When attempting to write on drives (in install program for example) connected to an HighPoint RocketRAID 1520 (HPT372N Chipset with last firmware) controller board the following errors appear: ad6: FAILURE - WRITE_DMA status=51<READY,DSC,ERROR> error=5<ABORTED,ILLEGAL_LENGHT> LBA=63 ar0: WARNING - mirror protection lost. RAID1 array in DEGRADED mode ad4: FAILURE - WRITE_DMA status=51<READY,DSC,ERROR> error=5<ABORTED,ILLEGAL_LENGHT> LBA=9 ada4: write metadata failed ad4: FAILURE - WRITE_DMA status=51<READY,DSC,ERROR> error=5<ABORTED,ILLEGAL_LENGHT> LBA=63 ar0: FAILURE - RAID1 array broken .. and leads to unavailability of the drives. Read is OK Same error with no RAID No error with the same machine and FreeBSD 5.4
State Changed From-To: open->feedback To submitter: Firstly, I'm sorry that this PR has sat for so long without anyone looking at it. Can you tell me, is this still a problem with newer versions of FreeBSD?
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-i386->gavin Track
State Changed From-To: feedback->closed Feedback timeout (2 months). To submitter: if you still see this, we can reopen the PR.
State Changed From-To: closed->open Reopen, I've had conformation from <jeremy at smart-serv dot net> that this is still an issue on FreeBSD xxxx.smart-serv.net 7.0-STABLE FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE #1: Tue Aug 12 21:13:47 MDT 2008
Responsible Changed From-To: gavin->freebsd-bugs Back into the pool
As per request, I can recreate this bug on demand by enabling DMA and attempting to read/write from the drives
ataraid is no more after FreeBSD 9.x. Long live atacam, graid3, and friends.