The usbdump(8) output format does not match the description in the man page. An example of actual output: 13:58:52.572788 usbus0.2 SUBM-INTR-EP=00000004,SPD=FULL,NFR=1,SLEN=64,IVAL=2 13:58:52.572794 usbus0.2 SUBM-INTR-EP=00000084,SPD=FULL,NFR=1,SLEN=0,IVAL=2 13:58:52.573164 usbus0.2 DONE-INTR-EP=00000004,SPD=FULL,NFR=1,SLEN=0,IVAL=2,ERR=0 13:58:52.574168 usbus0.2 DONE-INTR-EP=00000084,SPD=FULL,NFR=1,SLEN=64,IVAL=2,ERR=0 Apparently the output format was changed in revision 220301 (git 31a116918647) and the man page was never updated.
Feel free to submit a patch!
bugmeister would like to thank Hans Petter for his years of ports maintenance and his work on FreeBSD in general. May he rest in peace. An in-memoriam can be read at With hat: bugmeister
Created attachment 254320 [details] USB default dump format description update I've taken a stab at putting together the description of the default format. I used the code in usbdump.c and the dev/usb/usb*.h files as reference. However, I've not developed any code using USB, so I'd like someone to verify these descriptions. See attached screenshot. Thanks!
Created attachment 254338 [details] Describe usbdump(8) default format. Attaching diff. Will upload to Phabricator shortly.
Created attachment 254340 [details] Fixec markup on include file (near end) Fixed markup on include file (near end).