Bug 186610 - Update port mail/assp to 14040 build
Summary: Update port mail/assp to 14040 build
Status: Closed DUPLICATE of bug 191635
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: Guido Falsi
Depends on:
Reported: 2014-02-09 22:30 UTC by rnejdl
Modified: 2014-07-05 22:34 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:

assp- (6.91 KB, patch)
2014-02-09 22:30 UTC, rnejdl
no flags Details | Diff

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Description rnejdl 2014-02-09 22:30:00 UTC
	Update port mail/assp to 14040 build.  These are slow coming because I have to bake the software for a few weeks to ensure there are no bugs and I found some in some previous versions.
Comment 1 Edwin Groothuis freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2014-02-09 22:30:09 UTC
Class Changed
From-To: update->maintainer-update

Fix category (submitter is maintainer) (via the GNATS Auto Assign Tool)
Comment 2 rnejdl 2014-03-16 16:42:36 UTC

Any word on if this can be committed? :) 

Rusty Nejdl 
Comment 3 rnejdl 2014-05-02 18:12:59 UTC

Following up again. Can this please be committed? 

Comment 4 freebsd.contact 2014-05-13 07:31:34 UTC
Stumbling upon this ....

1) The fixes don't include stage support, which is mandatory now
2) The patch set includes several files that aren't actually changed:
- files/510.assp.in
- files/assp.in
- files/patch-assp.pl
- files/pkg-install.in
3) the assp.pl patch doesn't end in a new line (see patchset)
4) :U is used, that's got to be changed to :tu now

In this case, the use of git hurt.  The patchset was blindly generated
without noticing either the non-function svnid changes or the missing
carriage return.

I would fix these problems, then submit a new PR that has the words
"support stage" in the title, with a new patch and then ask for the old
PR to be closed.  I suggest this approach because ports that support
stage will be noticed first.
Comment 5 rnejdl 2014-05-18 19:21:13 UTC

On 2014-05-13 01:31, John Marino wrote: 

> Stumbling upon this ....
> Comments:
> 1) The fixes don't include stage support, which is mandatory now
> 2) The patch set includes several files that aren't actually changed:
> - files/510.assp.in
> - files/assp.in
> - files/patch-assp.pl
> - files/pkg-install.in
> 3) the assp.pl patch doesn't end in a new line (see patchset)
> 4) :U is used, that's got to be changed to :tu now
> In this case, the use of git hurt. The patchset was blindly generated
> without noticing either the non-function svnid changes or the missing
> carriage return.
> I would fix these problems, then submit a new PR that has the words
> "support stage" in the title, with a new patch and then ask for the old
> PR to be closed. I suggest this approach because ports that support
> stage will be noticed first.


I'm working on this today since I have a quiet moment. Any suggestions
on #3? 

Comment 6 freebsd.contact 2014-05-18 19:56:38 UTC
#3 just means that the very last character of the file is not a carriage
return.  Just go to the end, add a carriage return, and resave the file.

Comment 7 rnejdl 2014-07-04 20:11:54 UTC
This PR should be closed as it will be superceded by another PR that includes a further update, staging support, and a MySQL include fix.

Rusty Nejdl
Comment 8 Guido Falsi freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2014-07-05 22:34:16 UTC
Superseded by 191635

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 191635 ***