Athlon 700 socket, Intel 10/100 PCI (FXP). Running Cistron 1.6.3 radius and Lucent PM3 w/ comos 3.9.1 Repeatedly posts "NAS_port_type". Somewhere around 4.3 -> 4.4 change the problem manifested itself by causing grep to swell to 500+MB. An open tcpdump will show: 13:59:25.471963 > rad-account-req 194 [id 47] Attr[ Acct_session_id{3500B78C} User{sandyland} NAS_ipaddr{} NAS_port{26} NAS_port_type NAS_port_type NAS_port_type NAS_port_type NAS_port_type NAS_port_type NAS_port_type NAS_port_type NAS_port_type NAS_port_type NAS_port_type NAS_port_type NAS_port_type NAS_port_type NAS_port_type NAS_port_type NAS_port_type NAS_port_type NAS_port_type NAS_port_type NAS_port_type NAS_port_type It will repeat the NAS_port_type "forever" Fix: working on that... How-To-Repeat: For me all I have to do is tcpdump an ethernet segment with radius traffic. I have not been able to change radius servers to see if its a server related issue.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-bugs->fenner Bill is a tcpdump maintainer
Jacob, Can you capture me a couple of these packets? Maybe use something like "tcpdump -c 2 -w badpkts udp port radius" and send me the "badpkts" file, after verifying that "tcpdump -r badpkts" causes the loop? Thanks, Bill
State Changed From-To: open->feedback Waiting for a dump file with the bad packets so I can replicate the problem locally
State Changed From-To: feedback->closed feedback timeout