The author of GPSMan (Miguel Filgueiras) released GPSMan 6.2 today; the enclosed patch upgrades the FreeBSD port to match. Here's a list of the documented changes: ----------- Changes since 6.1.2 * new utility for converting Greenflag HTML files into GPSManager files, contributed by Nigel Orr (; see file gf2gmn.tcl. * new options: o default map cursor coordinates datum which can now be different from the map projection datum; the map cursor coordinates are now shown along with their datum. o for Garmin receivers, whether or not routes should be automatically numbered when they are sent to the receiver (default is no); the counter can be reset to 1; code contributed by David Gardner ( o for Garmin receivers, whether support for laps is required. * a single menu-button Items replaces the 3 menu-buttons Locate, Display on map and Clear of the map window. * groups can now be created for the items that are or are not currently displayed on the map, using the Make Group entry of the Items menu-button on the map window. Code contributed by David Gardner. * user-defined menu for symbols; in answer to a suggestion by Johannes Bitterling ( * new getfix command: gets, in command-line mode, the current fix data from a Garmin receiver using the real-time log and saves it to a file; asked by Wes Johnston ( for use with Xastir. * support for Garmin receivers: updated according to the specifications 001-00063-00 Rev. A, dated April 24 2004, including optional support for laps; explicit support for Foreunner receivers; with thanks to Pierre Thibaud (, William D. Hamblen ( and Russell Nelson ( for their help in debugging. * the configuration of default values for user options was taken from file gpsman.tcl to a new source file named config.tcl; other specifications were also taken from there to a new file metadata.tcl. Fix: Apply the following patch, then upgrade the port(s in question). How-To-Repeat: n/a
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->krion Grab.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks!