Created attachment 233618 [details] v1 of purge patch per the vast majority of users install libraries in the erlang ecosystem via custom mix & rebar3 build tools, which we have in ports. There is no point in carrying large numbers of trophy ports which are unmaintained, and un-used by the wider community. a git branch is maintained for easy fetching and reviewing. Ports for purging, and a diff, as attachments.
Created attachment 233619 [details] list of BEAM related ports for cleaning
bjr, I would like to ask for an exp-run to check for blast radius on this ports cleanup.
Exp-run fails to start: [00:00:52] Warning: (databases/erlang-couchbeam): Error: databases/erlang-couchbeam depends on nonexistent origin 'devel/erlang-jsx' (moved to ); Please contact maintainer of the port to fix this. [00:00:52] Warning: (databases/erlang-couchbeam): Error: databases/erlang-couchbeam depends on nonexistent origin 'www/erlang-hackney' (moved to ); Please contact maintainer of the port to fix this. [00:00:52] Warning: (databases/elixir-postgrex): Error: databases/elixir-postgrex depends on nonexistent origin 'databases/elixir-db_connection' (moved to ); Please contact maintainer of the port to fix this. [00:00:52] Warning: (databases/elixir-postgrex): Error: databases/elixir-postgrex depends on nonexistent origin 'devel/elixir-connection' (moved to ); Please contact maintainer of the port to fix this. [00:00:52] Warning: (databases/elixir-mariaex): Error: databases/elixir-mariaex depends on nonexistent origin 'databases/elixir-db_connection' (moved to ); Please contact maintainer of the port to fix this. [00:00:52] Warning: (databases/elixir-postgrex): Error: databases/elixir-postgrex depends on nonexistent origin 'devel/elixir-decimal' (moved to ); Please contact maintainer of the port to fix this. [00:00:52] Warning: (databases/elixir-mariaex): Error: databases/elixir-mariaex depends on nonexistent origin 'devel/elixir-connection' (moved to ); Please contact maintainer of the port to fix this. [00:00:52] Warning: (databases/elixir-mariaex): Error: databases/elixir-mariaex depends on nonexistent origin 'devel/elixir-decimal' (moved to ); Please contact maintainer of the port to fix this. [00:01:36] Warning: (textproc/elixir-funnel): Error: textproc/elixir-funnel depends on nonexistent origin 'devel/elixir-poison' (moved to ); Please contact maintainer of the port to fix this. [00:01:36] Warning: (textproc/elixir-funnel): Error: textproc/elixir-funnel depends on nonexistent origin 'misc/elixir-uuid' (moved to ); Please contact maintainer of the port to fix this. [00:01:36] Warning: (textproc/elixir-funnel): Error: textproc/elixir-funnel depends on nonexistent origin 'www/elixir-httpoison' (moved to ); Please contact maintainer of the port to fix this.
Created attachment 234542 [details] list of BEAM related ports for cleaning rolled in exprun results, amended MOVED
Created attachment 234543 [details] v2 purge patch with exprun updates updated from last run + MOVED
thanks Antoine. Can you re-try the exprun please?
Created attachment 234545 [details] v3 port prune list
Created attachment 234546 [details] v3 now using rmport ready for exprun again
This looks fine
Vanilla, can you OK the following ports removal please? archivers/erlang-snappy converters/erlang-base64url devel/elixir-bson devel/elixir-coverex devel/elixir-excoveralls net/elixir-kafka_ex net/elixir-oauth2 security/elixir-jose security/erlang-jose www/elixir-joken Jimmy, seeing as this is a large change can you OK too? thanks!
(In reply to Dave Cottlehuber from comment #10) Sure, it's ok to me.
