# atacontrol status ar0 ar0: ATA RAID1 subdisks: ad4 ad6 status: READY # atacontrol status ar2 atacontrol: ioctl(IOCATARAIDSTATUS): Device not configured No problem there, but: # atacontrol status ar1 Fatal trap 18: integer divide fault .. panic ... The core dump then locks up just before writing everything, which is a bit disturbing. Perhaps because /dev/ar0s1a is my dumpdev and it doesn't like dumping to a SATA RAID? Not too good for an unattended server. If you have a suggestion on how to fix that I can build a debug kernel and get a gdb stack trace. How-To-Repeat: # atacontrol status ar1
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-bugs->sos Over to maintainer.
Responsible Changed From-To: sos->freebsd-bugs sos@ is not actively working on ATA-related PRs.
ata/atacontrol is no more after FreeBSD 9.x. Long live atacam and friends.