mod_proxy_html has been updated, the size/checksum of $DISTNAME has changed, and this breaks fetch/extract. Attached patch updates the port to the current version: 2.5.1. This updated version should build against Apache 2.1/2.2 but I've only tested it against Apache 2.0. There is also a change to the maintainer's email address. How-To-Repeat: mayhem:mod_proxy_html % make extract ===> Vulnerability check disabled, database not found ===> Extracting for mod_proxy_html-2.4.3 => Checksum mismatch for mod_proxy_html.c. ===> Refetch for 1 more times files: mod_proxy_html.c ===> Vulnerability check disabled, database not found => mod_proxy_html.c doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/. => Attempting to fetch from fetch: size mismatch: expected 31180, actual 31789 ... => Checksum mismatch for mod_proxy_html.c. ===> Giving up on fetching files: mod_proxy_html.c Make sure the Makefile and distinfo file (/usr/ports/www/mod_proxy_html/distinfo) are up to date. If you are absolutely sure you want to override this check, type "make NO_CHECKSUM=yes [other args]". *** Error code 1 Stop in /usr/ports/www/mod_proxy_html. *** Error code 1 Stop in /usr/ports/www/mod_proxy_html. mayhem:mod_proxy_html %
State Changed From-To: open->feedback Can you please double-check and e.g. 'make distclean' first? Current version from ports: mod_proxy_html@menelaos [10:04:56]> make fetch -DMASTER_SITE_OVERRIDE ===> Vulnerability check disabled, database not found => mod_proxy_html.c doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/. => Attempting to fetch from 1. fetch: 1mod_proxy_html.c: No such file or directory => Attempting to fetch from mod_proxy_html.c 100% of 31 kB 172 kBps mod_proxy_html@menelaos [10:05:02]> make ===> Vulnerability check disabled, database not found ===> Extracting for mod_proxy_html-2.4.3 => Checksum OK for mod_proxy_html.c.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->vs I'll track this
State Changed From-To: feedback->closed Committed, thanks!