On the ports mailing list, someone pointed me at this patchset that will create mrsasutil, a version of the tools that will give an in-base query command (similar to mfiutil) for cards with hw.mfi.mrsas_enable=1 (which often fixes latency problems on dell Perc controllers). https://people.freebsd.org/~ambrisko/git.mrsas_support_in_mfiutil.patch I am testing it on my 12.3 and 13.1 boxes (it seems to apply cleanly for whatever it's worth). I don't think there's going to be a 12.4 or a 13.2, but if there is, it would be good to get them in there, the change delta is minor enough that I think it's warranted. Failing that, it would be useful in 14.x (but less so, since we wouldn't be running that for a year or more).
The linked patch causes the mfiutil binary to also gain features that work on mrsas drives, but they require a binary named mrsasutil. It works on my dell R430, where the onboard PERC is shown thusly: da0: <DELL PERC H330 Mini 4.30> Fixed Direct Access SPC-3 SCSI device da1: <DELL PERC H330 Mini 4.30> Fixed Direct Access SPC-3 SCSI device root@console6b:/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade # mrsasutil show volumes mrsas0 Volumes: Id Size Level Stripe State Cache Name 0 ( 931G) RAID-1 64K OPTIMAL Disabled 1 ( 1863G) RAID-1 64K OPTIMAL Disabled <Virtual Disk 1> root@console6b:/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade # mrsasutil show drives mrsas0 Physical Drives: 0 ( 932G) ONLINE <TOSHIBA MG03ACA1 FL2H serial=278HKRXSF> SATA E1:S0 1 ( 932G) ONLINE <TOSHIBA MG03ACA1 FL2H serial=278GK2SHF> SATA E1:S1 2 ( 1863G) ONLINE <TOSHIBA MG04ACA2 FJ3D serial=37REK4MWFVMC> SATA E1:S2 3 ( 1863G) ONLINE <TOSHIBA MG04ACA2 FJ3D serial=37REK4MUFVMC> SATA E1:S3 root@console6b:/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade #
In review: https://reviews.freebsd.org/D36342 https://reviews.freebsd.org/D36343
Looks like we missed the cutoff for 12.4, shame.
Looks like this wasn't in 13.2 either, but the cutoff was pretty close. Just so I understand the process, was the thing that bloked this making 13.2 time, or the fact that people didn't want to make changes on an active branch. I assume based on the "reviews" links that this will be in 14.x?
^Triage: this should be present in the upcoming 13.3.
Looks like it was not present in 13.3, either? Did I miss something?
Doug, do you have any plan to merge to 13? If not, let's close this bug.