After upgrade to audacity-2.3.1 from ports (that was quiet and finished O.K.) I've found out that audacity is no more usable. The output is: $ audacity (Audacity:31278): Gtk-ERROR **: 17:30:23.542: GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported Trace/BPT trap (core dumped) No mentioning of future problem was in /usr/ports/UPDATING. I've tried to uninstall some "GTK2-looks-like" that are no dependencies to anything else, but without luck. May be some guided way to upgrade audacity (and may be other GTK2-stuck ports?)? latest ports' tree on FreeBSD 11.2-STABLE amd64
What packages do you have installed? How did you upgrade audacity? Maybe there is installation ordering problem, can you try reinstalling it and see if the issue persists? I'm not able to reproduce on 12.0-STABLE
(In reply to xxjack12xx from comment #1) I have a bunch of packages. I am using 'portsnap fetch update' and 'portupgrade' then. Deinstalling, reinstalling dependencies and installing audacity again do not help. Here people say the same problem for them: What about sequence? How can I modify it? pkg info -r gtk2-2.24.32 gtk2-2.24.32: gtkimageview-1.6.4_5 pybookreader-0.5.0_7 py27-gtksourceview-2.10.1_2 libsocialweb-0.25.21_3 swfdec-0.8.4_6 galculator-2.1.4 libcanberra-0.30_4 libcanberra-gtk3-0.30_4 gmtp-1.3.10 gtkspell-2.0.16_6 libgnomecanvas-2.30.3_4 libsexy-0.1.11_10 vte-0.28.2_3 gtkperf-0.40_10 py27-vte-0.28.2_3 gtk-murrine-engine-0.98.2_5 libwnck-2.30.7_1 unique-1.1.6_7 policykit-gnome-0.9.2_8 gnome-mount-0.8_13 gstreamer-plugins-gconf-0.10.31_2,3 gtk-engines2-2.20.2_3 gtksourceview2-2.10.5_5 libgtkhtml-2.11.1_8 swfdec-gnome-2.30.1_2 lxappearance-0.6.3 xscreensaver-gnome-hacks-5.12_3 denemo-2.0.6_2 apcupsd-3.14.14_2 fontforge-20170731 lash-0.5.4_13 mate-themes-3.22.14 pinentry-gtk2-1.1.0 libglade2-2.6.4_9 libgnome-2.32.1 libbonoboui-2.24.5_1 py27-gtk2-2.24.0_5 py27-notify-0.1.1_12 zenmap-7.70 pinentry-gnome3-1.1.0 uhttpmock-0.5.1_1 gimp-gutenprint-5.2.14 lv2-1.14.0_1 py27-avahi-0.7 qt4-gui-4.8.7_6 cinepaint-1.0.4_14 gtkmm24-2.24.5_1 gtkglext-1.2.0_19 nspluginwrapper-1.4.4_7 gnome-vfs-2.24.4_10 avahi-gtk-0.7_1 py27-gimp-2.10.8_1 pulseaudio-12.2_2 gimp-app-2.10.8_1,1 fuse-1.5.7 libgnomeui-2.24.5 audacious-3.10.1 xvattr-1.3_10 p5-Gtk2-1.24992 pidgin-2.13.0 w3m- libreoffice-6.0.7_6 gconf2-3.2.6_5 webkit2-gtk3-2.22.6 thunderbird-60.5.2_1 firefox-65.0.2,1 wx31-gtk3-3.1.2_1 ibus-1.5.18_3 audacious-plugins-3.10.1_1 ufraw-0.22_10 wx28-gtk2-common-2.8.12_7 wx28-gtk2-2.8.12_7 wx28-gtk2-contrib-common-2.8.12_7 wx28-gtk2-contrib-2.8.12_7 py27-matplotlib-2.1.2_5 opencv-3.4.1_14 gimp-gmic-plugin-1.6.9_19 oss-4.2.b2019
What is the full list of pkgs you have installed? That forum post was before the port was upgraded officially. What happens if you uninstall wx30-gtk then reinstall audacity? im still trying to reproduce the issue here in 12-STABLE which doesnt seem to have this issue.
(In reply to xxjack12xx from comment #3) I suppose, the problem could be in the order of installation and time of upgrading pkgs (ports in my case, I use only ports). I do not have wx30-gtk now. But I have wx28-gtk2, which is (was?) needed by opencv-3.4.1_14 via gimp-gmic-plugin-1.6.9_19 -> opencv-3.4.1_14 -> gdcm-2.8.9_1 -> vtk6-6.2.0_7 -> py27-matplotlib-2.1.2_5 -> py27-wxPython28- ... chain. I assume the problem is in that chain (including opencv with chosen GTK2 option). But if you really need all my ports installed, please instruct me where to upload the attachment with 1730 items.
Let me install wx28-gtk here and see what happens.
I suspect it may be opencv Can you try uninstalling wx-gtk28 and opencv, then reinstall opencv and see if you still get the error?
(In reply to xxjack12xx from comment #6) No, this didn't help. I've uninstalled opencv and wx28, then built audacity and still.. $ pkg info -Ix opencv opencvs-20151230 BSD-licensed CVS implementation $ pkg info -Ix wx wx31-gtk3-3.1.2_1 GUI toolkit (wxWidgets) with GTK+ bindings $ audacity (Audacity:91465): Gtk-ERROR **: 14:32:49.302: GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported Trace/BPT trap (core dumped) Where it can get this wrong mixture of symbols?
I'm not sure, can you attach a build log of audacity and the options you chose?
Also, what is the output of ldd /usr/local/bin/audacity
(In reply to xxjack12xx from comment #9) Here I put build log, options and ldd output.
I just upgraded audacity from 2.3.0_5 to 2.3.1 on FreeBSD 12-STABLE and still can't reproduce. Maybe this is something with 11.2 and gtk strangeness? Try this, portupgrade -fu gtk2-2.24.32 and see if that works.
It seems this is a common problem. Have you tried reinstalling wx31-gtk also?
(In reply to Jack from comment #12) Yes, I rebuilt it several times already. By the way, your link is not new, it dates back to 2014. But the problem looks quite the same.
(In reply to Jack from comment #11) No, it doesn't work also.
*** Bug 236503 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I have a similar situation on my stable-12 amd64 system. Audacity does not start for me as well. I get the following error: (Audacity:50257): Gtk-ERROR **: 13:30:37.994: GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported Trace/BPT trap (core dumped) However, I only build all my packages using poudriere. I uninstalled audacity and reinstalled it but that didn't help. I also reinstalled all my packages using pkg upgrade -f. But the issue still persists. I also have the following installed: wx28-gtk2-2.8.12_7 The wxWidgets GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings wx28-gtk2-common-2.8.12_7 The wxWidgets GUI toolkit (common files) wx30-gtk3-3.0.4_7 The wxWidgets GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings wx31-gtk3-3.1.2_1 Removing the above packages and reinstalling each did not solve my problem as well. I'm not sure what else to try at this point to fix it. Any other hints I would be glad to try.
I'm running a portupgrade -Rf audacity to see if I can reproduce. Can someone try that also and see if that resolves the issue? I don't think this is an audacity specific problem.
pkg check -d -a -n (pkg check --dependencies --all --dry-run) This is useful when dependencies are messed up. pkg autoremove This is useful for cleaning out build dependencies only. Please use these to improve your prospects. :)
portupgrade -Rf audacity finished here and it still works fine, has anyone tried this to see if that solves the issues?
(In reply to Jack from comment #19) Just finished portupgrade -Rf audacity , for you have asked. No, this do not help. Just the same error. (Though I had doubts. Why it should help, if it's just the same with the same options built again?)
That's really strange. There must be something in a dependency that's causing this. So far I've installed/upgraded 6 machines (that had audacity 2.3.0_5 previously) to 2.3.1 and still haven't been able to reproduce. All of them are running FreeBSD 12-STABLE amd64. I'm going to have to try and install a new clean machine to see if I can reproduce.
