Created attachment 215824 [details] printout example 12.1-STABLE r362185 GENERIC amd64 libreoffice-6.4.4_2 built from ports, all ports updated May 19 cups-2.2.13 cups-filters-1.27.5 cups-pdf-3.0.1 LANGUAGE= LC_CTYPE=sv_SE.UTF-8 OPTIONS_FILE_SET+=CUPS OPTIONS_FILE_UNSET+=DOCS OPTIONS_FILE_UNSET+=GNOME OPTIONS_FILE_UNSET+=GTK3 OPTIONS_FILE_SET+=JAVA OPTIONS_FILE_SET+=KF5 OPTIONS_FILE_SET+=MMEDIA OPTIONS_FILE_UNSET+=PGSQL OPTIONS_FILE_SET+=QT5 OPTIONS_FILE_UNSET+=SDK OPTIONS_FILE_SET+=TEST OPTIONS_FILE_SET+=WEBDAV Since update from 6.3.4_5, output is just a few characters in random places over the printed page. Regardless of printer type Export to pdf produces a blank page Printing from other apps is fine Did, portmaster -d -f -t /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice ie. rebuilt all dependencies from sctratch just to make sure there was not any problems there.
Same problem on 13.0-CURRENT amd64 r362466. LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 LC_CTYPE=de_DE.UTF-8 LC_TIME=de_DE.UTF-8 LC_COLLATE=C LC_NUMERIC=de_DE.UTF-8 LC_MONETARY=de_DE.UTF-8 Ports options are: CUPS=on: CUPS printing system support DOCS=on: Build and/or install documentation GNOME=off: GNOME desktop environment support GTK3=off: GTK+ 3 GUI toolkit support (broken visual style) JAVA=on: Add Java support (XML filters, macros, DB connections) KF5=on: KF5/Qt5 GUI toolkit support (implies QT5) MMEDIA=off: Enable multimedia backend for Impress PGSQL=off: Build with PostgreSQL-SDBC driver QT5=on: Qt5 GUI toolkit support (default visual style) SDK=off: Build with SDK TEST=off: Run all regression tests WEBDAV=off: Enable WebDAV protocol
Created attachment 215858 [details] export to pdf Folks, cannot reproduce with poudriere-built packages:( LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8 Export to pdf produce a valid file Print to pdf is also fine. cups-2.2.13 Common UNIX Printing System cups-filters-1.27.4_1 Additional backends, filters and other software for CUPS cups-pdf-3.0.1 Virtual printer for CUPS to produce PDF files Name : libreoffice Version : 6.4.4 Installed on : Mon Jun 22 05:28:01 2020 +10 Architecture : FreeBSD:12:amd64 Options : CUPS : on DOCS : off GNOME : off GTK3 : off JAVA : on KF5 : on MMEDIA : on PGSQL : off QT5 : on SDK : off TEST : off WEBDAV : on
*** Bug 247479 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I DO have the same issue -- both with locally built 6.4.4 and with official package My local packages are ALL from my local repository built with Synth. Very unlikely that it missed any dependencies. The official pre-built packages, for the purity of experiment, are all installed into a separate clean installation, for a newly created user, using `pkg install` from repo. Missing dependencies are also unlikely, as well as possible "foreign" user settings. I must add that PS printing works all right. So, going to Tools > Options > Print and unchecking the box for 'using PDF as default job format' creates valid PS output.
(In reply to Dima Panov from comment #2) Do you mean creating your PDF files using CUPS-PDF? I'm talking about creating PDF files using PDF icon in libreoffice interface.
Oh, and this problem seems to only concern the text. While exporting to PDF graphics and tables are exported all right. Only text is missing.
(In reply to bergerkos from comment #5) nope, I meant "export as pdf" -- button and via menu same for print -- print to file - as pdf as u can see on screenshot -- text is not garbled, all cyrillic and latin chars on place I have an idea. Try to set a global MM_CHARSET=UTF-8 for profile. my ~/.login_conf: me:\ :charset=UTF-8:\ :lang=en_GB.UTF-8:\ :tc=default:
(In reply to Dima Panov from comment #7) Unfortunately, this doesn't change anything. Now I wonder which poppler version you are using. Maybe it's different from mine? And it's poppler that's responsible for PDF rendering, isn't it.
same problem here on 12.1, installed via pkg (latest). Export to PDF or print to file produces a small file without any text, tables are present.
