Bug 281123 - java/eclipse: Update 4.24 → 4.32
Summary: java/eclipse: Update 4.24 → 4.32
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Some People
Assignee: Vladimir Druzenko
Depends on:
Reported: 2024-08-29 11:19 UTC by Norbert Grundmann
Modified: 2024-09-22 14:27 UTC (History)
9 users (show)

See Also:

Zipped file of the port files (191.15 KB, application/gzip)
2024-08-29 11:19 UTC, Norbert Grundmann
no flags Details
Nwer port file (182.57 KB, application/gzip)
2024-08-29 16:49 UTC, Norbert Grundmann
no flags Details
Newest archive / version of the port files (176.12 KB, application/gzip)
2024-08-30 05:26 UTC, Norbert Grundmann
no flags Details
Updated ports file (48.58 KB, application/gzip)
2024-08-30 12:16 UTC, Norbert Grundmann
no flags Details
Adpated the newest small changes in Makefile (47.77 KB, application/gzip)
2024-09-06 06:30 UTC, Norbert Grundmann
no flags Details
Missing addons (13.29 KB, application/gzip)
2024-09-13 07:07 UTC, Norbert Grundmann
no flags Details

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Norbert Grundmann 2024-08-29 11:19:52 UTC
Created attachment 253160 [details]
Zipped file of the port files


I "upgraded" the port java/eclipse to version 4.32.  There is a port, but an older for version 4.24

I can build the port manually - that means online in a terminal (meaning with online downloads and somewhere as a user on the system), or use the ports.  I made tests for myself and created the folder /usr/ports/java/eclipse-4.32 and put the required files into, then run "make && make install" - and it worked.  I will put the port files as attachment,  but for more information have may have a look on my personal github repository:


Maybe it would make sense to (re-)use the eclipse port and put this version inside?!  And overall, maybe I will be the maintainer?!

I hope that a lot of people would like to use it - and more, I hope it works :-)

By the way: I compiled it for amd64, aarch64, powerpc64 and powerpc64le architectures, but I could only check the amd64.  And another user did it too.  His "manual" build worked.

Have a good day, Norbert
Comment 1 Kurt Jaeger freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-08-29 11:36:34 UTC
Comment 2 Kurt Jaeger freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-08-29 11:57:35 UTC
(In reply to Kurt Jaeger from comment #1)

fails during build with:

===>  Building for eclipse-4.32
cd /wrkdirs/usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32 && /usr/bin/tar --no-same-owner -xvzf../../files/binaries.tgz
tar: Error opening archive: Failed to open '../../files/binaries.tgz'
*** Error code 1
Comment 3 Norbert Grundmann 2024-08-29 12:12:12 UTC
could you check if in


there exists

I had no error when I build it here...

maybe I programmed wrong with WRKDIR and WRKSRC ??
Comment 4 Norbert Grundmann 2024-08-29 12:33:04 UTC
there was missing a blank before the file specification

cd ${WRKSRC} && ${TAR} --no-same-owner -xvzf ../../files/binaries.tgz

I added this - maybe it was the failure?
Comment 5 Vladimir Druzenko freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-08-29 14:07:02 UTC
cd ${WRKSRC} && ${TAR} --no-same-owner -xvzf../../files/binaries.tgz
Make it without binary files in port please.
Comment 6 Norbert Grundmann 2024-08-29 14:23:03 UTC

But I need them - and by the way, I called it binary, but they are just the FreeBSD adapted source files and folders as the counterpart for Linux source files...  which has to be added to get the build working.
Comment 7 Norbert Grundmann 2024-08-29 14:34:17 UTC
If you have another idea how to add files to a source tree - let me know... :-)
Comment 8 Vladimir Druzenko freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-08-29 15:06:32 UTC
(In reply to ngrundmann from comment #7)
1. Text files add to files/ (or allowed to files/SOMESUBDIR/ if you have hundreds files).
Then you can copy them in WRKSRC in pre-patch or post-patch.

Also you can create patch like this:
--- dir/file.name.orig  1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
+++ dir/file.name
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Test file
+Test file
+Test file
+Test file

2. cd ${WRKSRC} && ${PATCH} < ../../files/eclipse.patches
Why manually patch???
Just rename it to files/patch-eclipse and remove this line.

P.S. Don't try to reinvent the wheel - all such mechanisms have long been in the ports framework.
Comment 9 Norbert Grundmann 2024-08-29 15:09:47 UTC
Thanks for the comments - I am new in writing a port...  sorry ;-)

I try to adapt as much as possible - and let you know when you may start a build again, okay :-)

Cheers, Norbert
Comment 10 Li-Wen Hsu freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-08-29 16:24:09 UTC
(In reply to ngrundmann from comment #0)
Thanks for the patch! BTW, if possible, please set your name at https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/userprefs.cgi?tab=account so we can use it in the Author field in the git commit.
Comment 11 Norbert Grundmann 2024-08-29 16:49:37 UTC
Created attachment 253167 [details]
Nwer port file

Newer port file
Comment 12 Norbert Grundmann 2024-08-29 16:49:57 UTC
So I added the changes for files and binaries and removed the explizit paching call...

For port files either you look on

or you take the attached tar file which contains the files for /usr/ports/eclipse

Hope it works now :-)
Comment 13 Norbert Grundmann 2024-08-29 16:51:21 UTC
Comment on attachment 253167 [details]
Nwer port file

This is the updated port file
Comment 14 Vladimir Druzenko freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-08-29 17:42:46 UTC
(In reply to Norbert Grundmann from comment #13)
Launched a test build in poudriere 14.1 amd64…
Comment 15 Vladimir Druzenko freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-08-29 19:34:56 UTC
(In reply to Norbert Grundmann from comment #13)
-        cd ${WRKSRC} && ${CP} -R ../../files/addons/ .
+        cd ${WRKSRC} && ${CP} -R ${FILESDIR}/addons/ .
Comment 16 Vladimir Druzenko freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-08-29 20:49:16 UTC
(In reply to Vladimir Druzenko from comment #14)
Build fine.
Trying to build on live system 14.1 amd64 and run it.
Comment 17 Vladimir Druzenko freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-08-30 00:59:09 UTC
Work for me.

Norbert, do you want to become the maintainer of this port?
Comment 18 Norbert Grundmann 2024-08-30 05:26:03 UTC
Created attachment 253176 [details]
Newest archive / version of the port files

So this is the "final" version with a small change in Makefile.
Comment 19 Norbert Grundmann 2024-08-30 05:29:05 UTC
Hello @Vladimir,

nice to read that the port worked for you.  Yes, I would like to become the maintainer.

When will the package be in latest / quaterly?

Have a nice day, Norbert
Comment 20 Vladimir Druzenko freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-08-30 09:06:36 UTC
(In reply to Norbert Grundmann from comment #19)
Can I do some formatting + fix warnings from portclippy?
Comment 21 Norbert Grundmann 2024-08-30 09:08:49 UTC
no problem - but what actually do you mean?? :-)
Comment 22 Kurt Jaeger freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-08-30 09:18:58 UTC
(In reply to Norbert Grundmann from comment #21)

portclippy is a command line tool from ports-mgmt/portfmt which checks
certain rules of ports Makefiles. It helps getting them into some generic sequence of
Comment 23 Vladimir Druzenko freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-08-30 09:23:46 UTC
(In reply to Norbert Grundmann from comment #21)
PORTNAME=	eclipse
CATEGORIES=	java devel


MAINTAINER=	ngrundmann@gmx.de
WWW=		https://www.eclipse.org/


ONLY_FOR_ARCHS=	aarch64 amd64 powerpc64 powerpc64le

BUILD_DEPENDS=	git:devel/git \
		mvn:devel/maven39 \

LIB_DEPENDS=	libsecret-1.so:security/libsecret \

USES=		compiler:c++17-lang gmake pkgconfig gnome

# The github repositories.  The repository under NorbertXYZ is for a predefined maven
# download, so the build does not need to download while do-build is running
GH_TUPLE=	eclipse-platform:eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator:${ECLIPSE_TAG} \
		eclipse-jdt:eclipse.jdt:${ECLIPSE_TAG}:a/eclipse.jdt \
		eclipse-jdt:eclipse.jdt.core:${ECLIPSE_TAG}:b/eclipse.jdt.core \
		eclipse-jdt:eclipse.jdt.core.binaries:${ECLIPSE_TAG}:c/eclipse.jdt.core.binaries \
		eclipse-jdt:eclipse.jdt.debug:${ECLIPSE_TAG}:d/eclipse.jdt.debug \
		eclipse-jdt:eclipse.jdt.ui:${ECLIPSE_TAG}:e/eclipse.jdt.ui \
		eclipse-pde:eclipse.pde:${ECLIPSE_TAG}:f/eclipse.pde \
		eclipse-platform:eclipse.platform:${ECLIPSE_TAG}:g/eclipse.platform \
		eclipse-platform:eclipse.platform.runtime:fd42b6e331:h/eclipse.platform.runtime \
		eclipse-platform:eclipse.platform.swt:${ECLIPSE_TAG}:i/eclipse.platform.swt \
		eclipse-platform:eclipse.platform.ui:${ECLIPSE_TAG}:j/eclipse.platform.ui \
		eclipse-equinox:equinox:${ECLIPSE_TAG}:k/equinox \
		eclipse-equinox:equinox.binaries:${ECLIPSE_TAG}:l/rt.equinox.binaries \
		eclipse-equinox:p2:${ECLIPSE_TAG}:m/rt.equinox.p2 \
USE_GNOME=	gtk30

			"${COMMENT}" \
			"${PORTNAME}" \
			"${PORTNAME}" \
			"Development;IDE;Java;" \
PORTSCOUT=	ignore:1

.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>


# To make the build working, set the (maven) architecture to x86_64 instead of amd64
# Finally there are problems with amd64
.if ${ARCH} == amd64
MAVEN_ARCH=	x86_64

MAVEN_PARAMS=	--offline \
		-Dmaven.repo.local=${WRKDIR}/eclipse-maven-${DISTVERSION} \
		-Dnative=gtk.freebsd.${MAVEN_ARCH} \
		-DskipTests clean verify

ECLIPSE_RESULT=	eclipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder/eclipse.platform.repository/target/products/org.eclipse.sdk.ide-freebsd.gtk.${MAVEN_ARCH}.tar.gz

.if ${COMPILER_TYPE} == clang
CFLAGS+=	-Wno-deprecated-non-prototype

	cd ${WRKSRC} && ${CP} -R ${FILESDIR}/addons/ .