(In reply to Jack from comment #21) May be it is connected with some ports' options, although?
(In reply to gja822 from comment #22) I must be, but I'm unsure which dependency and what option.
(In reply to Jack from comment #23) Have built audacity with (almost) default options (except for VAMP=off for me) with the same error result.
I just installed the binary from the FreeBSD package site via pkg install audacity and it does not give any gtk issues, can you try installing it via pkg and see if that makes a difference?
(In reply to Jack from comment #25) I am sorry, but this stage I'll pass. It propose to delete great pack of my installed ports. # pkg install audio/audacity Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... FreeBSD repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. Updating database digests format: 100% pkg: noto-lite has a missing dependency: mkfontdir The following 128 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): Installed packages to be REMOVED: qt5-gui-5.12.1 oyranos-0.9.6_7 caja-1.20.2_1 rpm4- autotrace-0.31.1_32 pstoedit-3.70_9 audacious-plugins-3.10.1_1 swfdec-gnome-2.30.1_2 swfdec-0.8.4_6 gstreamer-plugins-core-0.10_13 atril-1.20.2 farsight2-0.0.31_3 libnice-gst010-0.1.13 telepathy-gabble-0.18.3_5 libreoffice-6.0.7_6 file-roller-3.28.1,1 nautilus-3.28.1_2 qt4-assistant-4.8.7_2 qt4-webkit-4.8.7_3 qt4-declarative-4.8.7_2 qt4-xmlpatterns-4.8.7_2 qt4-network-4.8.7_10 qt4-linguist-4.8.7_2 qt4-qt3support-4.8.7_2 qt4-help-4.8.7_2 thunderbird-60.5.3 fusefs-simple-mtpfs-0.3.0_4 vlc-3.0.6_6,4 qt5-x11extras-5.12.1 mate-base-1.20.3 mate-control-center-1.20.3_1 libmatekbd-1.20.2 mate-settings-daemon-1.20.3 gimp-app-2.10.8_1,1 py27-gimp-2.10.8_1 scantailor- tesseract-3.05.02_4 gnome-settings-daemon-3.28.1 mate-power-manager-1.20.2 gthumb-3.6.1_5 qt5-webkit-5.212.0.a2_19 qt5-widgets-5.12.1 qt5-printsupport-5.12.1 djview-4.10.6_3 qt5-declarative-5.12.1 qt5-webchannel-5.12.1 qt5-location-5.12.1 phonon-qt5-4.10.2_3 qt5-opengl-5.12.1 phonon-gstreamer-qt5-4.9.0_5 qt5-sensors-5.12.1 qt5-svg-5.12.1 doxygen-1.8.15_1,2 suil-0.10.2_2 gvfs-1.30.4 libgdata-0.17.9 libgnome-2.32.1 libbonoboui-2.24.5_1 gstreamer-plugins-a52dec-0.10.19_2,3 gstreamer-plugins-dts-0.10.23_2,3 avidemux-qt4-2.6.11_8 eom-1.20.1_1 mate-system-monitor-1.20.1_1 marco-1.20.2 metacity-3.18.3_1 mate-utils-1.20.1 mate-1.20.3 mate-screensaver-1.20.2 mate-applets-1.20.2_2 pluma-1.20.3_1 caja-extensions-1.20.1 feh-3.1.3 ufraw-0.22_11 gimp-lensfun-plugin-0.2.4.d_8 cinepaint-1.0.4_14 engrampa-1.20.1 gnome-online-accounts-3.28.0_1 gnumeric-1.12.43 ibus-qt-1.3.3_12 qzeitgeist-0.8.0_2 qt4-opengl-4.8.7_3 qt4-designer-4.8.7_2 qt4-qtconfig-4.8.7_2 gstreamer-plugins-vp8-0.10.23_6,3 libgnomeui-2.24.5 firefox-66.0_1,1 brasero-3.12.2 fuse-1.5.7 gimp-gutenprint-5.2.14 gimp-2.10.8,2 mate-notification-daemon-1.20.1 gnome-screenshot-3.26.0 gimp-wavelet-sharpen-plugin-0.1.2_3 gimp-wavelet-denoise-plugin-0.3.1_3 gimp-wavelet-decompose-plugin-0.1.2_3 gstreamer-ffmpeg-0.10.13_6 New packages to be INSTALLED: audacity: 2.3.1 gcc8: 8.3.0 guile: 1.8.8_4 libwmf-nox11: opencore-amr: 0.1.5 pjsip-extsrtp: 2.8 Installed packages to be UPGRADED: avidemux-plugins: 2.6.11_11 -> 2.6.11_12 Installed packages to be REINSTALLED: pkg-1.10.5_5 (options