Bug 266317 - www/firefox-105.0 and www/firefox-esr-102 freeze when using WebAuthn security keys
Summary: www/firefox-105.0 and www/firefox-esr-102 freeze when using WebAuthn security...
Status: Closed DUPLICATE of bug 270092
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: amd64 Any
: --- Affects Only Me
Assignee: Graham Perrin
URL: https://github.com/FreeBSD/freebsd-po...
Depends on:
Reported: 2022-09-09 14:04 UTC by Snake Doc
Modified: 2023-04-23 09:16 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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Description Snake Doc 2022-09-09 14:04:06 UTC
  Any WebAuthn site where a security key is required/configured (e.g., Google, GitHub, etc.) isn't working properly.
  If Firefox is working properly, the security key should light up when logging in and you should be able to press it to authenticate (or register).
  Instead, it appears to work the first or second time as usual, but repeated attempts (e.g., on a different site you're logging into) will not work (see below) and/or Firefox will hang.

  FreeBSD hostname 13.1-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p2 GENERIC amd64

  I've tried on www/firefox-104.0.1,2 and www/firefox-esr-91.13.0,1.
  Both have the same result.

  As a test, visit the Yubikey WebAuthn demo page (https://demo.yubico.com/webauthn-technical/registration).
  Click the "Next" button to perform a test registration.
  Firefox will prompt about demo.yubico.com requesting extended information about the security key, I click "Anonymize anyway" and hit "Proceed".
  Your U2F key (Yuibkey, etc.) should start flashing and Firefox should prompt with a "demo.yubico.com wants to register an account with one of your security keys."  
  Touch the security key to authorize.
  The demo site should say "Regiration compelted!", and the next step is to test the authentication.
  Click "Authenticate"
  Click the "Next" button to perform a test authentication.
  *This is where things may go one of a few different ways*

    Your U2F key (Yuibkey, etc.) should start flashing and Firefox should prompt with a "demo.yubico.com wants to register an account with one of your security keys."
    Touch the security key to authorize.
    The demo site will say "authentication successful!"
    *REPEAT the steps again and this time you will likely run into the second result below.

    Firefox should prompt with a "demo.yubico.com wants to register an account with one of your security keys."
    Your U2f key should start flashing, but doesn't.
    Click "Cancel".
    Firefox is now hung at what seems to be a network level -- open a new tab and try to pull up another website (any).
    Try to quit out of Firefox and it will not exit.  You'll need to force quit the process.

  When presented with the WebAuthn prompt from Firefox, the security key should light up and you should press it to register/authorize on the Yubikey demo site.  
  Firefox should not hang

  I also tried www/chromium, but it doesn't even light up the security key, even.

  The following logs are created when the security key either doesn't flash, or when you do press it and authentication should proceed but doesn't:

  Firefox console error: JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/TelemetrySession.jsm, line 757: NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: Component returned failure code: 0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) [nsITelemetry.msSinceProcessStartExcludingSuspend]

  /var/log/messages: devd[1016]: check_clients:  dropping disconnected client
Comment 1 Snake Doc 2022-09-23 12:54:49 UTC
Updated the title to reflect the fact that the latest versions of firefox (105) and firefox-esr (102) are still experiencing this issue.
Comment 2 Greg Balfour 2023-04-22 15:36:49 UTC
I installed 13.2-RELEASE and Firefox 111 from packages and I am now
seeing this problem too.  It was not a problem with 13.1-RELEASE and
Firefox 99 from packages.

Gmail and the Yubico test page are working fine using chrome.

I have security/u2f-devd installed.
Comment 3 Graham Perrin freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2023-04-23 09:16:27 UTC

This bug was never brought to the attention of gecko@ …

(In reply to Snake Doc from comment #0)

For future reference: if you use the bug icon at FreshPorts, to report a bug, it will increase the likelihood of things being triaged in good time. Thanks. 

(In reply to Greg Balfour from comment #2)

> 111

Please see commit 388dd4e for www/firefox 111.0.1_2,2

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 270092 ***