	${TAR} -x --directory ${STAGEDIR}${DATADIR}/.. --file ${WRKSRC}/${ECLIPSE_RESULT}

# Generate dynamic plist, to cater for different ARCHS
	cd ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX} && ${FIND} -s bin/${PORTNAME} share/${PORTNAME} -not -type d >> ${TMPPLIST}
	cd ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX} && ${FIND} -ds share/${PORTNAME} -type d | ${SED} -e 's,^,@dir ,' >> ${TMPPLIST}

.include <bsd.port.post.mk>
Comment 24 Norbert Grundmann 2024-08-30 09:25:18 UTC
okay :-)
Comment 25 Vladimir Druzenko freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-08-30 10:17:24 UTC
In poudriere and on live system same build error with last port version:
[INFO] [test-bundle] PDE DS Tests 1.3.300-SNAPSHOT ........ SUCCESS [  1.313 s]
[INFO] org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.powerpc64 1.4.200-SNAPSHOT FAILURE [  0.318 s]
[INFO] org.eclipse.compare.win32 1.3.400-SNAPSHOT ......... SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  14:21 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2024-08-30T12:36:16+03:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-packaging-plugin:4.0.8:package-plugin (default-package-plugin) on project org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.powerpc64: /usr/obj/usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.powerpc64/build.properties: bin.includes value(s) [os/] do not match any files. -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoExecutionException
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn <args> -rf :org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.powerpc64
*** Error code 1
Comment 26 Norbert Grundmann 2024-08-30 10:26:27 UTC
Did you run on a powerpc platform?
Comment 27 Norbert Grundmann 2024-08-30 10:36:05 UTC
I will crosscheck later when I have time...
Comment 28 Vladimir Druzenko freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-08-30 10:37:20 UTC
(In reply to Norbert Grundmann from comment #26)
No. 14.1 amd64.
Comment 29 Norbert Grundmann 2024-08-30 12:16:09 UTC
Created attachment 253182 [details]
Updated ports file

I hope it works now - folders had been missing.  Please take only the files/addons and put them in the build ports.  E.g. Makefile is "old" formatted
Comment 30 Norbert Grundmann 2024-08-30 12:17:10 UTC
by the way - github does not provide folders without files - that was the reason the build broke...
Comment 31 Norbert Grundmann 2024-08-30 16:16:19 UTC
by the way - I checked on my PC - the build is working now again :-)
Comment 32 Vladimir Druzenko freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-08-30 19:50:28 UTC
(In reply to Norbert Grundmann from comment #30)
Without "gitshit" shit:
        cd ${WRKSRC} && ${CP} -R ${FILESDIR}/addons/ .
.for a in aarch64 powerpc64 powerpc64le x86_64
        ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.${a}/os/freebsd/${a}
        ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.${a}/target
        ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/rt.equinox.binaries/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.freebsd.${a}
        ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/eclipse.platform/team/bundles/org.eclipse.core.net.freebsd/target
Comment 33 Norbert Grundmann 2024-08-31 05:32:26 UTC
Hi Vladimir, I was "smiling" abou yout "gitshit" comment :-) :-)

But couldn't it be as it is without that additional code lines in Makefile?  So I make changes only in files/* which is easier for me to maintain (in future).

Maybe I rename the files "gitshit" to "empty" or something - I was a bit upset about git's behaviour, which is defferent from subversion, what I mainly use.

What do you think about staying without additional code lines?

All the best, Norbert
Comment 34 Norbert Grundmann 2024-08-31 17:12:08 UTC
So, after one day...  I think that your approach makes sense...  let's see how to integrate it.  I would like to implement it similar to following idea:

EMPTY_DIRS= eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.powerpc64le/os/freebsd/powerpc64le \
     eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.powerpc64le/target \

     cd ${WRKSRC} && ${CP} -R ${FILESDIR}/addons/ .
    .for DIR in ${EMPTY_DIRS}; do
        ${MKDIR} -p ${DIR}

Would that be okay?

Cheers, Norbert
Comment 35 Norbert Grundmann 2024-09-01 15:08:35 UTC
I added the changes in Makefile and files/addons on my website:


see port.

