Created attachment 255784 [details] [PATCH] devel/R-cran-optparse: update 1.6.6 → 1.7.5 optparse 1.7.5 We no longer coerce the type of an option default to match that of its type argument when action = "callback". Thanks husheng (@hs3434) for bug report (#47). optparse 1.7.4 Revises vignette engine specification in the DESCRIPTION to suppress new CRAN check NOTE (#43). optparse 1.7.3 The errors raised by parse_args() (and parse_args2()) are now of class “optparse_parse_error”. When interactive() is FALSE we now print out a usage string followed by a (less verbose) error message. Throws a more informative error message for unknown short flags when positional_arguments=TRUE. Thanks Greg Minshall for bug report (#42). optparse 1.7.1 Add a formatter argument to OptionParser() for a function to format the usage message (#30). By default uses the new function IndentedHelpFormatter(). {optparse} also provides the new function TitledHelpFormatter(). Thanks Ni Huang for suggestion.