Bug 270644 - if_bnxt: IPv6 udp traffic always routed to Tx queue 0 on BCM574xx/BCM575xx controllers
Summary: if_bnxt: IPv6 udp traffic always routed to Tx queue 0 on BCM574xx/BCM575xx co...
Status: New
Alias: None
Product: Base System
Classification: Unclassified
Component: kern (show other bugs)
Version: 12.3-RELEASE
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-net (Nobody)
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Reported: 2023-04-04 17:59 UTC by Sumit Saxena
Modified: 2023-04-05 00:50 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Description Sumit Saxena 2023-04-04 17:59:57 UTC
BCM574xx/BCM575xx controllers are managed by "if_bnxt" driver module. I am observing an issue with these controllers while running IPv6 UDP traffic. The traffic is always routed to Tx queue 0 even though more than one Tx queues are configured. 

Network topology: SUT1(BCM574xx) <---> Switch <---> SUT2/(BCM574xx)

Steps to reproduce:

1. Run iperf server on SUT2:
iperf3 -s

2. Run iperf client on SUT1(System under test): 
iperf3 -c ::<SUT2_address> -P 32 -t 3600 -l 1000 -w 1000 -u 

3. Checked Tx packet stats from sysctl and observed that all packets are routed to txq0. 

# sysctl dev.bnxt.2.hwstats | grep ucast_pkts | grep txq
dev.bnxt.2.hwstats.txq9.ucast_pkts: 0
dev.bnxt.2.hwstats.txq8.ucast_pkts: 0
dev.bnxt.2.hwstats.txq7.ucast_pkts: 0
dev.bnxt.2.hwstats.txq6.ucast_pkts: 0
dev.bnxt.2.hwstats.txq5.ucast_pkts: 0
dev.bnxt.2.hwstats.txq4.ucast_pkts: 0
dev.bnxt.2.hwstats.txq3.ucast_pkts: 0
dev.bnxt.2.hwstats.txq2.ucast_pkts: 0
dev.bnxt.2.hwstats.txq1.ucast_pkts: 6
dev.bnxt.2.hwstats.txq0.ucast_pkts: 105706

Expected results:
IPv6 udp traffic should be fairly distributed among all Tx queues.

The same issue is not observed with IPv4 UDP traffic. 

Selection of Tx queue is done by FreeBSD "iflib" layer.
Is it a iflib layer issue ? or the driver missed to do certain settings ?