(In reply to Dave Cottlehuber from comment #10) Ok for me - I did lots of them :) but they are prone to conflicts when you start upgrading dependencies, so the rebar3/mix is the only sane route here. You may also get in trouble if you install something from ports and then try to override it locally in your project, so one more reason to drop these :|
A commit in branch main references this bug: URL: commit ab4964e6d96e9d3ac2c75c414dee85bf625a06fa Author: Dave Cottlehuber <> AuthorDate: 2022-06-28 06:28:39 +0000 Commit: Dave Cottlehuber <> CommitDate: 2022-06-28 06:32:30 +0000 */*: Remove expired erlang and elixir ports The rebar, rebar3 and mix tools are now more than a decade old, and are the preferred ways to fetch and install specific erlang and elixir modules, aside from core compilers, documentation, and custom build tools. See UPDATING and MOVED for details. archivers/erlang-snappy converters/erlang-base64url databases/elixir-calecto databases/elixir-db_connection databases/elixir-ecto databases/elixir-geo databases/elixir-mariaex databases/elixir-postgrex databases/elixir-timex_ecto databases/erlang-couchbeam databases/erlang-epgsql databases/erlang-eredis devel/elixir-apex devel/elixir-bson devel/elixir-cachex devel/elixir-calendar devel/elixir-combine devel/elixir-conform devel/elixir-connection devel/elixir-coverex devel/elixir-crontab devel/elixir-csv devel/elixir-decimal devel/elixir-deppie devel/elixir-dialyze devel/elixir-distillery devel/elixir-estree devel/elixir-eternal devel/elixir-exactor devel/elixir-excoveralls devel/elixir-exjsx devel/elixir-exprotobuf devel/elixir-gen_stage devel/elixir-gettext devel/elixir-inflex devel/elixir-libring devel/elixir-math devel/elixir-msgpax devel/elixir-nadia devel/elixir-nats devel/elixir-nimble_csv devel/elixir-paratize devel/elixir-plug devel/elixir-poison devel/elixir-quantum devel/elixir-smppex devel/elixir-timex devel/elixir-trailing_format_plug devel/elixir-tzdata devel/elixir-unsafe devel/erlang-bbmustache devel/erlang-certifi devel/erlang-cuttlefish devel/erlang-erlware_commons devel/erlang-gen_smtp devel/erlang-getopt devel/erlang-goldrush devel/erlang-hut devel/erlang-jobs devel/erlang-jsx devel/erlang-katana devel/erlang-lager devel/erlang-lager_syslog devel/erlang-meck devel/erlang-metrics devel/erlang-parse_trans devel/erlang-providers devel/erlang-ssl_verify_fun devel/erlang-unicode_util_compat dns/erlang-idna misc/elixir-mime misc/elixir-uuid misc/erlang-mimerl misc/erlang-mimetypes net/elixir-kafka_ex net/elixir-oauth2 net/erlang-ranch security/elixir-comeonin security/elixir-comeonin_i18n security/elixir-jose security/erlang-fast_tls security/erlang-jose textproc/elixir-earmark textproc/elixir-funnel textproc/elixir-sweet_xml textproc/erlang-edown textproc/erlang-fast_xml textproc/erlang-p1_utils textproc/erlang-yamerl www/elixir-html_entities www/elixir-html_sanitize_ex www/elixir-httpoison www/elixir-httpotion www/elixir-joken www/elixir-maru www/elixir-phoenix www/elixir-phoenix_ecto www/elixir-phoenix_html www/elixir-phoenix_pubsub www/elixir-webassembly www/erlang-cowboy www/erlang-cowlib www/erlang-hackney www/erlang-ibrowse www/erlang-mochiweb www/erlang-mochiweb-basho www/erlang-webmachine PR: 263694 Reviewed by: Approved by: erlang (with hat) Sponsored by: SkunkWerks, GmbH MOVED | 122 +++++++ UPDATING | 21 ++ archivers/Makefile | 1 - archivers/erlang-snappy/Makefile (gone) | 18 -- archivers/erlang-snappy/distinfo (gone) | 3 - archivers/erlang-snappy/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - archivers/erlang-snappy/pkg-plist (gone) | 6 - converters/Makefile | 1 - converters/erlang-base64url/Makefile (gone) | 17 - converters/erlang-base64url/distinfo (gone) | 3 - converters/erlang-base64url/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - converters/erlang-base64url/pkg-plist (gone) | 5 - databases/Makefile | 10 - databases/elixir-calecto/Makefile (gone) | 22 -- databases/elixir-calecto/distinfo (gone) | 3 - .../elixir-calecto/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 14 - databases/elixir-calecto/pkg-descr (gone) | 6 - databases/elixir-calecto/pkg-plist (gone) | 33 -- databases/elixir-db_connection/Makefile (gone) | 24 -- databases/elixir-db_connection/distinfo (gone) | 3 - databases/elixir-db_connection/pkg-descr (gone) | 5 - databases/elixir-db_connection/pkg-plist (gone) | 55 ---- databases/elixir-ecto/Makefile (gone) | 41 --- databases/elixir-ecto/distinfo (gone) | 3 - databases/elixir-ecto/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - databases/elixir-ecto/pkg-plist (gone) | 207 ------------ databases/elixir-geo/Makefile (gone) | 26 -- databases/elixir-geo/distinfo (gone) | 3 - databases/elixir-geo/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - databases/elixir-geo/pkg-plist (gone) | 50 --- databases/elixir-mariaex/Makefile (gone) | 24 -- databases/elixir-mariaex/distinfo (gone) | 3 - databases/elixir-mariaex/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - databases/elixir-mariaex/pkg-plist (gone) | 35 --- databases/elixir-postgrex/Makefile (gone) | 24 -- databases/elixir-postgrex/distinfo (gone) | 3 - databases/elixir-postgrex/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - databases/elixir-postgrex/pkg-plist (gone) | 155 --------- databases/elixir-timex_ecto/Makefile (gone) | 22 -- databases/elixir-timex_ecto/distinfo (gone) | 3 - databases/elixir-timex_ecto/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - databases/elixir-timex_ecto/pkg-plist (gone) | 18 -- databases/erlang-couchbeam/Makefile (gone) | 21 -- databases/erlang-couchbeam/distinfo (gone) | 3 - .../files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 11 - .../files/patch-rebar.config.script (gone) | 14 - databases/erlang-couchbeam/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - databases/erlang-couchbeam/pkg-plist (gone) | 36 --- databases/erlang-epgsql/Makefile (gone) | 16 - databases/erlang-epgsql/distinfo (gone) | 3 - databases/erlang-epgsql/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - databases/erlang-epgsql/pkg-plist (gone) | 91 ------ databases/erlang-eredis/Makefile (gone) | 18 -- databases/erlang-eredis/distinfo (gone) | 3 - .../files/patch-include_eredis.hrl (gone) | 14 - databases/erlang-eredis/pkg-descr (gone) | 12 - databases/erlang-eredis/pkg-plist (gone) | 22 -- devel/Makefile | 72 ----- devel/elixir-apex/Makefile (gone) | 21 -- devel/elixir-apex/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-apex/pkg-descr (gone) | 5 - devel/elixir-apex/pkg-plist (gone) | 29 -- devel/elixir-bson/Makefile (gone) | 19 -- devel/elixir-bson/distinfo (gone) | 2 - .../files/patch-lib_bson__decoder.ex (gone) | 29 -- .../files/patch-lib_bson__encoder.ex (gone) | 170 ---------- devel/elixir-bson/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 15 - devel/elixir-bson/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-bson/pkg-plist (gone) | 38 --- devel/elixir-cachex/Makefile (gone) | 25 -- devel/elixir-cachex/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-cachex/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/elixir-cachex/pkg-plist (gone) | 104 ------ devel/elixir-calendar/Makefile (gone) | 24 -- devel/elixir-calendar/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-calendar/pkg-descr (gone) | 6 - devel/elixir-calendar/pkg-plist (gone) | 65 ---- devel/elixir-combine/Makefile (gone) | 19 -- devel/elixir-combine/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-combine/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-combine/pkg-plist (gone) | 14 - devel/elixir-conform/Makefile (gone) | 21 -- devel/elixir-conform/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-conform/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 12 - devel/elixir-conform/pkg-descr (gone) | 16 - devel/elixir-conform/pkg-plist (gone) | 51 --- devel/elixir-connection/Makefile (gone) | 20 -- devel/elixir-connection/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-connection/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-connection/pkg-plist (gone) | 4 - devel/elixir-coverex/Makefile (gone) | 21 -- devel/elixir-coverex/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-coverex/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 12 - devel/elixir-coverex/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-coverex/pkg-plist (gone) | 22 -- devel/elixir-crontab/Makefile (gone) | 22 -- devel/elixir-crontab/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-crontab/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/elixir-crontab/pkg-plist (gone) | 16 - devel/elixir-csv/Makefile (gone) | 18 -- devel/elixir-csv/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-csv/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 10 - devel/elixir-csv/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-csv/pkg-plist (gone) | 26 -- devel/elixir-decimal/Makefile (gone) | 18 -- devel/elixir-decimal/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-decimal/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 10 - devel/elixir-decimal/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-decimal/pkg-plist (gone) | 8 - devel/elixir-deppie/Makefile (gone) | 20 -- devel/elixir-deppie/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-deppie/pkg-descr (gone) | 5 - devel/elixir-deppie/pkg-plist (gone) | 6 - devel/elixir-dialyze/Makefile (gone) | 18 -- devel/elixir-dialyze/distinfo (gone) | 2 - devel/elixir-dialyze/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-dialyze/pkg-plist (gone) | 4 - devel/elixir-distillery/Makefile (gone) | 17 - devel/elixir-distillery/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-distillery/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 10 - devel/elixir-distillery/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/elixir-distillery/pkg-plist (gone) | 78 ----- devel/elixir-estree/Makefile (gone) | 19 -- devel/elixir-estree/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-estree/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 10 - devel/elixir-estree/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-estree/pkg-plist (gone) | 188 ----------- devel/elixir-eternal/Makefile (gone) | 22 -- devel/elixir-eternal/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-eternal/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/elixir-eternal/pkg-plist (gone) | 12 - devel/elixir-exactor/Makefile (gone) | 19 -- devel/elixir-exactor/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-exactor/pkg-descr (gone) | 6 - devel/elixir-exactor/pkg-plist (gone) | 22 -- devel/elixir-excoveralls/Makefile (gone) | 20 -- devel/elixir-excoveralls/distinfo (gone) | 3 - .../elixir-excoveralls/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 10 - devel/elixir-excoveralls/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-excoveralls/pkg-plist (gone) | 82 ----- devel/elixir-exjsx/Makefile (gone) | 20 -- devel/elixir-exjsx/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-exjsx/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 10 - devel/elixir-exjsx/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-exjsx/pkg-plist (gone) | 21 -- devel/elixir-exprotobuf/Makefile (gone) | 24 -- devel/elixir-exprotobuf/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-exprotobuf/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 11 - devel/elixir-exprotobuf/pkg-descr (gone) | 6 - devel/elixir-exprotobuf/pkg-plist (gone) | 31 -- devel/elixir-gen_stage/Makefile (gone) | 21 -- devel/elixir-gen_stage/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-gen_stage/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/elixir-gen_stage/pkg-plist (gone) | 23 -- devel/elixir-gettext/Makefile (gone) | 20 -- devel/elixir-gettext/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-gettext/pkg-descr (gone) | 6 - devel/elixir-gettext/pkg-plist (gone) | 46 --- devel/elixir-inflex/Makefile (gone) | 18 -- devel/elixir-inflex/distinfo (gone) | 2 - devel/elixir-inflex/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-inflex/pkg-plist (gone) | 12 - devel/elixir-libring/Makefile (gone) | 19 -- devel/elixir-libring/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-libring/pkg-descr (gone) | 6 - devel/elixir-libring/pkg-plist (gone) | 13 - devel/elixir-math/Makefile (gone) | 20 -- devel/elixir-math/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-math/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-math/pkg-plist (gone) | 6 - devel/elixir-msgpax/Makefile (gone) | 20 -- devel/elixir-msgpax/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-msgpax/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/elixir-msgpax/pkg-plist (gone) | 32 -- devel/elixir-nadia/Makefile (gone) | 25 -- devel/elixir-nadia/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-nadia/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-nadia/pkg-plist (gone) | 85 ----- devel/elixir-nats/Makefile (gone) | 19 -- devel/elixir-nats/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-nats/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-nats/pkg-plist (gone) | 14 - devel/elixir-nimble_csv/Makefile (gone) | 20 -- devel/elixir-nimble_csv/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-nimble_csv/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-nimble_csv/pkg-plist (gone) | 6 - devel/elixir-paratize/Makefile (gone) | 20 -- devel/elixir-paratize/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-paratize/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/elixir-paratize/pkg-plist (gone) | 12 - devel/elixir-plug/Makefile (gone) | 24 -- devel/elixir-plug/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-plug/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-plug/pkg-plist (gone) | 112 ------- devel/elixir-poison/Makefile (gone) | 19 -- devel/elixir-poison/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-poison/pkg-descr (gone) | 8 - devel/elixir-poison/pkg-plist (gone) | 31 -- devel/elixir-quantum/Makefile (gone) | 28 -- devel/elixir-quantum/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-quantum/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-quantum/pkg-plist (gone) | 49 --- devel/elixir-smppex/Makefile (gone) | 22 -- devel/elixir-smppex/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-smppex/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-smppex/pkg-plist (gone) | 69 ---- devel/elixir-timex/Makefile (gone) | 24 -- devel/elixir-timex/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-timex/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-timex/pkg-plist (gone) | 295 ----------------- devel/elixir-trailing_format_plug/Makefile (gone) | 22 -- devel/elixir-trailing_format_plug/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-trailing_format_plug/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/elixir-trailing_format_plug/pkg-plist (gone) | 4 - devel/elixir-tzdata/Makefile (gone) | 25 -- devel/elixir-tzdata/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-tzdata/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-tzdata/pkg-plist (gone) | 35 --- devel/elixir-unsafe/Makefile (gone) | 20 -- devel/elixir-unsafe/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/elixir-unsafe/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/elixir-unsafe/pkg-plist (gone) | 8 - devel/erlang-backoff/Makefile (gone) | 17 - devel/erlang-backoff/distinfo (gone) | 3 - .../erlang-backoff/files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 13 - devel/erlang-backoff/pkg-descr (gone) | 5 - devel/erlang-backoff/pkg-plist (gone) | 5 - devel/erlang-bbmustache/Makefile (gone) | 18 -- devel/erlang-bbmustache/distinfo (gone) | 3 - .../files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 22 -- devel/erlang-bbmustache/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-bbmustache/pkg-plist (gone) | 5 - devel/erlang-bear/Makefile (gone) | 17 - devel/erlang-bear/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-bear/pkg-descr (gone) | 5 - devel/erlang-bear/pkg-plist (gone) | 5 - devel/erlang-certifi/Makefile (gone) | 20 -- devel/erlang-certifi/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-certifi/pkg-descr (gone) | 6 - devel/erlang-certifi/pkg-plist (gone) | 7 - devel/erlang-cf/Makefile (gone) | 18 -- devel/erlang-cf/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-cf/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/erlang-cf/pkg-plist (gone) | 7 - devel/erlang-common_lib/Makefile (gone) | 38 --- devel/erlang-common_lib/distinfo (gone) | 2 - .../erlang-common_lib/files/patch-Makefile (gone) | 38 --- devel/erlang-common_lib/files/ (gone) | 11 - .../files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 7 - devel/erlang-common_lib/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/erlang-common_lib/pkg-plist (gone) | 57 ---- devel/erlang-cuttlefish/Makefile (gone) | 26 -- devel/erlang-cuttlefish/distinfo (gone) | 3 - .../files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 25 -- .../files/patch-src_cuttlefish__escript.erl (gone) | 11 - devel/erlang-cuttlefish/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/erlang-cuttlefish/pkg-plist (gone) | 56 ---- devel/erlang-erlware_commons/Makefile (gone) | 22 -- devel/erlang-erlware_commons/distinfo (gone) | 3 - .../files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 10 - .../files/patch-rebar.config.script (gone) | 10 - devel/erlang-erlware_commons/pkg-descr (gone) | 9 - devel/erlang-erlware_commons/pkg-plist (gone) | 41 --- devel/erlang-esdl/Makefile (gone) | 34 -- devel/erlang-esdl/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-esdl/files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 12 - devel/erlang-esdl/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-esdl/pkg-plist (gone) | 40 --- devel/erlang-folsom/Makefile (gone) | 20 -- devel/erlang-folsom/distinfo (gone) | 2 - .../erlang-folsom/files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 10 - devel/erlang-folsom/pkg-descr (gone) | 8 - devel/erlang-folsom/pkg-plist (gone) | 56 ---- devel/erlang-gen_leader/Makefile (gone) | 22 -- devel/erlang-gen_leader/distinfo (gone) | 2 - devel/erlang-gen_leader/pkg-descr (gone) | 5 - devel/erlang-gen_leader/pkg-plist (gone) | 7 - devel/erlang-gen_smtp/Makefile (gone) | 17 - devel/erlang-gen_smtp/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-gen_smtp/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/erlang-gen_smtp/pkg-plist (gone) | 24 -- devel/erlang-getopt/Makefile (gone) | 18 -- devel/erlang-getopt/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-getopt/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/erlang-getopt/pkg-plist (gone) | 5 - devel/erlang-goldrush/Makefile (gone) | 20 -- devel/erlang-goldrush/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-goldrush/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/erlang-goldrush/pkg-plist (gone) | 33 -- devel/erlang-gpb/Makefile (gone) | 26 -- devel/erlang-gpb/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-gpb/files/patch-Makefile (gone) | 10 - .../files/ (gone) | 10 - .../files/patch-rebar.config.script (gone) | 11 - devel/erlang-gpb/files/ (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-gpb/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-gpb/pkg-plist (gone) | 60 ---- devel/erlang-gproc/Makefile (gone) | 22 -- devel/erlang-gproc/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-gproc/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/erlang-gproc/pkg-plist (gone) | 51 --- devel/erlang-hut/Makefile (gone) | 18 -- devel/erlang-hut/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-hut/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/erlang-hut/pkg-plist (gone) | 4 - devel/erlang-jobs/Makefile (gone) | 23 -- devel/erlang-jobs/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-jobs/files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 18 -- devel/erlang-jobs/pkg-descr (gone) | 8 - devel/erlang-jobs/pkg-plist (gone) | 51 --- devel/erlang-jsx/Makefile (gone) | 17 - devel/erlang-jsx/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-jsx/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/erlang-jsx/pkg-plist (gone) | 22 -- devel/erlang-jsxd/Makefile (gone) | 17 - devel/erlang-jsxd/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-jsxd/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-jsxd/pkg-plist (gone) | 7 - devel/erlang-katana/Makefile (gone) | 16 - devel/erlang-katana/distinfo (gone) | 3 - .../erlang-katana/files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 18 -- devel/erlang-katana/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-katana/pkg-plist (gone) | 41 --- devel/erlang-lager/Makefile (gone) | 22 -- devel/erlang-lager/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-lager/files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 10 - devel/erlang-lager/pkg-descr (gone) | 6 - devel/erlang-lager/pkg-plist (gone) | 44 --- devel/erlang-lager_syslog/Makefile (gone) | 21 -- devel/erlang-lager_syslog/distinfo (gone) | 3 - .../files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 11 - devel/erlang-lager_syslog/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/erlang-lager_syslog/pkg-plist (gone) | 5 - devel/erlang-meck/Makefile (gone) | 17 - devel/erlang-meck/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-meck/pkg-descr (gone) | 5 - devel/erlang-meck/pkg-plist (gone) | 25 -- devel/erlang-metrics/Makefile (gone) | 19 -- devel/erlang-metrics/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-metrics/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-metrics/pkg-plist (gone) | 15 - devel/erlang-neotoma/Makefile (gone) | 27 -- devel/erlang-neotoma/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-neotoma/files/ (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-neotoma/files/patch-Makefile (gone) | 10 - devel/erlang-neotoma/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/erlang-neotoma/pkg-plist (gone) | 12 - devel/erlang-parse_trans/Makefile (gone) | 21 -- devel/erlang-parse_trans/distinfo (gone) | 3 - .../files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 10 - devel/erlang-parse_trans/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-parse_trans/pkg-plist (gone) | 42 --- devel/erlang-poolboy/Makefile (gone) | 17 - devel/erlang-poolboy/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-poolboy/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/erlang-poolboy/pkg-plist (gone) | 9 - devel/erlang-pooler/Makefile (gone) | 17 - devel/erlang-pooler/distinfo (gone) | 2 - devel/erlang-pooler/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-pooler/pkg-plist (gone) | 22 -- devel/erlang-providers/Makefile (gone) | 20 -- devel/erlang-providers/distinfo (gone) | 3 - .../files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 7 - devel/erlang-providers/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-providers/pkg-plist (gone) | 10 - devel/erlang-sbroker/Makefile (gone) | 18 -- devel/erlang-sbroker/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-sbroker/pkg-descr (gone) | 5 - devel/erlang-sbroker/pkg-plist (gone) | 69 ---- devel/erlang-ssl_verify_fun/Makefile (gone) | 18 -- devel/erlang-ssl_verify_fun/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-ssl_verify_fun/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-ssl_verify_fun/pkg-plist (gone) | 17 - devel/erlang-syslog/Makefile (gone) | 21 -- devel/erlang-syslog/distinfo (gone) | 3 - .../files/patch-c__src_syslog__drv.c (gone) | 10 - .../erlang-syslog/files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 22 -- devel/erlang-syslog/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-syslog/pkg-plist (gone) | 10 - devel/erlang-unicode_util_compat/Makefile (gone) | 17 - devel/erlang-unicode_util_compat/distinfo (gone) | 3 - devel/erlang-unicode_util_compat/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - devel/erlang-unicode_util_compat/pkg-plist (gone) | 5 - dns/Makefile | 1 - dns/erlang-idna/Makefile (gone) | 21 -- dns/erlang-idna/distinfo (gone) | 3 - dns/erlang-idna/files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 7 - dns/erlang-idna/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - dns/erlang-idna/pkg-plist (gone) | 9 - misc/Makefile | 4 - misc/elixir-mime/Makefile (gone) | 20 -- misc/elixir-mime/distinfo (gone) | 3 - misc/elixir-mime/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - misc/elixir-mime/pkg-plist (gone) | 7 - misc/elixir-uuid/Makefile (gone) | 19 -- misc/elixir-uuid/distinfo (gone) | 3 - misc/elixir-uuid/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 12 - misc/elixir-uuid/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - misc/elixir-uuid/pkg-plist (gone) | 4 - misc/erlang-mimerl/Makefile (gone) | 17 - misc/erlang-mimerl/distinfo (gone) | 2 - misc/erlang-mimerl/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - misc/erlang-mimerl/pkg-plist (gone) | 6 - misc/erlang-mimetypes/Makefile (gone) | 17 - misc/erlang-mimetypes/distinfo (gone) | 3 - misc/erlang-mimetypes/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - misc/erlang-mimetypes/pkg-plist (gone) | 18 -- net/Makefile | 3 - net/elixir-kafka_ex/Makefile (gone) | 21 -- net/elixir-kafka_ex/distinfo (gone) | 3 - net/elixir-kafka_ex/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 10 - net/elixir-kafka_ex/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - net/elixir-kafka_ex/pkg-plist (gone) | 124 -------- net/elixir-oauth2/Makefile (gone) | 22 -- net/elixir-oauth2/distinfo (gone) | 3 - net/elixir-oauth2/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 10 - net/elixir-oauth2/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - net/elixir-oauth2/pkg-plist (gone) | 28 -- net/erlang-ranch/Makefile (gone) | 22 -- net/erlang-ranch/distinfo (gone) | 3 - net/erlang-ranch/pkg-descr (gone) | 14 - net/erlang-ranch/pkg-plist (gone) | 52 --- security/Makefile | 5 - security/elixir-comeonin/Makefile (gone) | 26 -- security/elixir-comeonin/distinfo (gone) | 3 - .../elixir-comeonin/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 10 - security/elixir-comeonin/pkg-descr (gone) | 9 - security/elixir-comeonin/pkg-plist (gone) | 19 -- security/elixir-comeonin_i18n/Makefile (gone) | 19 -- security/elixir-comeonin_i18n/distinfo (gone) | 2 - .../files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 12 - security/elixir-comeonin_i18n/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - security/elixir-comeonin_i18n/pkg-plist (gone) | 11 - security/elixir-jose/Makefile (gone) | 23 -- security/elixir-jose/distinfo (gone) | 3 - security/elixir-jose/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 10 - security/elixir-jose/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - security/elixir-jose/pkg-plist (gone) | 123 -------- security/erlang-fast_tls/Makefile (gone) | 31 -- security/erlang-fast_tls/distinfo (gone) | 3 - .../files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 18 -- security/erlang-fast_tls/pkg-descr (gone) | 5 - security/erlang-fast_tls/pkg-plist (gone) | 9 - security/erlang-jose/Makefile (gone) | 21 -- security/erlang-jose/distinfo (gone) | 3 - .../erlang-jose/files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 9 - security/erlang-jose/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - security/erlang-jose/pkg-plist (gone) | 224 ------------- textproc/Makefile | 7 - textproc/elixir-earmark/Makefile (gone) | 20 -- textproc/elixir-earmark/distinfo (gone) | 3 - textproc/elixir-earmark/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - textproc/elixir-earmark/pkg-plist (gone) | 99 ------ textproc/elixir-funnel/Makefile (gone) | 24 -- textproc/elixir-funnel/distinfo (gone) | 2 - textproc/elixir-funnel/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 14 - textproc/elixir-funnel/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - textproc/elixir-funnel/pkg-plist (gone) | 37 --- textproc/elixir-sweet_xml/Makefile (gone) | 18 -- textproc/elixir-sweet_xml/distinfo (gone) | 2 - .../elixir-sweet_xml/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 11 - textproc/elixir-sweet_xml/pkg-descr (gone) | 5 - textproc/elixir-sweet_xml/pkg-plist (gone) | 5 - textproc/erlang-edown/Makefile (gone) | 19 -- textproc/erlang-edown/distinfo (gone) | 3 - textproc/erlang-edown/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - textproc/erlang-edown/pkg-plist (gone) | 23 -- textproc/erlang-fast_xml/Makefile (gone) | 28 -- textproc/erlang-fast_xml/distinfo (gone) | 3 - .../files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 19 -- textproc/erlang-fast_xml/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - textproc/erlang-fast_xml/pkg-plist (gone) | 