The attached patch, port-devel-lua50-compat51-2.diff, updates devel/lua50-compat51 to add correct CONFLICTS line to stop it over writing share/lua/5.0/compat-5.1.lua from net/luasocket. The second file, patch-compat-51, is to be placed in the port's files directory to fix a bug where modules would stop working when they used some features of this port. The lib/liblua-compat-5.1.a and lib/liblua-compat-5.1_p.a filea are no longer needed as they only contained one object file. The C file is now obtained from this port by any other port that requires it as the static libraries never worked the way I intended them to. ports/95846 can be closed as this pr (and another I am about to submit) fix the problem. Fix: 1. Apply port-devel-lua50-compat51-2.diff 2. Add patch-compat-51 to the ports files directory
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks!