The author of seaview has incorporated two of our patches into the upstream sources. So we remove these from the port. Also, the CFLAGS defined by the port are now being added to seaview's own CFLAGS. As a result the help file is now found by seaview as it should be.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->tdb Grab.
+----[ Tim Bishop <> (09.Dec.2005 11:20): | | On Fri, 2005-12-09 at 11:00 -0300, Fernan Aguero wrote: | > -PORTVERSION= 2005.13.07 | > +PORTVERSION= 2005.12.07 | | Version numbers can't go backwards: | | % pkg_version -t 2005.13.07 2005.12.07 | > | | So either make the new version bigger, or set PORTEPOCH=1 which results | in a package name like: | | seaview-2005.12.07,1 | | Tim. | +----] Oh, yes, my fault. I tried to fix the PORTVERSION to use the more standard YYYY.MM.DD ... I've now set PORTEPOCH in the attached patch. Thanks again, Fernan
+----[ Tim Bishop <> (09.Dec.2005 12:15): | | > Oh, yes, my fault. I tried to fix the PORTVERSION to use the | > more standard YYYY.MM.DD ... I've now set PORTEPOCH in the | > attached patch. | | I should probably just check you're aware of the implications of using | PORTEPOCH: | | | | Once set it can never be undone. The only other solution though is to | use a non-standard version number until 2006 :-) Yeah, you're right, perhaps it's better to stick with the non-standard version number until the next version comes out, which most probably will be in 2006. | I'm happy with whatever you want to do though. | +----] Patch is attached, Fernan
+----[ Tim Bishop <> (09.Dec.2005 16:34): | | On Fri, 2005-12-09 at 18:00 +0000, Fernan Aguero wrote: | > -PORTVERSION= 2005.13.07 | > +PORTVERSION= 2005.07.12 | | That new number is still lower: | | % pkg_version -t 2005.13.07 2005.07.12 | > | | Use pkg_version like that to test if the new version is greater than the | old version. Maybe use 2005.99 or something? Or just do what the | commerical industry does and brand it version 2006! (cue fireworks and | large advertising campaign :-) | | Tim. | +----] Yeah, seems like I should do that. Patch attached. Version is now 2006.01.01 :| Thanks for your patience, Fernan
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed. Thanks!