My attempts to print to laserjet, print to PDF, or export to PDF all produce blank pages. Exporting to PNG works fine. Running libreoffice from a terminal doesn't produce much output, but here it is: FreeBSD coral.acadix bacon ~ 1003: libreoffice MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information QKqueueFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: open: No such file or directory Everything installed via latest packages FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE-p6 FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE-p6 GENERIC amd64
I have the same issue, using 12-stable r360999 latest ports tree, built on poudriere. same problem exists on a fresh 12.1-R-p6 with quarterly packages. Make a txt file, allow it to be saved in the default odt format, click the PDF button to export to PDF, a file is created but with no text. If you do the same with a textfile a couple of pages long, the empty PDF will also be a couple of pages long. The system views PDF files not created with libreoffice just fine. On another machine (linux mint 18.04) this has libreoffice5 and it exports to PDF fine. I think it's a libreoffice6 problem as libreoffice has always been able to export to PDF (and epub) natively. It's been reported affecting ubuntu 20.04 and derivatives as well: the fix there seems to be to purge then reinstall, that infers ubuntu have updated their libreoffice package. How new is the libreoffice6 in ports?
seems the problem started ahppening after the upgrade 6.3.6_1 -> 6.4.4
What desktop are you using and what VCL is libreoffice using (Help->About Libreoffice)?
xfce4-wm-4.14.2 + a lot of Qt5/KDE stuff Version: Build ID: FreeBSD ports r6.4.4 CPU threads: 12; OS: FreeBSD 12.1; UI render: default; VCL: qt5; Locale: sv-SE (sv_SE.UTF-8); UI-Language: en-US Calc: threaded
What is the output of "env | grep DESKTOP" and "env | grep SAL"? Try one of the following: env SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gen libreoffice env SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=kf5 libreoffice
DESKTOP_SESSION=xfce XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=XFCE env SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gen libreoffice env SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=kf5 libreoffice Both produces a correct pdf
(In reply to Tijl Coosemans from comment #13) Hi, I'm using windowmaker-0.95.8_2 and the VCL is qt5 (qt5-core is 5.14.2_3)
env | grep SAL produces nothing. Now tested env SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gen libreoffice env SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=kf5 libreoffice and both works with all available printers I happen to have access to right now.
Does this work: env SAL_VCL_QT5_USE_CAIRO=yes libreoffice
(In reply to Tijl Coosemans from comment #15) > What is the output of "env | grep DESKTOP" and "env | grep SAL"? Nothing > Try one of the following: > env SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gen libreoffice > env SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=kf5 libreoffice These both work. I tried using this: env SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=qt5 libreoffice and we're back to blank PDFs
(In reply to Tijl Coosemans from comment #19) > Does this work: > env SAL_VCL_QT5_USE_CAIRO=yes libreoffice no this produces garbled output when libreoffice starts
(In reply to Tijl Coosemans from comment #19) env SAL_VCL_QT5_USE_CAIRO=yes libreoffice works fine for me with WindowMaker and settings, described in comment #1. Many thanks!
env SAL_VCL_QT5_USE_CAIRO=yes libreoffice garbled here too
(In reply to Tijl Coosemans from comment #15) There is no SAL| DESKTOP in my env. env SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gen libreoffice works fine and produces PDF as it should. env SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=kf5 libreoffice doesn't, but then again my libreoffice was build with kf5=off. Thank you!
(In reply to tech-lists from comment #21) Same here.
