Created attachment 242638 [details] uname -a I am having a weird situation and after a conversation on #FreeBSD IRC channel I got the advice to post it here. I have the following entries for networking within my rc.conf... --- background_dhclient="YES" wlans_iwm0="wlan0" ifconfig_wlan0="WPA up" # MAC address redacted ifconfig_em0="ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx up" cloned_interfaces="lagg0 bridge0 tap0" ifconfig_lagg0="laggproto failover laggport em0 laggport wlan0 DHCP" ifconfig_bridge0="addm tap0 up" ifconfig_bridge0_alias0="inet netmask" pf_enable="yes" --- ... with the intent of having a link-aggregation of my ethernet port and wifi and having bridged tap interfaces (which will be NATed vía pf to serve internet to VMs). But after a system start the bridge0 interface isn't available (using 'ifconfig', it does not show up). With the same configuration, executing the following commands don't work -> the bridge disappears after the last statement: 'ifconfig bridge0 create; ifconfig bridge0 addm tap0" while the following command works and the bridge interface keeps existing: 'ifconfig bridge1 create; ifconfig bridge1 addm tap0" --- What I've tried so far is: - switching bridge0 in rc.conf to bridge1 Which made me discover the following: - when defining bridgeN in rc.conf manually setting up (addm tap) bridgeN does not work, but bridgeM does (where M is not equal to N) What have I screwed up in my config? To be honest: I don't know how to reproduce this on other systems - as I am fairly new to FreeBSD. But I can supply whatever information is needed about my system.
Created attachment 242639 [details] loader.conf
Created attachment 242640 [details] dmesg.boot
Created attachment 242641 [details] rc.conf
Created attachment 242642 [details] sysctl.conf
Alright... I figured out that I was running networkmgr - which caused the bridge interface to be destroyed. I uninstalled networkmgr and now it works as intended.
might be good to submit this upstream then