Bug 274706 - The C++ header 'execution' is missing
Summary: The C++ header 'execution' is missing
Status: New
Alias: None
Product: Base System
Classification: Unclassified
Component: standards (show other bugs)
Version: 13.2-STABLE
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-toolchain (Nobody)
Depends on:
Reported: 2023-10-24 23:17 UTC by Yuri Victorovich
Modified: 2024-12-14 02:29 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Yuri Victorovich freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2023-10-24 23:17:22 UTC
The 'execution' header is defined in C++17: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/execution_policy_tag

The clang status page doesn't mention it: https://clang.llvm.org/cxx_status.html

Does this mean that is should be supported?
Comment 1 Mark Millard 2023-10-26 03:45:57 UTC
First a direct answer . . .

https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/compiler_support/17 reports:

Parallel algorithms and execution policies (P0024R2)

for: Clang libc++

as being based on LLVM version: 17 (partial)*

https://libcxx.llvm.org/Status/Cxx17.html still reports:

The Parallelism TS Should be Standardized

I doubt that 13.2 STABLE is based on LLVM17+ materials at this point.
Comment 2 Mark Millard 2023-10-26 04:04:40 UTC
(In reply to Mark Millard from comment #1)

FYI: the other part after the "direct answer" was done outside
bugzilla (also: off list). I forgot to remove that 1st line.
Comment 3 Mark Millard 2023-10-27 00:59:34 UTC
More from the stndard places for libc++ status information, in this case:


reports (probably for llvm17 or so at this point):

. . . Those are disabled by default because they are neither API nor ABI stable. However, the -fexperimental-library compiler flag can be defined to turn those features on.

The following features are currently considered experimental and are only provided when -fexperimental-library is passed:

The parallel algorithms library (<execution> and the associated algorithms)
std::stop_token, std::stop_source and std::stop_callback
std::chrono::tzdb and related time zone functionality

This need to use -fexperimental-library to enable features has been
mentioned in various prior submittals of supposedly missing features
in FreeBSD's LLVM (but are really things that still have an API or
ABI that is not yet known stable in libc++: not yet known to be
well implemented).

At this point I do not know if FreeBSD has -fexperimental-library
working for use of <execution> or not for stable/13 . I may see
about setting up an experiment based on a snapshot image at some
point. I'm also not sure of the LLVM 16 status vs. LLVM17+ status
Comment 4 Mark Millard 2023-10-27 06:49:27 UTC
(In reply to Mark Millard from comment #3)

The file "execution" is not missing from 13.2-STABLE as of what I just checked.
It is in an expected sort of place:

# uname -apKU
FreeBSD generic 13.2-STABLE FreeBSD 13.2-STABLE stable/13-n256634-c4dfacd0b3c3 GENERIC arm64 aarch64 1302508 1302508

# find /usr/include -name '*execution*' -print

The actual "problem" looks to be that other files are missing:

# grep -r _LIBCPP_HAS_PARALLEL_ALGORITHMS /usr/include
/usr/include/c++/v1/algorithm:#if defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_PARALLEL_ALGORITHMS) && _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 17
/usr/include/c++/v1/execution:#if defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_PARALLEL_ALGORITHMS) && _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 17
/usr/include/c++/v1/memory:#if defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_PARALLEL_ALGORITHMS) && _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 17
/usr/include/c++/v1/numeric:#if defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_PARALLEL_ALGORITHMS) && _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 17
/usr/include/c++/v1/__config_site:/* #undef _LIBCPP_HAS_PARALLEL_ALGORITHMS */

and has /usr/include/c++/v1/__config_site with:


/* #undef _LIBCPP_HAS_MUSL_LIBC */

. . .


so _LIBCPP_HAS_PARALLEL_ALGORITHMS is not defined by default. That
in turn disables execution's content.

(That source looks to predate the -fexperimental-library

# c++ -std=c++17 -D_LIBCPP_HAS_PARALLEL_ALGORITHMS execution_test.cpp 
In file included from execution_test.cpp:1:
In file included from /usr/include/c++/v1/mutex:192:
In file included from /usr/include/c++/v1/__mutex_base:20:
In file included from /usr/include/c++/v1/system_error:154:
In file included from /usr/include/c++/v1/string:576:
In file included from /usr/include/c++/v1/string_view:1025:
/usr/include/c++/v1/algorithm:1909:12: fatal error: '__pstl_algorithm' file not found
#  include <__pstl_algorithm>
1 error generated.

# find /usr/include -name '*pstl*' -print


# grep -r pstl /usr/include/c++/v1/
/usr/include/c++/v1/algorithm:#  include <__pstl_algorithm>
/usr/include/c++/v1/execution:#   include <__pstl_execution>
/usr/include/c++/v1/memory:#   include <__pstl_memory>
/usr/include/c++/v1/numeric:#   include <__pstl_numeric>

So it is the __pstl_* material that is missing, not execution itself.

I've not checked, but it may be that the c++ language was updated
to LLVM16 without updating libc++ to also be based on LLVM16's
assoicated libc++ source.

I will note that:

# uname -apKU
FreeBSD CA72-16Gp-ZFS 15.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 15.0-CURRENT #120 main-n266130-d521abdff236-dirty: Tue Oct 24 18:26:23 PDT 2023     root@CA72-16Gp-ZFS:/usr/obj/BUILDs/main-CA72-nodbg-clang/usr/main-src/arm64.aarch64/sys/GENERIC-NODBG-CA72 arm64 aarch64 1500002 1500002

has the same basic status:

# find /usr/include -name '*pstl*' -print

# grep -r pstl /usr/include/c++/v1/
/usr/include/c++/v1/numeric:#   include <__pstl_numeric>
/usr/include/c++/v1/memory:#   include <__pstl_memory>
/usr/include/c++/v1/algorithm:#  include <__pstl_algorithm>
/usr/include/c++/v1/execution:#   include <__pstl_execution>
Comment 5 Mark Millard 2023-10-27 07:08:34 UTC
(In reply to Mark Millard from comment #4)

As for upstream LLVM related materials:


looks to agree with what FreeBSD has for the execution file content and related
material (or lack of it).

By contrast,


is the first version with the content of the execution file filled in (in the
normal manor).

Net result for this bugzilla submittal: it is reporting that 13.2-STABLE is
not using LLVM17+ related materials yet, 17 being the first version to have
the some useful content for the execution header.

As noted elsewhere in the comments, LLVM 17's related libc++ still has
-fexperimental-library status for the likes of the execution file.
Comment 6 Mark Millard 2023-11-02 02:16:45 UTC
(In reply to Mark Millard from comment #5)

The libcxx/include/execution file support may be rather incomplete,
even in llvm17:

https://libcxx.llvm.org/Status/?C=M;O=D reports:

Parallelism.html	2023-11-01 07:53	17K

and the content reports:

[parallel.execpol], Execution policies, None, unassigned, Not Started
Comment 7 Mark Linimon freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-12-14 01:40:59 UTC
^Triage: let the toolchain folks know about this one.
Comment 8 Mark Millard 2024-12-14 02:29:26 UTC
Just for reference for the modern llvm 19 vintage time frame:


still reports:

__cpp_lib_execution unimplemented
__cpp_lib_parallel_algorithm unimplemented

so the implementation is likely incomplete or in error.

If partially implemented, this would mean still needing to use
the likes of -fexperimental-library in order to have the
draft version of the related headers available.

It is an up-stream status issue that FreeBSD just tracks.