Hi, context: poudriere-devel, portstree refreshed about 10 mins ago: e3a7c4e0f345..5f69415313f8 main -> origin/main [00:00:18] ===> cairo-1.17.4,3 depends on file: /usr/local/sbin/pkg - found [00:00:18] => cairo-1.17.4.tar.xz doesn't seem to exist in /portdistfiles/. [00:00:18] => Attempting to fetch https://cairographics.org/releases/cairo-1.17.4.tar.xz [00:00:18] fetch: https://cairographics.org/releases/cairo-1.17.4.tar.xz: Connection refused [00:00:18] => Attempting to fetch https://cairographics.org/snapshots/cairo-1.17.4.tar.xz [00:00:18] fetch: https://cairographics.org/snapshots/cairo-1.17.4.tar.xz: Connection refused [00:00:18] => Attempting to fetch http://distcache.FreeBSD.org/ports-distfiles/cairo-1.17.4.tar.xz [00:00:18] fetch: http://distcache.FreeBSD.org/ports-distfiles/cairo-1.17.4.tar.xz: Not Found [00:00:18] => Couldn't fetch it - please try to retrieve this [00:00:18] => port manually into /portdistfiles/ and try again. [00:00:18] *** Error code 1 [00:00:18] [00:00:18] Stop. [00:00:18] make: stopped in /usr/ports/graphics/cairo [00:00:18] build of graphics/cairo | cairo-1.17.4,3 ended at Tue May 25 15:04:24 BST 2021 [00:00:18] build time: 00:00:02 [00:00:18] !!! build failure encountered !!! [00:00:18] Error: Build failed in phase: fetch
The "Connection refused" could be an issue with your Internet connection, or the Cairo website was down. I am able to fetch these files successfully: root@portsdev:/usr/ports.dev/graphics/cairo # make makesum ===> License LGPL21 MPL11 accepted by the user ===> License LGPL21 MPL11 accepted by the user ===> cairo-1.17.4,3 depends on file: /usr/local/sbin/pkg - found => cairo-1.17.4.tar.xz doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports.dev/distfiles/. => Attempting to fetch https://cairographics.org/releases/cairo-1.17.4.tar.xz fetch: https://cairographics.org/releases/cairo-1.17.4.tar.xz: Not Found => Attempting to fetch https://cairographics.org/snapshots/cairo-1.17.4.tar.xz cairo-1.17.4.tar.xz 39 MB 88 MBps 01s => ebbaebdec12878836fc84d31c59ee324e67abc05.patch doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports.dev/distfiles/. => Attempting to fetch https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/cairo/cairo/commit/ebbaebdec12878836fc84d31c59ee324e67abc05.patch fetch: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/cairo/cairo/commit/ebbaebdec12878836fc84d31c59ee324e67abc05.patch: size of remote file is not known ebbaebdec12878836fc84d31c59ee324e67abc05.patch 4272 B 90 MBps 00s ===> Fetching all distfiles required by cairo-1.17.4,3 for building root@portsdev:/usr/ports.dev/graphics/cairo # ISP is Google Fiber "Webpass" in Seattle, WA.
(In reply to Neel Chauhan from comment #1) It seems to be fetching now. I'll close this