Don't know if this is helpful, but running qpdf on a LibreOffice PDF export from a terminal: FreeBSD coral.acadix bacon ~ 1005: qpdfview residence.pdf MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information QKqueueFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: open: No such file or directory "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (334): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (379): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (427): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (476): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (534): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (583): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (613): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (624): No font in show" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (647): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (695): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (834): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (989): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (1054): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (1150): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (1178): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (1205): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (1217): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (334): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (379): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (427): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (476): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (534): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (583): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (613): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (624): No font in show" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (647): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (695): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (834): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (989): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (1054): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (1150): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (1178): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (1205): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (1217): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (1524): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (1720): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (1773): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (1809): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (1848): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (1940): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (2078): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (2092): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (2191): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (2224): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (2259): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (2282): No font in show/space" "Error: Unknown font tag 'F1'" "Error (2298): No font in show"
Created attachment 216046 [details] patch I cannot reproduce the garbled output, but those who can please try the attached patch. The kf5 back end uses the qt5 back end with cairo and only a few changes on top of that, so if kf5 works, qt5+cairo should work too. This patch takes one of the changes in the kf5 back end and applies it to the qt5 back end. You can apply this patch to the ports tree using: cd /usr/ports svn patch /path/to/patchfile Then rebuild and reinstall libreoffice and run it using: env SAL_VCL_QT5_USE_CAIRO=yes libreoffice
Comment on attachment 216046 [details] patch Just rebuilt, ports at 540693 + applied patch. Still garbled. env SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=kf5 libreoffice workds as before with ok prints and pdfs
(In reply to Tijl Coosemans from comment #27) OK, it's rebuilding now with the patch applied.
(In reply to Tijl Coosemans from comment #27) Ok, that worked (with patch). When Libreoffice starts, it occupies about 90% of the screen, and there's garbled output occupying about 10% of the libreoffice window. Re-sizing the screen normalises the window. Direct conversion to PDF works (using the icon at the top of the writer window). Here is output of help: Version: Build ID: FreeBSD ports r6.4.4 CPU threads: 8; OS: FreeBSD 12.1; UI render: default; VCL: qt5+cairo; Locale: en-GB (en_GB.UTF-8); UI-Language: en-GB Calc: threaded
(In reply to Tijl Coosemans from comment #27) qt5+cairo works even without patch, but have startup visual glitch (move or resize window to get a fine redraw) qt5 pure still produce a bad pdf
additionally, even with the patched libreoffice, this: env SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=qt5 libreoffice still gives blank PDFs
Ok, for me env SAL_VCL_QT5_USE_CAIRO=yes libreoffice works fine. Print to PDF as expected. Garbled window -- yes, a little bit. But not every time even. And, as was commented, disappears with as soon as you resize. Didn't try the patch yet, Synth rebuilds 130 packages for that, I just didn't have that time yet...
(In reply to bergerkos from comment #33) It pulls in additional dependencies as I change to KF5=yes. This far it only has QT5, apart from CUPS and other non-related options.
Created attachment 216233 [details] patch2 I managed to reproduce the garbled UI and here's a patch that fixed it for me. If you applied the previous patch you can revert it using "rm /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/files/patch-vcl_qt5_Qt5Instance.cxx". Then apply this new patch as before: cd /usr/ports svn patch /path/to/patchfile Then rebuild and reinstall libreoffice and run it using: env SAL_VCL_QT5_USE_CAIRO=yes libreoffice
A commit references this bug: Author: fluffy Date: Tue Jul 7 03:15:19 UTC 2020 New revision: 541383 URL: Log: Update LibreOffice suite to 6.4.5 release QT5 VCL fixes: - Reduce startup flickering - Always use cairo font renderer Special thanks to: tijl PR: 247444 Changes: head/arabic/libreoffice/distinfo head/chinese/libreoffice-zh_CN/distinfo head/chinese/libreoffice-zh_TW/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice/Makefile head/editors/libreoffice/Makefile.common head/editors/libreoffice/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice/files/patch-sc_source_core_opencl_formulagroupcl.cxx head/editors/libreoffice/files/patch-sdext_source_pdfimport_xpdfwrapper_pdfioutdev__gpl.cxx head/editors/libreoffice/files/patch-vcl_qt5_Qt5Frame.cxx head/editors/libreoffice/files/patch-vcl_qt5_Qt5Instance.cxx head/editors/libreoffice-af/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-am/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-as/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-ast/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-be/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-bg/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-bn/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-bn_IN/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-bo/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-br/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-brx/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-bs/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-ca/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-ca_valencia/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-cs/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-cy/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-da/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-dgo/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-dsb/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-dz/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-el/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-en_GB/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-en_ZA/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-eo/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-es/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-et/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-eu/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-fa/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-fi/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-fy/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-ga/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-gd/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-gl/