Bug 268242 - [NEW PORT] mail/mailslurper: Small SMTP mail server that slurps mail into oblivion
Summary: [NEW PORT] mail/mailslurper: Small SMTP mail server that slurps mail into obl...
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Only Me
Assignee: Muhammad Moinur Rahman
URL: https://github.com/mailslurper/mailsl...
Depends on:
Reported: 2022-12-08 13:57 UTC by Einar Bjarni Halldórsson
Modified: 2022-12-08 19:11 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:

Adds mail/mailslurper (39.49 KB, patch)
2022-12-08 13:57 UTC, Einar Bjarni Halldórsson
no flags Details | Diff

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Description Einar Bjarni Halldórsson 2022-12-08 13:57:58 UTC
Created attachment 238631 [details]
Adds mail/mailslurper

MailSlurper is a small SMTP mail server that slurps mail into oblivion! MailSlurper is perfect for individual developers or small teams writing mail-enabled applications that wish to test email functionality without the risk or hassle of installing and configuring a full blown email server. It's simple to use! Simply setup MailSlurper, configure your code and/or application server to send mail through the address where MailSlurper is running, and start sending emails! MailSlurper will capture those emails into a database for you to view at your leisure.
Comment 1 Einar Bjarni Halldórsson 2022-12-08 13:58:37 UTC
portlint OK
Have been building in poudriere and running for months.
Comment 2 commit-hook freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2022-12-08 15:17:16 UTC
A commit in branch main references this bug:

URL: https://cgit.FreeBSD.org/ports/commit/?id=e11b4a2169dbed48aff655f48f86fd1a60993e2a

commit e11b4a2169dbed48aff655f48f86fd1a60993e2a
Author:     Einar Bjarni Halldórsson <einar@isnic.is>
AuthorDate: 2022-12-08 15:13:52 +0000
Commit:     Muhammad Moinur Rahman <bofh@FreeBSD.org>
CommitDate: 2022-12-08 15:16:32 +0000

    mail/mailslurper: New port

    MailSlurper is a small SMTP mail server that slurps mail into oblivion!

    MailSlurper is perfect for individual developers or small teams writing
    mail-enabled applications that wish to test email functionality without
    the risk or hassle of installing and configuring a full blown email

    It's simple to use! Simply setup MailSlurper, configure your code and/or
    application server to send mail through the address where MailSlurper is
    running, and start sending emails!

    MailSlurper will capture those emails into a database for you to view at
    your leisure.

    PR:             268242
    Reported by:    einar@isnic.is
    Tested by:      bofh
    Approved by:    einar@isnic.is (submitter is maintainer)

 mail/Makefile                                      |   1 +
 mail/mailslurper/Makefile (new)                    |  50 +++++
 mail/mailslurper/distinfo (new)                    |  59 ++++++
 ...ch-cmd_mailslurper_adminAuthMiddleware.go (new) |  11 ++
 ...ailslurper_controllers_AdminController.go (new) |  11 ++
 ...lslurper_controllers_ServiceController.go (new) |  11 ++
 .../patch-cmd_mailslurper_mailslurper.go (new)     |  11 ++
 ...-cmd_mailslurper_serviceAuthMiddleware.go (new) |  11 ++
 ...tch-cmd_mailslurper_setupAdminListener.go (new) |  11 ++
 ...-cmd_mailslurper_setupServicesListener.go (new) |  13 ++
 mail/mailslurper/files/patch-go.mod (new)          |  26 +++
 mail/mailslurper/files/patch-go.sum (new)          | 203 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../patch-pkg_contexts_AdminUserContext.go (new)   |  11 ++
 ...atch-pkg_mailslurper_ApplyThemeRequest.go (new) |  11 ++
 .../files/patch-pkg_ui_TemplateRenderer.go (new)   |  11 ++
 mail/mailslurper/pkg-descr (new)                   |  12 ++
 16 files changed, 463 insertions(+)
Comment 3 Adam Weinberger freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2022-12-08 15:23:54 UTC
FWIW, all these patches were committed upstream years ago. Given that the last commit is from 2 years ago, it's probably safe to use GH_TAGNAME=3231e9f9.
Comment 4 Einar Bjarni Halldórsson 2022-12-08 19:11:26 UTC
(In reply to Adam Weinberger from comment #3)

Thanks for pointing that out. This port has been sitting in our local branch for a long time, I'm not sure why we never pushed it upstream before.

I'll go through the patches tomorrow and remove them after confirming they've been merged upstream.