It can be annoying to have to make ${FILESDIR}/patch-* files during a development or upgrade cycle, particularly when the updated distribution sources conflict with patchesets. This is a tool ho help make that easier. If *.orig files are left behind when files are modified, then this patch will allow the maintainer to type "make makepatch", and this will find all *.orig files, and diff them with files of the same name but without the .orig). The diff is then put into ${FILESDIR} in a file called "patch-${PATH}${FILE}, where ${PATH} is the relative path of the file to be patched with '/' turned into'_'. This is a similar tool to "make makesum", in that it eases the port maintainers' jobs. How-To-Repeat: Maintain an active port with many patches. :-)
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->portmgr Over to maintainers.
State Changed From-To: open->analyzed Added to exp build. Thanks
State Changed From-To: analyzed->closed Committed. Thanks!