Bug 242614 - MK/Uses/python.mk: Remove Python version range deduction routine
Summary: MK/Uses/python.mk: Remove Python version range deduction routine
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Some People
Assignee: freebsd-python (Nobody)
Depends on: 243185
Blocks: 233723 237795
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Reported: 2019-12-12 23:01 UTC by Chris Hutchinson
Modified: 2020-03-16 06:21 UTC (History)
6 users (show)

See Also:
koobs: maintainer-feedback+

MK/Uses/python.mk: remove ill conceived range deduction routine (641 bytes, patch)
2019-12-12 23:01 UTC, Chris Hutchinson
no flags Details | Diff

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Description Chris Hutchinson 2019-12-12 23:01:02 UTC
Created attachment 209903 [details]
MK/Uses/python.mk: remove ill conceived range deduction routine

On a fresh build/install of world/kernel on RELENG 11.3
I was unable to complete a build of many meta-ports. The
failure was invariably due to python *version* errors. I
spent the better part of 2 days attempting to overcome these,
before bringing it up on the mailing list. Where I was
directed to a couple related pr(1)s (noted in see also).
Through these, I was able to deduce the cause of these (build)
I made a modification to Mk/Uses/python.mk and everything
built as intended/expected. Please find the svn(1) diff(1)
attached; that contains the necessary changes.

Relative URL: ^/releng/11.3
Repository Root: svn://svn.freebsd.org/base
Repository UUID: ccf9f872-aa2e-dd11-9fc8-001c23d0bc1f
Revision: 355580

URL: svn://svn.freebsd.org/ports/head
Relative URL: ^/head
Repository Root: svn://svn.freebsd.org/ports
Repository UUID: 35697150-7ecd-e111-bb59-0022644237b5
Revision: 519768

pkg delete -a
cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg
make; make deinstall && make reinstall clean

tests on:
/usr/ports/x11/xorg or /usr/ports/graphics/mesa-dri
will all fail with python version related errors

pkg delete -a
cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg
make; make deinstall && make reinstall clean
cd /usr/ports && apply the patch attached to this pr(1)
everything builds as expected.

A conditional was added to Mk/Uses/python.mk attempting to
deduce a range of acceptable (python) versions for the build
targets. But fails to accomplish it's intended goal. Resulting
in the inability to build many ports with python dependencies.

Remove the offending subroutine.

That's it!

Special thanks to the following:
Jan Beich for pointing me to related PRs on the mailing list
Walter Schwarzenfeld, for the initial insight pr237795#comment 18
Antoine Brodin, for his of the "clue bat" pr233723#Comment 7


Comment 1 Kubilay Kocak freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2019-12-13 23:36:44 UTC
^Triage: Requesting feedback from committers of ports r442730 (subsequent to ports r409204) for the relevant block in question.
Comment 2 Walter Schwarzenfeld 2020-01-26 09:22:59 UTC
Is removed with ports r522485.