Time(1)'s default output is inferior to the output from csh's time builtin command (less precision, etc.) It would be nice to have a -c switch to time(1) that outputs the default csh format. If one is feeling extra adventurous, one could also add a -f option that takes a format string similar to the csh time variable to use for formatting the output. How-To-Repeat: Compare '/usr/bin/time echo foo' and 'tcsh -c time echo foo'.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-bugs->josef I'll handle this one.
Responsible Changed From-To: josef->freebsd-bugs Release the PR, do not have any time in near future to work on this one.
Created attachment 159911 [details] Added open -c and code to write csh compatible time into Patch includes man page update as well. Also made use of all flag variables consistent/global.
For bugs matching the following conditions: - Status == In Progress - Assignee == "bugs@FreeBSD.org" - Last Modified Year <= 2017 Do - Set Status to "Open"
John, are you still interested in adding csh-style time(1) output or can this PR be closed?