There is a problem in pppd. When client tries to use PAP while FreeBSD server has PAP disbled, pppd on server says "Timeout Sending Config-requests", but never hangup the line :( Configs are ok. (normally it terminates the connection when Timeout) But never is there is a PPP with PAP on other end :( How-To-Repeat: (Try connecting to pppd with a bad PAP auth key, i suppose)
State Changed From-To: open->feedback pppd has been upgraded a few times since this PR was filed. Can the originator (Dmitry) please retest with a more recent version of FreeBSD ?
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-bugs->brian This one ``looks'' easy
State Changed From-To: feedback->closed Closed at the originators suggestion (they're now using ppp :)