changed) pango-1.42.4_1 libXfont-1.5.4_2,2 libXvMC-1.0.10_2 snappy-1.1.6 tex-ptexenc-1.3.3_2 xterm-344 (options changed) libpci-3.6.2 libnice-0.1.13 newt-0.52.20 popt-1.16_2 libdv-1.0.0_6 asterisk13-13.25.0 (options changed) db6-6.2.32_1 gcr-3.28.0 fluidsynth-2.0.3 (options changed) liba52-0.7.4_3 libdvdnav-6.0.0 libdca-0.0.6_1 sane-backends-1.0.27_5 (options changed) json-c-0.13.1 libpurple-2.13.0 (options changed) umem-1.0.1_4 net-snmp-5.7.3_19 (options changed) p7zip-16.02_2 (options changed) Number of packages to be removed: 96 Number of packages to be installed: 6 Number of packages to be upgraded: 1 Number of packages to be reinstalled: 25 The operation will free 1 GiB. 100 MiB to be downloaded.
It definitely looks like some deps have issues. Try this to avoid pkg changing things pkg fetch audacity pkg delete audacity pkg add /var/cache/pkg/audacity-2.3.1.txz
(In reply to Jack from comment #27) Well, with "changed options" it is O.K. for me, with pkgs being with default and mine (from ports) being with different sets of options. With "INSTALL" section I also can understand that these ports are exclusive with mine installed (for example, I have libwmf but pkg wants libwmf-nox11). But why should I completely delete (not reinstall) my ports?? it is out of my understanding. Or why should I reinstall just the same ports with the same options? So, I consider it the very good advice not to mix ports and packages. Is there any way to check ports' dependencies? pkg check -B looks O.K.. I'll try your conservative way later.
I just wanted to test and verify the pkg version is not broken. Since the pkg version is working, I think it is a dependency that is messed up and not audacity that is messed up. I don't know which dependency is the problem but looking at how many pkgs pkg wants to change, it seems like something is out of date. I only use ports to install everything and never pkg, but when I pkg add audacity, it does not ask to do so much. I get this: root@upstairs:/home/jack # pkg install audacity Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... FreeBSD repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. Updating database digests format: 100% The following 6 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): Installed packages to be REMOVED: xfce4-settings-4.12.4_3 xfce4-mixer-4.11.0_4 xfce4-appfinder-4.12.0_1 Installed packages to be REINSTALLED: pkg-1.10.5_5 (options changed) audacity-2.3.1 (options changed) libxfce4menu-4.12.1_2 Number of packages to be removed: 3 Number of packages to be reinstalled: 3 The process will require 10 MiB more space. 3 MiB to be downloaded. Maybe try reinstalling all the pkgs that the pkg version tried to change and see if it makes a difference? I don't think this is something related to audacity exclusively.
(In reply to Jack from comment #27) Yes… the “conservative way” (pkg add /var/cache/pkg/audacity-2.3.1.txz) give just the same error results.
Ok, then it's definitely a dependency problem and not audacity. I'm not sure which dependency it is but it is strange that pkg install audacity would produce so many changes. How are you upgrading your ports and ports tree? Not sure what else to do other than to force upgrade everything and see if that resolves the issue.
