reply to Tobias C. Berner from comment #4) Because Falkon does some dynamic linking at [build/run]time to determine if the kwallet libraries are installed, I am unsure how we would even go about fixing this in a "dirty" build environment without modification of the falkon source code itself. I would recommend making that a later enhancement to the port and not hold up this update because of it.
(In reply to Ken Moore from comment #7) find_package(KF5Wallet ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG) <-- Find calls to Foo can be ignored with CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_Foo [1] And thereby 18 if (KF5Wallet_FOUND) 19 add_subdirectory(KWalletPasswords) 20 endif() should be skipped, as it is not _FOUND :-) [1]
(In reply to Tobias C. Berner from comment #8) That is outside my area of expertise with ports. Feel free to update the patch as you see fit.
A commit references this bug: Author: adridg Date: Sun Feb 17 21:22:17 UTC 2019 New revision: 493225 URL: Log: Update www/falkon to the latest release. Release notes There's one bit of trickery here, which handles QtWebEngine < 5.10 mixed with newer Qt -- just the situation the ports tree is in today. Thanks to Ken Moore for providing partial patches for OPTION KWALLET. PR: 235681 235680 234692 Reported by: Nuno Teixeira, Ken Moore Changes: head/www/falkon/Makefile head/www/falkon/distinfo head/www/falkon/files/patch-src_lib_webengine_webview.cpp head/www/falkon/pkg-descr head/www/falkon/pkg-plist
Massaged a bit, and updated with _DESC and other bits (er .. those were superfluous and I'll remove them again). This got crossed with an update to Falkon which is why it took a little while. Thanks for reporting.
A commit references this bug: Author: adridg Date: Sun Feb 17 21:30:10 UTC 2019 New revision: 493226 URL: Log: Remove superfluous _DESC in www/falkon. PR: 234692 Changes: head/www/falkon/Makefile
It looks like you missed a line in the update: The "wallet" item needs to be removed from line 15: `USE_KDE= ecm_build i18n wallet` needs to become `USE_KDE= ecm_build i18n` since the "wallet" items get added via the option now. Otherwise the KWALLET option will not matter and all the KDE wallet dependencies are still going to get included as runtime dependencies anyway even if Falkon will not use them because the linking with cmake was disabled.
A commit references this bug: Author: adridg Date: Thu Feb 21 12:38:54 UTC 2019 New revision: 493500 URL: Log: Fix misplaced OPTION. The intent in a previous commit was to make KDE=wallet optional, but I forgot to remove the non-optional part. Bump PORTREVISION because the options might change for consumers. PR: 234692 Reported by: Ken Moore Changes: head/www/falkon/Makefile
Closing again after ports r493500.