The POSIX functions sched_get_priority_max and sched_get_priority_min, is used for retrieving the max and min priority for a given scheduling policy. When you compile and execute a C++ program containing the line {cout << "max SCHED_OTHER = " << sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_OTHER) << ", min SCHED_OTHER = " << sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_OTHER) << endl;} the output is "max SCHED_OTHER = 20, , min SCHED_OTHER = -20". However, when I try to set the priority for a pthread_attr_t to anything not within the range [0:31], the value is reset to 15. This suggests that fx. -15 is not a valid value for the priority of a SCHED_OTHER policed thread, even though the POSIX functions sched_get_priority_min/max has a different opinion. I've tried to bypass the routines that set the priority for the pthread_attr_t-object using a sort of hack, and this actually enables me to set the value to what ever I wan't (since I'm bypassing any kind of errorchecking). But when I attempt to create a thread using this pthread_attr_t-object the core is dumped. So basically, I can't create threads with priorities other then [0:31] eventhough sched_get_priority_min/max says I should be able to. Fix: Well that really depends wether its the sched_get_priority_min/max macros that is incorrect or its the core functions of freeBSD. My knowledge of FreeBSD or any kind of UNIX type-OS dates only 4 months back, so I'm not really the right person to ask about this. How-To-Repeat: #include <iostream.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <errno.h> #include <time.h> //This is our own copy of the struct defined in the freebsd-cvs repository, in the pthread library, prefixed with 'snuf_' struct snuf_pthread_attr { int sched_policy; int sched_inherit; int sched_interval; int prio; int suspend; int flags; void *arg_attr; void (*cleanup_attr) (); void *stackaddr_attr; size_t stacksize_attr; size_t guardsize_attr; }; void main() { pthread_t dummy; pthread_attr_t p_attr; struct sched_param schedparam; pthread_attr_init(&p_attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&p_attr,PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&p_attr,PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED); int code = pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&p_attr, SCHED_OTHER); if ( code != 0 ) { printf("Policy couldn't be set: %d\n", code ); if ( code == EINVAL ) { printf( "[EINVAL].\n" ); exit( 0 ); } if ( code == ENOTSUP ) { printf( "[ENOTSUP].\n" ); exit( 0 ); } } cout << "max SCHED_OTHER = " << sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_OTHER) << ", min SCHED_OTHER = " << sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_OTHER) << endl; schedparam.sched_priority = -15; //Attempting to set priority to -15 pthread_attr_setschedparam(&p_attr, &schedparam); if ( code != 0 ) { printf("pthread_attr_setschedparam failed: %d\n", code ); if ( code == EINVAL ) { printf( "[EINVAL].\n" ); exit( 0 ); } if ( code == ENOTSUP ) { printf( "[ENOTSUP].\n" ); exit( 0 ); } } //Read the value of the structmember prio using the snuf-struct.. cout << "address: " << p_attr << " prio would be: " << ((snuf_pthread_attr *)(p_attr))->prio << endl; //You can attempt to set the value of prio without any of the errorchecking provided by pthread_attr_setschedparam function //but this should first be attempted when you've certified that the pthread_attr_setschedparam isn't able to set the priovalue //to anything other then [0:31] //((snuf_pthread_attr *)(p_attr))->prio = 0; //Reading the value of the parameter: code = pthread_attr_getschedparam(&p_attr, &schedparam); if ( code != 0 ) { printf("Thread pthread_attr_getschedparam Failed: %d\n", code ); if ( code == EINVAL ) { printf( "[EINVAL] -> Report this as a bug.\n" ); exit( 0 ); } } cout << "Read the schedparam.prio to: " << schedparam.priority << endl; cout << "CREATING THREAD NOW!!!!\n"; code = pthread_create(&dummy, &p_attr, (void *(*)(void*))(INSERT_YOUR_OWN_FUNCTION_HERE), (void*)0); if ( code != 0 ) { printf("Thread Creation Failed: %d\n", code ); if ( code == EAGAIN ) { printf( "[EAGAIN] -> Report this as a bug.\n" ); exit( 0 ); } } pthread_attr_destroy(&p_attr); sleep(10); //Sleeping so that the program doesn't exit right away.. }
I really would like to see SCHED_OTHER only returns one level of priority, that means, for sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_OTHER) and sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_OTHER), it will return only zero instead of other ranges, because for time-sharing scheduling, knowing and adjusting thread's userland priority is meaningless, the priority is ephemeral. David Xu
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