I've updated my "How to upgrade using the source code" tutorial. The current version on the FreeBSD web site can be found at: <URL:http://www.freebsd.org/tutorials/upgrade/upgrade.html> The new version can be found at: <URL:http://www.nothing-going-on.demon.co.uk/FreeBSD/make-world/make-world.html> There are a number of changes with this version, including: * The document is no longer specific to FreeBSD 2.1.7. Instead, different sections cover different versions of FreeBSD from 2.0 to -current. * Wrote and include a script (dircmp.pl) to assist in selecting which files to update from /etc. Similar (but with more limited scope than) Matthew Thyer's 'etcud' script. * Updated "Building on an NFS server, installing on a client" section to cover the 'buildworld' and 'installworld' targets on 2.2.5 and above. * Added a new FAQ, "How can I speed up making the world?" based on comments and suggestions from the mailing lists. * Noted the 'optional-ness' of building in single-user mode * Fixed numerous small typos and performed general tidying up What do the documentation powers that be want me to do with it now? The tutorial consists of: - An SGML source file (marked up with the DocBook DTD) - An HTML translation of this file - A Makefile to automate the translation process - The 'dircmp.pl' Perl script If possible, I'd like to see this folded into the handbook as a part of the "Staying current with FreeBSD" section. This is work I can (probably) do myself. I now have a dial-up Internet connection and sufficient resources to maintain local copies of the 'src' and 'doc' CVS repositories. Of course, to do this I'd need commit privs to the documentation repository. On the plus side, I would also then be able to help out in the LinuxDoc -> DocBook conection project. Alternatively, I can provide a diff to the HTML (or SGML) source that's currently on the FreeBSD site, and submit it with send-pr. Or, the link on the FreeBSD site could be changed just to point to my copy. Or something else. Feedback solicited. N Fix: N/A How-To-Repeat: N/A
State Changed From-To: open->closed Tutorial considered :-)