Bug 695 - cat B > C ; cmp B C can fail!
Summary: cat B > C ; cmp B C can fail!
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Base System
Classification: Unclassified
Component: kern (show other bugs)
Version: 2.0-RELEASE
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-bugs (Nobody)
Depends on:
Reported: 1995-08-17 07:00 UTC by alan
Modified: 1996-04-10 05:04 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description alan 1995-08-17 07:00:00 UTC
	Here's a little dialog I just had a few minutes ago (with commentary):

	  beandorf:temp> cmp -l A B
	    2108 367 377
	    2124 367 377

	So A and B differ -- so what?  Ah but look:

	  beandorf:temp> cat A | cmp -l - B

	How could this be?  Well it probably has something to do with the
	fact that when `cmp' is reading from a pipe it uses ordinary I/O
	operations (on -both- inputs), while if both inputs are disk files
	it uses `mmap' instead.  Now check out how easily I can make more
	of these suckers:

	  beandorf:temp> cat A > C
	  beandorf:temp> cmp -l A C
	    2108 367 377
	    2124 367 377
	  beandorf:temp> cat B > D
	  beandorf:temp> cmp -l B D
	  beandorf:temp> cat B > E
	  beandorf:temp> cmp -l B E
	    2108 377 367
	    2124 377 367

	So, I can make this happen starting with -either- of the original
	files `A' or `B', but it doesn't happen every time because `D'
	matches `B' (when `mmap'ed anyway) but `E' doesn't.

	This dialog doesn't show it, but the `cmp' results are consistent
	if `cmp' is called again.  That is, once `cmp' (using `mmap') tells
	you that X and Y differ, it always tells you that they differ.

	The dialog also doesn't show you that in this particular case, the
	errors are always the same two locations (2108 and 2124) and the
	same values (377 and 367).  And sometimes I can cause a file to be
	created that only has one of the two locations wrong.

	I first noticed this problem because `touch' seems to have a
	tendency to create these monsters.  But that isn't the only way,
	because I created `B' above using `cp'.

	This is all very strange, and it is shafting me totally.  These
	files are actually `.o' files, and it has reached the point where
	whenever I get a Segmentation Violation I immediately delete all my
	recently created `.o' files, recompile them, relink, and the error
	is gone.


Beats me.  But I'd really appreciate it if someone would give me a
	clue what's going on here.  It's pretty hard for me to imagine how
	a hardware bug could cause this, especially since the machine gets
	moderately heavy use and everything else seems to work perfectly!
	All I can suggest is that the -contents- of that file may be
	implicated somehow.  I have deleted all copies of that object file
	from my disk, along with a number of other problem-free object
	files, and then recreated them all, and after fooling around with
	`touch' and `cp' for a bit, only one file got into this broken
	state: the -same- file and at the -same- two locations!
Comment 1 scrappy freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 1996-04-10 05:04:17 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->closed

Originator reports that they think this was a HW problem