26 -- textproc/erlang-p1_utils/Makefile (gone) | 17 - textproc/erlang-p1_utils/distinfo (gone) | 3 - textproc/erlang-p1_utils/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - textproc/erlang-p1_utils/pkg-plist (gone) | 34 -- textproc/erlang-yamerl/Makefile (gone) | 20 -- textproc/erlang-yamerl/distinfo (gone) | 3 - textproc/erlang-yamerl/pkg-descr (gone) | 9 - textproc/erlang-yamerl/pkg-plist (gone) | 65 ---- www/Makefile | 18 -- www/elixir-html_entities/Makefile (gone) | 20 -- www/elixir-html_entities/distinfo (gone) | 3 - www/elixir-html_entities/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - www/elixir-html_entities/pkg-plist (gone) | 7 - www/elixir-html_sanitize_ex/Makefile (gone) | 22 -- www/elixir-html_sanitize_ex/distinfo (gone) | 3 - www/elixir-html_sanitize_ex/pkg-descr (gone) | 5 - www/elixir-html_sanitize_ex/pkg-plist (gone) | 24 -- www/elixir-httpoison/Makefile (gone) | 21 -- www/elixir-httpoison/distinfo (gone) | 3 - www/elixir-httpoison/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 10 - www/elixir-httpoison/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - www/elixir-httpoison/pkg-plist (gone) | 14 - www/elixir-httpotion/Makefile (gone) | 22 -- www/elixir-httpotion/distinfo (gone) | 3 - www/elixir-httpotion/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - www/elixir-httpotion/pkg-plist (gone) | 15 - www/elixir-joken/Makefile (gone) | 21 -- www/elixir-joken/distinfo (gone) | 3 - www/elixir-joken/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 10 - www/elixir-joken/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - www/elixir-joken/pkg-plist (gone) | 19 -- www/elixir-maru/Makefile (gone) | 23 -- www/elixir-maru/distinfo (gone) | 3 - www/elixir-maru/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 10 - www/elixir-maru/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - www/elixir-maru/pkg-plist (gone) | 134 -------- www/elixir-phoenix/Makefile (gone) | 33 -- www/elixir-phoenix/distinfo (gone) | 3 - www/elixir-phoenix/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 10 - www/elixir-phoenix/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - www/elixir-phoenix/pkg-plist (gone) | 349 --------------------- www/elixir-phoenix_ecto/Makefile (gone) | 25 -- www/elixir-phoenix_ecto/distinfo (gone) | 3 - www/elixir-phoenix_ecto/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - www/elixir-phoenix_ecto/pkg-plist (gone) | 21 -- www/elixir-phoenix_html/Makefile (gone) | 22 -- www/elixir-phoenix_html/distinfo (gone) | 3 - www/elixir-phoenix_html/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - www/elixir-phoenix_html/pkg-plist (gone) | 30 -- www/elixir-phoenix_pubsub/Makefile (gone) | 20 -- www/elixir-phoenix_pubsub/distinfo (gone) | 3 - www/elixir-phoenix_pubsub/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - www/elixir-phoenix_pubsub/pkg-plist (gone) | 27 -- www/elixir-webassembly/Makefile (gone) | 18 -- www/elixir-webassembly/distinfo (gone) | 2 - www/elixir-webassembly/files/patch-mix.exs (gone) | 10 - www/elixir-webassembly/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - www/elixir-webassembly/pkg-plist (gone) | 25 -- www/erlang-cowboy/Makefile (gone) | 25 -- www/erlang-cowboy/distinfo (gone) | 3 - www/erlang-cowboy/files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 5 - www/erlang-cowboy/pkg-descr (gone) | 11 - www/erlang-cowboy/pkg-plist (gone) | 192 ------------ www/erlang-cowlib/Makefile (gone) | 18 -- www/erlang-cowlib/distinfo (gone) | 2 - www/erlang-cowlib/pkg-descr (gone) | 7 - www/erlang-cowlib/pkg-plist (gone) | 24 -- www/erlang-hackney/Makefile (gone) | 30 -- www/erlang-hackney/distinfo (gone) | 3 - www/erlang-hackney/files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 14 - www/erlang-hackney/pkg-descr (gone) | 18 -- www/erlang-hackney/pkg-plist (gone) | 57 ---- www/erlang-ibrowse/Makefile (gone) | 19 -- www/erlang-ibrowse/distinfo (gone) | 3 - www/erlang-ibrowse/files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 7 - www/erlang-ibrowse/pkg-descr (gone) | 3 - www/erlang-ibrowse/pkg-plist (gone) | 20 -- www/erlang-mochiweb-basho/Makefile (gone) | 25 -- www/erlang-mochiweb-basho/distinfo (gone) | 2 - www/erlang-mochiweb-basho/pkg-descr (gone) | 5 - www/erlang-mochiweb-basho/pkg-plist (gone) | 100 ------ www/erlang-mochiweb/Makefile (gone) | 25 -- www/erlang-mochiweb/distinfo (gone) | 3 - www/erlang-mochiweb/pkg-descr (gone) | 4 - www/erlang-mochiweb/pkg-plist (gone) | 82 ----- www/erlang-webmachine/Makefile (gone) | 20 -- www/erlang-webmachine/distinfo (gone) | 3 - .../files/patch-rebar.config (gone) | 15 - www/erlang-webmachine/pkg-descr (gone) | 6 - www/erlang-webmachine/pkg-plist (gone) | 58 ---- 562 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 9907 deletions(-)