I rerun this as a local port in a jail and it was successful :-)
Comment 36 Vladimir Druzenko freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-09-05 18:26:16 UTC
(In reply to Norbert Grundmann from comment #35)
We can use:
MAVEN_ARCH=     ${ARCH:S|amd64|x86_64|}
Instead of:
.if ${ARCH} == amd64
MAVEN_ARCH=    x86_64

Also this way I like more:
# Directories needed, but cannot be stored in git, because they are empty
EMPTY_DIRS=     eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.%%ARCH%%/os/freebsd/%%ARCH%% \
                eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.%%ARCH%%/target \
                eclipse.platform/team/bundles/org.eclipse.core.net.freebsd/target \

        cd ${WRKSRC} && ${CP} -R ${FILESDIR}/addons/ .
.for DIR in ${EMPTY_DIRS}
. for _ARCH in aarch64 powerpc64 powerpc64le x86_64
        ${MKDIR} -p ${WRKSRC}/${DIR:S|%%ARCH%%|${_ARCH}|g}
. endfor

P.S. Sorry, I've been very busy in "real life".
Comment 37 Norbert Grundmann 2024-09-06 06:28:38 UTC
So I changed the Makefile on my github account


in port/Makefile

and added an attachment here (port.tgz) - which contains all files and the newest changes
Comment 38 Norbert Grundmann 2024-09-06 06:30:51 UTC
Created attachment 253371 [details]
Adpated the newest small changes in Makefile

Compress some statements for readability
Comment 39 Vladimir Druzenko freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-09-07 22:25:54 UTC
(In reply to Norbert Grundmann from comment #38)
Do we need 0 byte files:

If we want to save empty directories in git, then we have another mechanism for this.

Also, many files are missing the end-of-line character on the last line.
Comment 40 Norbert Grundmann 2024-09-08 08:28:21 UTC

but there was a reason for the 0 byte files "eclipse": it did not compile - there was an error message, sorry - I cannot find the reason...  But it was not enough to have an empty folder.  I let it as it is and added files called "eclipse" with a short comment inside.

About the missing newlines...  I did not remove them, they are in the original sources - mostly I did not touch, maybe only 2 or 3 file for patching.  Are they really needed?  I don't want to add, what is not important for a build - it would increase the patch-eclipse file unnecessarily.

You can take what I put on my website


in files/addons

I hope you can agree - because compilation is working manually and over port folder since weeks...  Please set the port free :-)

Cheers, Norbert
Comment 41 Vladimir Druzenko freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-09-08 08:43:12 UTC
(In reply to Norbert Grundmann from comment #40)
# Directories needed, but cannot be stored in git, because they are empty
EMPTY_DIRS=     eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.%%ARCH%%/os/freebsd/%%ARCH%% \
                eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.%%ARCH%%/target \
                eclipse.platform/team/bundles/org.eclipse.core.net.freebsd/target \
                rt.equinox.binaries/org.eclipse.equinox.executable/bin/gtk/freebsd/%%ARCH%% \

        ${CP} -R ${FILESDIR}/addons/ ${WRKSRC}
.for DIR in ${EMPTY_DIRS}
. for _ARCH in aarch64 powerpc64 powerpc64le x86_64
        ${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/${DIR:S|%%ARCH%%|${_ARCH}|g}
        ${TOUCH} ${WRKSRC}/${DIR:S|%%ARCH%%|${_ARCH}|g}/empty
. endfor

2. One of the commit hook in the ports git repository prevents committing files without a newline character on the last line - I tried to commit this patch yesterday.
Comment 42 Norbert Grundmann 2024-09-10 06:57:39 UTC
Hello Vladimir,

could you tell me about the state of this portage / version?  Would be nice to have it running.  If necessary, I would try to see, what I can do with missing newlines in the files section...

Comment 43 Vladimir Druzenko freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-09-11 22:48:52 UTC
(In reply to Norbert Grundmann from comment #42)
Do you agree with my last suggestion?
Comment 44 Norbert Grundmann 2024-09-12 13:13:36 UTC
Yes I did.  Changes (added newlines) are in files/addons :-)

download from here:
port -> files -> addons

Norbert :-)
Comment 45 commit-hook freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-09-13 00:49:25 UTC
A commit in branch main references this bug:

URL: https://cgit.FreeBSD.org/ports/commit/?id=27eb99fc47558129e3decbaaa06262aaf36f62cc

commit 27eb99fc47558129e3decbaaa06262aaf36f62cc
Author:     Norbert Grundmann <ngrundmann@gmx.de>
AuthorDate: 2024-09-13 00:48:18 +0000
Commit:     Vladimir Druzenko <vvd@FreeBSD.org>
CommitDate: 2024-09-13 00:48:18 +0000

