When installing through a serial console, it is impossible to get a root prompt without adding a user to group wheel who can su. Fix: Two possibilities: 1) Make fixit shell launch a shell directly, or provide some way to get to "emergency holographic shell" besides pressing alt-F4, which closes Tera Term. :) 2) Turn on the serial console the system installs through in /etc/ttys. Thanks, -danny How-To-Repeat: Hook up a null modem with Tera Term and install FreeBSD on a box.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-bugs->jkh Sysinstall issue
Responsible Changed From-To: jkh->eric Why does a dog lick himself?
Responsible Changed From-To: eric->freebsd-qa assign idle sysinstall bugs to freebsd-qa, as suggested by murray
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-qa->qa Use short names for mailing list to make searches using the web query form work with the shown responsible. This also makes open PRs show up in the summery mail.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-bugs->randi Taking this.
Responsible Changed From-To: randi->freebsd-sysinstall back to mailing list.
sysinstall has been replaced by bsdinstall in FreeBSD 9.x. Closing.