Bug 272941 - www/librewolf: Gitlab repository deleted, oops
Summary: www/librewolf: Gitlab repository deleted, oops
Status: Closed Overcome By Events
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-ports-bugs (Nobody)
Depends on:
Reported: 2023-08-04 16:41 UTC by threadpanic
Modified: 2024-07-01 16:37 UTC (History)
6 users (show)

See Also:
bugzilla: maintainer-feedback? (freebsd)


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Description threadpanic 2023-08-04 16:41:00 UTC
Hi all, 

The Gitlab repository of this port seems to have been deleted by accident. At the time of writing, the FreeBSD port seems abandoned. Is there a way we can restart this and start making updates+creating a new repo, probably.
Comment 1 Robert Clausecker freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2023-08-04 18:27:03 UTC
Is there a replacement repository that could be used?
Comment 2 threadpanic 2023-08-05 07:25:09 UTC
We can create a new empty repository for it and populate it with the contents of the www/librwolf folder contents, but all tickets and history is gone. 

We're currently hosted by Gitlab, but are in to process of moving to Codeberg.org, so I guess the easiest thing to do is to just create that new repository there.
Comment 3 threadpanic 2023-08-05 10:32:43 UTC
Replacement repository up at:


It's mostly tickets about finding out what happened at the moment..
Comment 4 Daniel Engberg freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2023-08-05 13:37:26 UTC
Seems to be there? https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/browser/source

I would however argue that we should remove the port unless someone (tm) steps up to maintain it as outdated browsers are bad.
Comment 5 Robert Clausecker freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2023-08-05 13:54:34 UTC
(In reply to Daniel Engberg from comment #4)

Submitter is a librewolf developer.  I think the repository that was removed held FreeBSD-specific patches for the browser.
Comment 6 threadpanic 2023-08-10 05:02:33 UTC
Yes, we're aware that Librewolf is out of date on Freebsd. 

I was thinking of taking up the Freebsd port myself, if the previous maintainer doesn't come forward. I know Freebsd reasonably well, so I think I can do it.

The repository that was deleted contained the Freebsd specific stuff and tickets. The main source repository is still valid, but we're moving to Codeberg anyway.
Comment 7 Martin Filla 2024-05-06 04:35:40 UTC
(In reply to threadpanic from comment #6)
Gitlab is still good for download source code for librewolf.
Actualy i am working on new version but i have problem with extra big patch.
Can be close.
Comment 8 Martin Filla 2024-06-24 07:24:02 UTC
(In reply to threadpanic from comment #6)
do you close this bug?