    java/eclipse: Update 4.24 → 4.32, take maintainership

    PR:     281123

 java/eclipse/Makefile                              |  106 +-
 java/eclipse/Makefile.plugins (gone)               |   11 -
 java/eclipse/distinfo                              |   78 +-
 .../.project (new)                                 |   22 +
 .../org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs (new)         |    2 +
 .../.settings/org.eclipse.core.runtime.prefs (new) |    2 +
 .../META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (new)                     |    9 +
 .../about.html (new)                               |   36 +
 .../build.properties (new)                         |   19 +
 .../fragment.properties (new)                      |   15 +
 .../pom.xml (new)                                  |   28 +
 .../.project (new)                                 |   22 +
 .../org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs (new)         |    2 +
 .../.settings/org.eclipse.core.runtime.prefs (new) |    2 +
 .../META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (new)                     |    9 +
 .../about.html (new)                               |   36 +
 .../build.properties (new)                         |   19 +
 .../fragment.properties (new)                      |   15 +
 .../pom.xml (new)                                  |   28 +
 .../.project (new)                                 |   22 +
 .../org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs (new)         |    2 +
 .../.settings/org.eclipse.core.runtime.prefs (new) |    2 +
 .../META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (new)                     |    9 +
 .../about.html (new)                               |   36 +
 .../build.properties (new)                         |   19 +
 .../fragment.properties (new)                      |   15 +
 .../pom.xml (new)                                  |   28 +
 .../.project (new)                                 |   22 +
 .../org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs (new)         |    2 +
 .../.settings/org.eclipse.core.runtime.prefs (new) |    2 +
 .../BUILD_INFO.txt (new)                           |   19 +
 .../META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (new)                     |    9 +
 .../about.html (new)                               |   36 +
 .../build.properties (new)                         |   19 +
 .../fragment.properties (new)                      |   15 +
 .../pom.xml (new)                                  |   63 +
 .../natives/unix/freebsd/Makefile (new)            |   42 +
 .../org.eclipse.core.net.freebsd/.classpath (new)  |    7 +
 .../org.eclipse.core.net.freebsd/.project (new)    |   28 +
 .../org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs (new)         |    2 +
 .../.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs (new)     |   15 +
 .../.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs (new)       |  145 ++
 .../META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (new)                     |   12 +
 .../org.eclipse.core.net.freebsd/about.html (new)  |   36 +
 .../build.properties (new)                         |   20 +
 .../forceQualifierUpdate.txt (new)                 |    3 +
 .../fragment.properties (new)                      |   15 +
 .../org.eclipse.core.net.freebsd/pom.xml (new)     |   29 +
 .../org/eclipse/core/net/ProxyProvider.java (new)  |  387 +++++
 .../.project (new)                                 |   22 +
 .../META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (new)                     |   10 +
 .../about.html (new)                               |   36 +
 .../build.properties (new)                         |   25 +
 .../launcher.gtk.freebsd.aarch64.properties (new)  |   15 +
 .../.project (new)                                 |   22 +
 .../META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (new)                     |   10 +
 .../about.html (new)                               |   36 +
 .../build.properties (new)                         |   25 +
 .../forceQualifierUpdate.txt (new)                 |    2 +
 ...launcher.gtk.freebsd.powerpc64.properties (new) |   15 +
 .../.project (new)                                 |   22 +
 .../META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (new)                     |   10 +
 .../about.html (new)                               |   36 +
 .../build.properties (new)                         |   25 +
 .../forceQualifierUpdate.txt (new)                 |    2 +
 ...uncher.gtk.freebsd.powerpc64le.properties (new) |   15 +
 .../.project (new)                                 |   22 +
 .../.settings/org.eclipse.pde.core.prefs (new)     |    4 +
 .../META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (new)                     |   10 +
 .../about.html (new)                               |   36 +
 .../build.properties (new)                         |   25 +
 .../forceQualifierUpdate.txt (new)                 |    3 +
 .../launcher.gtk.freebsd.x86_64.properties (new)   |   15 +
 .../.classpath (new)                               |    7 +
 .../.project (new)                                 |   34 +
 .../.settings/org.eclipse.core.runtime.prefs (new) |    2 +
 .../.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs (new)     |  118 ++
 .../.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs (new)       |  109 ++
 .../META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (new)                     |   13 +
 .../about.html (new)                               |   36 +
 .../build.properties (new)                         |   21 +
 .../forceQualifierUpdate.txt (new)                 |    4 +
 .../fragment.properties (new)                      |   17 +
 .../fragment.xml (new)                             |   18 +
 .../pom.xml (new)                                  |   45 +
 .../internal/security/linux/GBusType.java (new)    |   21 +
 .../internal/security/linux/GError.java (new)      |   35 +
 .../internal/security/linux/GList.java (new)       |   42 +
 .../linux/LinuxPasswordProvider.java (new)         |  186 +++
 .../linux/LinuxPasswordProviderMessages.java (new) |   34 +
 .../linux/SecretCollectionFlags.java (new)         |   19 +
 .../security/linux/SecretSchema.java (new)         |   50 +
 .../linux/SecretSchemaAttribute.java (new)         |   37 +
 .../linux/SecretSchemaAttributeType.java (new)     |   20 +
 .../security/linux/SecretSchemaFlags.java (new)    |   19 +
 .../security/linux/SecretServiceFlags.java (new)   |   20 +
 .../security/linux/messages.properties (new)       |   18 +
 java/eclipse/files/patch-eclipse (new)             | 1490 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../files/patch-eclipse-platform-parent (gone)     |   52 -
 java/eclipse/files/patch-eclipse.pde (gone)        |  146 --
 .../files/patch-eclipse.platform.releng (gone)     |   88 --
 ...ipse.platform.releng.tychoeclipsebuilder (gone) |  268 ----
 .../files/patch-eclipse.platform.resources (gone)  |  314 -----
 .../files/patch-eclipse.platform.runtime (gone)    |   24 -
 .../files/patch-eclipse.platform.swt (gone)        |  357 -----
 .../patch-eclipse.platform.swt.binaries (gone)     |  327 -----
 .../files/patch-eclipse.platform.team (gone)       |  110 --
 .../files/patch-eclipse.platform.text (gone)       |   12 -
 .../eclipse/files/patch-eclipse.platform.ua (gone) |   65 -
 .../eclipse/files/patch-eclipse.platform.ui (gone) |  233 ---
 java/eclipse/files/patch-rt.equinox.bundles (gone) |  108 --
 .../files/patch-rt.equinox.framework (gone)        |  531 -------
 java/eclipse/files/patch-rt.equinox.p2 (gone)      |   58 -
 java/eclipse/pkg-descr                             |    4 +
 java/eclipse/scripts/pre-build                     |   25 +-
 java/eclipse/scripts/pre-patch (gone)              |   53 -
 116 files changed, 4278 insertions(+), 2877 deletions(-)
Comment 46 Vladimir Druzenko freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-09-13 00:50:20 UTC
Comment 47 Norbert Grundmann 2024-09-13 07:07:33 UTC
Created attachment 253531 [details]
Missing addons


