Originally at bug 260994 comment 0 <https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/glossary/#_c> * add an entry for console. <https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/glossary/#_d> * add an entry for DRM; see digital rights management and Direct Rendering Manager * digital rights management (maybe make a separate bug report) might simply state that Google's Widevine CDM <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Widevine> is not a feature of any web browser in the FreeBSD ports collection * Direct Rendering Manager can refer to e.g. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_Rendering_Manager>. <https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/glossary/#_k> * add entry for KMS; see Kernel Mode Setting * Kernel Mode Setting can refer to e.g. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_Rendering_Manager#Kernel_Mode_Setting> and FreeBSD Handbook section (Suspend/resume). <https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/glossary/#_t> * add an entry for ttys; see console.
Also <https://codeberg.org/grahamperrin/freebsd-doc/issues/39#issuecomment-1287918> for: port