Bug 272997 - www/xsp: Update to 4.7.1
Summary: www/xsp: Update to 4.7.1
Status: New
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-ports-bugs (Nobody)
Depends on:
Reported: 2023-08-07 14:05 UTC by Rodrigo Osorio
Modified: 2024-12-11 19:24 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:

Update to 4.7.1 (3.28 KB, patch)
2023-08-07 14:05 UTC, Rodrigo Osorio
no flags Details | Diff

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Description Rodrigo Osorio freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2023-08-07 14:05:00 UTC
Created attachment 243925 [details]
Update to 4.7.1

Changes for 4.6:
  * Don't fetch platform ID everytime
  * fix the setsockopt call to (un)cork the socket 
Changes for 4.7.1:
  * Misc. build fixes
  * Remove usage of removed Mono.Security APIs and redirect xsp2 -> xsp4

The project doesn't provide any up-to-date changelog

I found some issues running the sample webserver code as described in the INSTALL file[1]
running the command : fetch ""

The same error occurs with the current version in port (4.5) to me *this looks like a mono issue*

% (cd /usr/local/lib/xsp/test && xsp4)
Listening on address:
Root directory: /usr/local/lib/xsp/test
Listening on port: 9000 (non-secure)
Hit Return to stop the server.
System.IO.IOException: kevent() error at initial event registration, error code = '9'
  at System.IO.KqueueMonitor.Start () [0x0009f] in <b3922b7d60404fa9ae645f1fb97f5b6b>:0
  at System.IO.KeventWatcher.StartDispatching (System.IO.FileSystemWatcher fsw) [0x00033] in <b3922b7d60404fa9ae645f1fb97f5b6b>:0
  at System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Start () [0x00000] in <b3922b7d60404fa9ae645f1fb97f5b6b>:0
  at System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.set_IncludeSubdirectories (System.Boolean value) [0x00022] in <b3922b7d60404fa9ae645f1fb97f5b6b>:0
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.set_IncludeSubdirectories(bool)
  at System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory.WatchLocationForRestart (System.String virtualPath, System.String filter, System.Boolean watchSubdirs) [0x00056] in <d6b4a86d64cf4f0ba7001bead8cf207f>:0
  at System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory+<>c.<InitType>b__38_0 (System.Object <p0>) [0x00000] in <d6b4a86d64cf4f0ba7001bead8cf207f>:0

[1] https://github.com/mono/xsp/blob/main/INSTALL
Comment 1 Robert Clausecker freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2023-08-07 18:07:46 UTC
I see that you have a ports commit bit, so no approval is needed.
Are you looking for code review?
Comment 2 Rodrigo Osorio freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2023-08-07 20:39:16 UTC
(In reply to Robert Clausecker from comment #1)

Yes a review would be beneficial, not about the changes I made
on the port but to figure out if the code still working on FreeBSD.

As I said in my first message, I try to run some sample code provided
for test with the xsp package, and neither the current version nor the
updated one work as expected. Due to my little knowledge on Mono, I don't
know if the code doesn't work at all or if I'm doing something wrong.

I would appreciate some feedback from the FreeBSD mono team, if we still
having people working on that field.

Best regards
-- rodrigo
Comment 3 Rodrigo Osorio freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2023-08-08 06:55:58 UTC
(In reply to Robert Clausecker from comment #1)

I sent a message to freebsd-mono ML about this PR asking for feedbacks.
Comment 4 Zsolt Udvari freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-12-11 19:24:34 UTC
The port is updated to 4.7.1 (https://cgit.freebsd.org/ports/commit/www/xsp?id=b893bc6c024a77e8f391187c81a7808f60e4e63f).
Do you want this PR open or can close it?