Bug 284120 - x11-wm/xfce4 Cannot set title color in xfce terminal
Summary: x11-wm/xfce4 Cannot set title color in xfce terminal
Status: Closed Works As Intended
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: amd64 Any
: --- Affects Some People
Assignee: freebsd-xfce (Nobody)
URL: https://gitlab.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-te...
Depends on:
Reported: 2025-01-17 19:18 UTC by Alex Matei
Modified: 2025-01-24 07:23 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
madpilot: maintainer-feedback+

xfce: Applications -> About Xfce (55.98 KB, image/png)
2025-01-17 19:18 UTC, Alex Matei
no flags Details
dmesg.boot (12.02 KB, text/plain)
2025-01-17 19:20 UTC, Alex Matei
no flags Details
xfce terminal version (23.81 KB, image/png)
2025-01-17 20:02 UTC, Alex Matei
no flags Details

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Alex Matei 2025-01-17 19:18:51 UTC
Created attachment 256756 [details]
xfce:  Applications -> About Xfce

$ uname -a
FreeBSD hawk 14.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 14.2-RELEASE releng/14.2-n269506-c8918d6c7412 GENERIC amd64
$ freebsd-version

In Xfce Terminal, When I go to 'Terminal' -> 'Set Title Color', choose a color, click 'Select', nothing happens.

Xfce 4.20 (and 4.18)

$ pkg info -a | grep -i xfce
greybird-theme-3.23.4          Gtk and xfwm4 themes for the Xfce Desktop
libexo-4.20.0                  Application library for the Xfce desktop environment
libxfce4menu-4.20.0            Widgets library for the Xfce desktop environment
libxfce4util-4.20.0            Extension library for the Xfce desktop environment
libxfce4windowing-4.20.0       Windowing concept abstraction library for X11 and Wayland
mousepad-0.6.3                 Simple text editor for the Xfce Desktop
thunar-4.20.1                  Xfce file manager
xfce-4.20                      Meta-port for the Xfce Desktop Environment
xfce-icons-elementary-0.20     Elementary icons, extended and maintained for Xfce
xfce4-appfinder-4.20.0         Application launcher and finder
xfce4-conf-4.20.0              D-Bus-based configuration storage system
xfce4-desktop-4.20.0           Xfce's desktop manager
xfce4-notifyd-0.9.6_1          Visually-appealing notification daemon for Xfce
xfce4-panel-4.20.0             Xfce's panel
xfce4-power-manager-4.20.0     Power manager for the Xfce Desktop
xfce4-screensaver-4.18.4       Xfce 4 screen saver and locker
xfce4-session-4.20.0           Xfce's session manager
xfce4-settings-4.20.0_1        Xfce settings management
xfce4-terminal-1.1.4           Terminal emulator for the X windowing system
xfce4-tumbler-4.20.0           Thumbnail service for Xfce desktop
xfce4-wm-4.20.0                Xfce's window manager

There are no errors and warnings shown.
Comment 1 Alex Matei 2025-01-17 19:20:48 UTC
Created attachment 256757 [details]
Comment 2 Marek Zarychta 2025-01-17 19:55:17 UTC
Hm... I am using xfce4-terminal 1.3 and it works, so I can't confirm the breakage.
Comment 3 Alex Matei 2025-01-17 20:02:00 UTC
Created attachment 256760 [details]
xfce terminal version
Comment 4 Alex Matei 2025-01-17 20:04:05 UTC
(In reply to Marek Zarychta from comment #2)
I'm running Xfce 4.20, but, as you can see in the attached file, xfce4-terminal
is version 1.1.4. 
How can I get xfce4-terminal version 1.3?
Comment 5 Guido Falsi freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2025-01-17 22:16:10 UTC

I admit I was not even aware there was such a feature.

I did some tests and it looks like it is not working for me either, using xfce-terminal 1.1.4.

AFAIK there is no version 1.3, maybe Marek meant 1.1.3

I have no idea what could be causing this, could be some interaction with certain themes.

I also suspect the feature can only work if using CSD (Client Side Decorations), because without those, the window manager has control of widow titles.

Although it is failing to work for me even with CSD enabled.

@Marek if it works for you, can you share some details about your setup? Especially in relation to CSD and window manager settings/theme.
Comment 6 Guido Falsi freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2025-01-17 22:27:54 UTC
BTW I noticed you reported this upstream too, I'm adding a link to the upstream bug report for reference.
Comment 7 Guido Falsi freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2025-01-23 21:53:33 UTC

I have investigated this, and looking at the source code I understood the feature sets the color of the title of the tab, if tabs are shown, not the color of the title of the window (which was what I was actually expecting too from your description, but I was wrong.

Can you try opening multiple tabs and choosing a title color and verify it works for you?

Comment 8 Alex Matei 2025-01-24 03:17:18 UTC
(In reply to Guido Falsi from comment #7)

Yes, I can change the title color of the tabs. It works.
Comment 9 Guido Falsi freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2025-01-24 07:23:18 UTC
Can you also followup in the upstream bug report at [1] and indicate you solved your issue?


[1] https://gitlab.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-terminal/-/issues/351