When I try to install both of these packages I get conflicts: Installed packages to be REMOVED: blender: 2.91.0_3 embree: 3.12.2 onetbb: 2021.1.1 New packages to be INSTALLED: PrusaSlicer: 2.3.0_2 openvdb: 8.0.1_1 tbb: 2020.3_3
The full text: Checking integrity... done (2 conflicting) - tbb-2020.3_3 conflicts with onetbb-2021.1.1 on /usr/local/include/tbb/blocked_range.h - tbb-2020.3_3 conflicts with onetbb-2021.1.1 on /usr/local/include/tbb/blocked_range.h Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) The following 6 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): Installed packages to be REMOVED: blender: 2.91.0_3 embree: 3.12.2 onetbb: 2021.1.1 New packages to be INSTALLED: PrusaSlicer: 2.3.0_2 openvdb: 8.0.1_1 tbb: 2020.3_3 Number of packages to be removed: 3 Number of packages to be installed: 3
Related to the same issue, pkg-static: Imath-3.0.1_1 conflicts with ilmbase-2.5.5 (installs files into the same place). Problematic file: /usr/local/lib/libImath.so
^Triage: The conflict is actually: devel/onetbb (martymac@FreeBSD.org) vs. devel/tbb (also martymac@FreeBSD.org) which are depended on by cad/PrusaSlicer (teodorsigaev@gmail.com) and graphics/blender (FreeBSD@Shaneware.biz) and so I'm merely going to Cc: all of them and let them decide.
(In reply to pitwuu from comment #2) Please open a separate PR for that. At first glance I do not see that these problems depend on each other.
Posted another bug for the other issue in comment #2. https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=256089
The conflict stems from the two conflicting tbb ports, while there is a patch for PrusaSlicer to find the newer onetbb libs (https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/6355), the required dependency on openvdb which still needs the older tbb would be the blocking factor preventing blender and PrusaSlicer being installed simultaneously. Currently blender has openvdb support disabled by default to allow it to build with onetbb bug #252788 would need to be resolved for this to be fixed. It appears this may have been fixed for the next openvdb release see https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/openvdb/issues/985
Should be fixed by https://cgit.freebsd.org/ports/commit/?id=8a4af427075f66baf4fedbbaba03ffc7f3f1f536 Please re-open if not.