I've managed to get audacity working again on my 12-stable amd64 system after a little trial and error. It boiled down to removing the port audio/tuxguitar and it's immediate dependencies from my system. So basically this is what i did, # pkg remove audio/tuxguitar and then # pkg autoremove I don't really know why the port of tuxguitar interferes with audacity but I at least have audacity working again.
(In reply to Jack from comment #31) (Well, why even for you pkg install audacity tries to delete all desktop manager - xfce in your case?) May be the reason, I do have many ports installed. I install only ports, no pkgs. Updating is by portsnap fetch update and then I watch pkg version -v | grep need output and portupgrade these ports. But my first main problem was with audacity and after upgrade, no other port give that error (yet). Other huge ports like firefox, libreoffice or chromium work just like before. Lately I've noticed problem with MATE clock applet (it crashes when trying to set location) and with gimp (it starts but refuses to load images with "Procedure 'file-jpeg-load' returned no return values" dying plugin message). May be some corrupted configuration or other database-files? Some other people had the same problem, although ( ). Unfortunately, I do not have audio/tuxguitar to deinstall and try.
After looking at the dependencies of tuxguitar I have noticed that x11-toolkits/libgnomeui is at fault for me. Do you have toolkits/libgnomeui installed? If so I think that may be the offending port.
Sorry for the typo is should have been x11-toolkits/libgnomeui.
Hooray! After rebuilding a couple of hundreds of ports (direct and far dependencies and alike), audio/audacity now works again for me.
I had to compile wx31-gtk3 without GSTREAMER, because that pulls in a gtk2 dependency. Why?
(In reply to martin.dieringer from comment #37) That would be a w31-gtk3 bug report, not an audacity bug.
*** Bug 238009 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
+1 the same problem here :-)
Perhaps there should be a pkg-message advising wx31-gtk3 to be compiled without gstreamer so it doesn't pull in the gtk2 dependency?
Actually gstreamer support is enabled in my install without issue, maybe it's gstreamer that needs to be recompiled without gtk2 support.
+1 Same problem, 12.0-RELEASE, amd64 packages only.
Created attachment 208996 [details] Disable dynamic load of libgnomeui and libgnome this fixes audacity Audacity version 2.3.X only builds on gtk3, but there is a dlopen and subsequent initialization of gttk2 using dlopen from src/AudacityApp.cpp This patch prevents audacity from dynamic load libgnomeui and libgnome and initialize it.
(In reply to lenzi.sergio from comment #44) Appears to work fine. Thanks for finding the issue!
Operating System: FreeBSD 12.1 KDE Plasma Version: 5.17.5 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.66.0 Qt Version: 5.13.2 Kernel Version: 12.1-RELEASE-p2 OS Type: 64-bit Memory: 15.9 GiB Exact same problem for months now. I just built and checked the source file referenced in comment #44 and for audacity_2.3.3 is not applicable. So if this is supposed to be fixed in 2.3.3 it is not for me. Sorry.
Do you have libgnomeui installed? Does it work if you uninstall that? This isn't an audacity specific problem.
(In reply to Jack from comment #47) # pkg which /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ was installed by package libgnomeui-2.24.5 Yes, it seems that I do have this. # pkg delete -f libgnomeui And yes audacity does start and seems to run. Not fully tested. It has some problems exiting, i.e. pretty much need to kill it. Hope this helps you out. I use port "gourmet" and it also uses libgnomeui. Audacity itself installs and relies on this library as well. I had to re-delete it again after installing audacity. Also, in case this makes a diff I build everything in userland but my kernel is box stock.
(In reply to rhs from comment #48) The crash on close is being fixed upstream, actively being worked on. Will see if I can get upstream to fix the libgnomeui issue also.
I had the same problem for months not being able to track down the problem. I can confirm: pkg delete libgnomeui immediately solved my problem and fortunately libgnomeui wasn't needed by any other ports. Having GSTREAMER in wx* enabled is no problem. I have that working on another machine with a working audacity AND also with tuxguitar installed.
Is this still an issue?
Jack, is this something we still need to track or can we close this PR?
Good to close, thanks