Any attempt to access the tape returns with an I/O error or eventually hangs. I had not tried it since Joerg's density related changes. This driver has a few problems anyway (such as calling tsleep from an interrupt from time to time) and is probably in need of an overhaul. (Aaagh! what am I saying? Stop pointing at me! Waddya mean, "You've volunteered!"?) Fix: Not known yet. -- I do not speak for the Worker's Compensation Board of Queensland - They don't pay me enough for that! How-To-Repeat: tar xvf /dev/rwt0
As Stephen Hocking wrote: > > Any attempt to access the tape returns with an I/O error or eventually > hangs. I had not tried it since Joerg's density related changes. This > driver has a few problems anyway (such as calling tsleep from an > interrupt from time to time) and is probably in need of an overhaul. > (Aaagh! what am I saying? Stop pointing at me! Waddya mean, "You've > volunteered!"?) I've got two wt-style tape drives for experimenting. All i need now is time. :-) -- cheers, J"org -- -- NIC: JW11-RIPE Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. ;-)
State Changed From-To: open->closed Problem caused by a faulty drive.