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-gu/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-gug/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-hi/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-hr/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-hsb/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-id/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-is/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-it/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-ka/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-kab/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-kk/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-km/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-kmr_Latn/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-kn/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-kok/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-ks/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-lb/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-lo/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-lt/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-lv/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-mai/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-mk/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-ml/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-mn/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-mni/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-mr/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-my/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-nb/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-ne/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-nl/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-nn/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-nr/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-nso/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-oc/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-om/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-or/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-pa_IN/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-ro/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-rw/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-sa_IN/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-sat/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-sd/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-si/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-sid/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-sk/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-sl/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-sq/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-sr/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-sr_Latn/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-ss/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-st/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-sv/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-sw_TZ/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-szl/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-ta/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-te/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-tg/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-th/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-tn/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-tr/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-ts/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-tt/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-ug/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-uz/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-ve/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-vec/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-xh/distinfo head/editors/libreoffice-zu/distinfo head/french/libreoffice/distinfo head/german/libreoffice/distinfo head/hebrew/libreoffice/distinfo head/hungarian/libreoffice/distinfo head/japanese/libreoffice/distinfo head/korean/libreoffice/distinfo head/polish/libreoffice/distinfo head/portuguese/libreoffice/distinfo head/portuguese/libreoffice-pt_BR/distinfo head/russian/libreoffice/distinfo head/ukrainian/libreoffice/distinfo head/vietnamese/libreoffice/distinfo
Updated from sources today including qt5- to 5.15.0 and LO to 6.4.5 % libreoffice as before, blank pdf, few scattered characters in print % env SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=kf5 libreoffice % env SAL_VCL_QT5_USE_CAIRO=yes libreoffice both works, no garbled area upon start
(In reply to peo from comment #37) With 6.4.5 qt5+cairo should be the default so you should no longer need to set an environment variable. Check with "svn status /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice" if you still have any local modifications from trying earlier patches. You can restore a file using "svn revert /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice/....".
Yes, that fixed it! Thanks, Per
A commit references this bug: Author: fluffy Date: Fri Jul 10 14:33:05 UTC 2020 New revision: 541861 URL: Log: MFH: r541383 Update LibreOffice suite to 6.4.5 release QT5 VCL fixes: - Reduce startup flickering - Always use cairo font renderer Special thanks to: tijl PR: 247444 Approved by: ports-secteam (joneum) Changes: _U branches/2020Q3/ branches/2020Q3/arabic/libreoffice/distinfo branches/2020Q3/chinese/libreoffice-zh_CN/distinfo branches/2020Q3/chinese/libreoffice-zh_TW/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice/Makefile.common branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice/files/patch-sc_source_core_opencl_formulagroupcl.cxx branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice/files/patch-sdext_source_pdfimport_xpdfwrapper_pdfioutdev__gpl.cxx branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice/files/patch-vcl_qt5_Qt5Frame.cxx branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice/files/patch-vcl_qt5_Qt5Instance.cxx branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-af/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-am/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-as/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-ast/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-be/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-bg/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-bn/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-bn_IN/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-bo/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-br/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-brx/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-bs/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-ca/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-ca_valencia/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-cs/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-cy/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-da/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-dgo/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-dsb/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-dz/distinfo branches/2020Q3/editors/libreoffice-el/distinfo 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(In reply to peo from comment #39) Garbled view problem resolved, yes. But the problem with blank PDFs still exists when invoking libreoffice without those ENV variables mentioned in the previous posts. $ svn info editors/libreoffice Path: editors/libreoffice Working Copy Root Path: /usr/ports URL: Relative URL: ^/head/editors/libreoffice Repository Root: Repository UUID: 35697150-7ecd-e111-bb59-0022644237b5 Revision: 541880 Node Kind: directory Schedule: normal Last Changed Author: fluffy Last Changed Rev: 541383 Last Changed Date: 2020-07-07 06:14:58 +0300 (Tue, 07 Jul 2020)
(In reply to bergerkos from comment #41) Did you try the commands from comment #38?
(In reply to Tijl Coosemans from comment #42) Yes, I did -- to revert the earlier patch. I also did a build before the revert and after the revert, just to make sure I'm not messing the results. I also downloaded from SVN a fresh copy of this same revision to see if it is any different from what I have. It's the same.
Sorry! It must have been the package didn't update properly. Now that I updated, it works fine. Thanks everyone!!
Working here as well since the last update. Thanks!
Thanks all for reporting and testing, if possible, please help test LibreOffice 7 : And please report the issues on freebsd-office mailing list.