nice to have a new port - but a big sorry, but 4.32 does not build - there are missing the folders in the portage

Please add the files from the attachment...

Comment 48 Yasuhito FUTATSUKI 2024-09-13 09:32:24 UTC
(In reply to commit-hook from comment #45)
This commit broke some port depends on java/eclipse/Makefile.plugin(s) (devel/subversive only?), putting aside that those software can be built against eclipse 4.32.

I found the problem by executing "make index", which is failed in devel/subversive.

$ cd /usr/ports
$ find * -maxdepth 2 -depth 2 -name 'Makefile*' -exec fgrep -q '../../java/eclipse/Makefile.plugins' '{}' \; -print
Comment 49 Vladimir Druzenko freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-09-13 09:35:32 UTC
(In reply to Norbert Grundmann from comment #47)

1. Thanks to .gitignore with line: *.sw[p-z] !!!
[/usr/ports]$ git add java/eclipse/files/addons/eclipse.platform.swt
The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files:
hint: Use -f if you really want to add them.
hint: Disable this message with "git config advice.addIgnoredFile false"

2. Also we removed Makefile.plugins used for devel/subversive.
Before deleting I searched for where it is used, but I never found it and therefore thought that it was some old rudiment. But it turns out that there are user ports. I will search again and test everything I find.
Comment 50 Norbert Grundmann 2024-09-13 09:39:12 UTC
Thanks for your work :-)  I did not find the .gitignore problem...
Comment 51 Ale 2024-09-13 10:14:38 UTC
/usr/ports/java/eclipse # make patch
===>  Patching for eclipse-4.32
cp -f -R /usr/ports/java/eclipse/files/addons/ /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.aarch64/os/freebsd/aarch64
/usr/bin/touch /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.aarch64/os/freebsd/aarch64/.empty
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.powerpc64/os/freebsd/powerpc64
/usr/bin/touch /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.powerpc64/os/freebsd/powerpc64/.empty
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.powerpc64le/os/freebsd/powerpc64le
/usr/bin/touch /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.powerpc64le/os/freebsd/powerpc64le/.empty
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.x86_64/os/freebsd/x86_64
/usr/bin/touch /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.x86_64/os/freebsd/x86_64/.empty
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.aarch64/target
/usr/bin/touch /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.aarch64/target/.empty
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.powerpc64/target
/usr/bin/touch /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.powerpc64/target/.empty
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.powerpc64le/target
/usr/bin/touch /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.powerpc64le/target/.empty
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.x86_64/target
/usr/bin/touch /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/resources/bundles/org.eclipse.core.filesystem.freebsd.x86_64/target/.empty
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/team/bundles/org.eclipse.core.net.freebsd/target
/usr/bin/touch /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/team/bundles/org.eclipse.core.net.freebsd/target/.empty
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/team/bundles/org.eclipse.core.net.freebsd/target
/usr/bin/touch /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/team/bundles/org.eclipse.core.net.freebsd/target/.empty
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/team/bundles/org.eclipse.core.net.freebsd/target
/usr/bin/touch /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/team/bundles/org.eclipse.core.net.freebsd/target/.empty
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/team/bundles/org.eclipse.core.net.freebsd/target
/usr/bin/touch /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/eclipse.platform/team/bundles/org.eclipse.core.net.freebsd/target/.empty
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/rt.equinox.binaries/org.eclipse.equinox.executable/bin/gtk/freebsd/aarch64
/usr/bin/touch /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/rt.equinox.binaries/org.eclipse.equinox.executable/bin/gtk/freebsd/aarch64/.empty
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/rt.equinox.binaries/org.eclipse.equinox.executable/bin/gtk/freebsd/powerpc64
/usr/bin/touch /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/rt.equinox.binaries/org.eclipse.equinox.executable/bin/gtk/freebsd/powerpc64/.empty
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/rt.equinox.binaries/org.eclipse.equinox.executable/bin/gtk/freebsd/powerpc64le
/usr/bin/touch /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/rt.equinox.binaries/org.eclipse.equinox.executable/bin/gtk/freebsd/powerpc64le/.empty
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/rt.equinox.binaries/org.eclipse.equinox.executable/bin/gtk/freebsd/x86_64
/usr/bin/touch /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/rt.equinox.binaries/org.eclipse.equinox.executable/bin/gtk/freebsd/x86_64/.empty
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/rt.equinox.binaries/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.freebsd.aarch64
/usr/bin/touch /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/rt.equinox.binaries/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.freebsd.aarch64/.empty
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/rt.equinox.binaries/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.freebsd.powerpc64
/usr/bin/touch /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/rt.equinox.binaries/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.freebsd.powerpc64/.empty
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/rt.equinox.binaries/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.freebsd.powerpc64le
/usr/bin/touch /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/rt.equinox.binaries/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.freebsd.powerpc64le/.empty
/bin/mkdir -p /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/rt.equinox.binaries/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.freebsd.x86_64
/usr/bin/touch /usr/ports/java/eclipse/work/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator-R4_32/rt.equinox.binaries/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.freebsd.x86_64/.empty
===>  Applying FreeBSD patches for eclipse-4.32 from /usr/ports/java/eclipse/files
File to patch:
Comment 52 Norbert Grundmann 2024-09-13 10:24:01 UTC
mmhhmm - interesting.

