This patch addresses two problems: 1) modload should fail more intelligently when the kernel has no symbols; I inadvertantly forgot the -d argument to strip when stripping down the kernel after a config -g and it took me a while to figure out what was happening. :) 2) modload should use -N to specify the kernel file as per ps, fstat, ccdconfig, dmesg, vmstat, pstat, swapinfo, iostat, ncrcontrol, ipcs, netstat, nfsstat and w. -A is provided for backwards compatability. (ahh, perfection) How-To-Repeat: strip -d /kernel modload -N /kernel /lkm/linux_mod.o
State Changed From-To: open->feedback Does kldload need these changes, since modload is no more?
State Changed From-To: feedback->closed Feedback timeout.