I did not know that creating a port would take nearly as long as I found the adaptations / patches for the original software...  I hope I find a way through all this and can keep the maintainer or at last one of the maintainers... :-)
Comment 53 Ale 2024-09-13 11:03:19 UTC
(In reply to Ale from comment #51)
It's asking me which file should be patched...
Comment 54 Ale 2024-09-13 13:05:24 UTC
(In reply to Ale from comment #53)
Is there any way to know which file is using as patch and which file is trying to patch?
Could the verbosity of make patch be increased somehow?
Comment 55 commit-hook freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-09-13 13:12:12 UTC
A commit in branch main references this bug:

URL: https://cgit.FreeBSD.org/ports/commit/?id=c94e4ced329298efb06189d1c6db26e3d6ff3eef

commit c94e4ced329298efb06189d1c6db26e3d6ff3eef
Author:     Vladimir Druzenko <vvd@FreeBSD.org>
AuthorDate: 2024-09-13 12:54:52 +0000
Commit:     Vladimir Druzenko <vvd@FreeBSD.org>
CommitDate: 2024-09-13 13:07:02 +0000

    java/eclipse: fix build consumer devel/subversive, commit files ignored with .gitignore

    - Return file Makefile.plugins required for consumer devel/subversive.
    - Update java version in Makefile.plugins from 8 to 17 - eclipse require
      at least 17.

    - Thanks to .gitignore with line "*.sw[p-z]":
        $ git add java/eclipse/files/addons/eclipse.platform.swt
        The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files:
        hint: Use -f if you really want to add them.
        hint: Disable this message with "git config advice.addIgnoredFile false"
      Force add this directory.

    PR:             281123
    Reported by:    yasu (email), antoine (email), Norbert Grundmann
    Approved by:    Norbert Grundmann <ngrundmann@gmx.de> (maintainer)
    Fixes:          27eb99fc4755 (Update 4.24 → 4.32, take maintainership)

 java/eclipse/Makefile.plugins (new)                |  11 +
 .../.project (new)                                 | 117 ++++++
 .../.settings/.api_filters (new)                   | 467 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (new)                     |  35 ++
 .../build.properties (new)                         |  47 +++
 .../fragment.properties (new)                      |  12 +
 .../libswt-atk-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)             |   3 +
 .../libswt-awt-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)             |   3 +
 .../libswt-cairo-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)           |   3 +
 .../libswt-glx-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)             |   3 +
 .../libswt-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)                 |   3 +
 .../libswt-pi3-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)             |   3 +
 .../libswt-webkit-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)          |   3 +
 .../.project (new)                                 | 117 ++++++
 .../.settings/.api_filters (new)                   | 467 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (new)                     |  35 ++
 .../build.properties (new)                         |  47 +++
 .../fragment.properties (new)                      |  12 +
 .../libswt-atk-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)             |   3 +
 .../libswt-awt-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)             |   3 +
 .../libswt-cairo-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)           |   3 +
 .../libswt-glx-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)             |   3 +
 .../libswt-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)                 |   3 +
 .../libswt-pi3-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)             |   3 +
 .../libswt-webkit-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)          |   3 +
 .../.project (new)                                 | 117 ++++++
 .../.settings/.api_filters (new)                   | 467 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (new)                     |  35 ++
 .../build.properties (new)                         |  47 +++
 .../fragment.properties (new)                      |  12 +
 .../libswt-atk-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)             |   3 +
 .../libswt-awt-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)             |   3 +
 .../libswt-cairo-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)           |   3 +
 .../libswt-glx-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)             |   3 +
 .../libswt-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)                 |   3 +
 .../libswt-pi3-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)             |   3 +
 .../libswt-webkit-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)          |   3 +
 .../.project (new)                                 | 117 ++++++
 .../.settings/.api_filters (new)                   | 467 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (new)                     |  35 ++
 .../build.properties (new)                         |  48 +++
 .../fragment.properties (new)                      |  12 +
 .../libswt-atk-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)             |   3 +
 .../libswt-awt-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)             |   3 +
 .../libswt-cairo-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)           |   3 +
 .../libswt-glx-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)             |   3 +
 .../libswt-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)                 |   3 +
 .../libswt-pi3-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)             |   3 +
 .../libswt-webkit-gtk-4965r11.so (new +x)          |   3 +
 49 files changed, 2808 insertions(+)
Comment 56 Tomoaki AOKI 2024-09-13 13:18:09 UTC
(In reply to Ale from comment #54)
Try aborting (^C) on "File to patch:" prompt.
Yes, it surely fails, and make would show you the list of successful and failed patch.
Comment 57 Ale 2024-09-13 13:28:29 UTC
(In reply to Tomoaki AOKI from comment #56)
Thank you!

File to patch: ^C===>  FAILED Applying FreeBSD patch-eclipse.platform.swt
===> Cleanly applied FreeBSD patch(es)  patch-eclipse
===> FAILED to apply cleanly FreeBSD patch(es)  patch-eclipse.platform.swt
*** Error code 1
Comment 58 Ale 2024-09-13 13:30:36 UTC
(In reply to commit-hook from comment #55)
That should fix bug #281476.
Comment 59 Ale 2024-09-13 13:46:33 UTC
(In reply to Ale from comment #57)
So the patch file should be files/patch-eclipse.platform.swt.
After running make extract I can't find the following two files: 
- eclipse.platform.swt/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/.classpath_gtk
- eclipse.platform.swt/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/buildSWT.xml

Removing the lines of those two files and running make patch again I'm getting:
===>  Applying FreeBSD patches for eclipse-4.32 from /usr/ports/java/eclipse/files
1 out of 1 hunks failed--saving rejects to eclipse.platform.swt/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/common/org/eclipse/swt/internal/Library.java.rej
3 out of 5 hunks failed--saving rejects to eclipse.platform.swt/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/gtk/library/build.sh.rej
1 out of 1 hunks failed--saving rejects to eclipse.platform.swt/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse SWT PI/gtk/library/make_linux.mak.rej
1 out of 1 hunks failed--saving rejects to eclipse.platform.swt/bundles/org.eclipse.swt.tools/Oomph/platformSwt.setup.rej
2 out of 2 hunks failed--saving rejects to eclipse.platform.swt/pom.xml.rej
===>  FAILED Applying FreeBSD patch-eclipse.platform.swt
===> Cleanly applied FreeBSD patch(es)  patch-eclipse
===> FAILED to apply cleanly FreeBSD patch(es)  patch-eclipse.platform.swt
*** Error code 1
Comment 60 Vladimir Druzenko freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-09-13 13:54:56 UTC
(In reply to Ale from comment #59)
File "files/patch-eclipse.platform.swt" was removed - update your ports tree.
Comment 61 Ale 2024-09-13 14:15:26 UTC
(In reply to Vladimir Druzenko from comment #60)
It was updated, otherwise I wouldn't have found myself updating java/eclipse.
It seems that gitup did not remove the file (?).
Comment 62 Ale 2024-09-13 14:16:42 UTC
(In reply to Vladimir Druzenko from comment #60)
After removing the file the build started.
Comment 63 Norbert Grundmann 2024-09-14 11:50:30 UTC
Thanks to all who helped building this port :-)
Comment 64 Jürgen Weber 2024-09-22 11:24:15 UTC
(In reply to Norbert Grundmann from comment #52)

Very happy, that Eclipse has a maintainer again and we get new versions.

Hard to understand that Eclipse makes a port so difficult, as Eclipse is a Java software with a small native SWT layer (the Linux version of Idea just works in FreeBSD).
Looks like most of the port is replacing lots and lots of if windows elsif linux elsif mac with freebsd.

It's natural to think of a common source path for Linux and FreeBSD, I doubt that SWT uses any Linux specific system call.

Common compilation would either require to force the FreeBSD Java VM to return Linux for "os.name". I believe you can System.setProperty ("os.name", ..).

Or to have a central point in eclipse that sets a system property 
os.type.posix=os.name == FreeBSD || Linux. 
And then change all conditions to if windows elsif posix
This cleaning up Eclipse have to be done, or at least be accepted, by the Eclipse people. 

I had asked once in the Eclipse forums for that, got a positive feedback, but hadn't the time to persue that.
Comment 65 Norbert Grundmann 2024-09-22 14:27:57 UTC
Thanks for the comment, I will try my best to maintain as long as possible...

Regarding the Java side - it would  be nice, if it would be 100% Java :-)  But Eclipse has a jna interface, which needs OS dependent adaptations.  This I added.  Also the changes of the configuration files for adding FreeBSD specified build options.  I took time and a lot of the former port 4.24, but there had been differences, because the internal package structure changed (a bit).  Thanks to the former maintainer - otherwise I would not make it :-)

Regarding the eclipse (forum).  I had some contact and was "asked" for integration of FreeBSD - or at least pointed to.  I said, I would first make my "port" work.  After all this struggle, I wrote back, that I would also be interested in a "direct" integration into the eclipse framework.  It would definitly be the best way.  Lets see how it will go.

Actually the build for amd64 seems to work, I got errors for aarch64.  I don't know about powerpc64 builds. It is a bit tricky, I try o find the source of error and make them also work.  It seemed to be working before - and I am asking myself, why it breaks now...

All the best, Norbert