Issue summaries (titles) containing port references of the form: "/path/to/category/port" are not auto-assigned. See bug 198213
The auto-assigner only checks for "category/port", not more, not less to avoid false positives with other paths. I do not see a good way to change this without creating more issues.
@Marcus What if the path match was limited to /usr/ports/<category>/<portname> ? What other issues can you foresee?
We could include /usr/ports/ as valid prefix for a cat/port detection, since this is the FreeBSD default path for ports. Other path constructs however may lead to false positives, esp. if console output is posted in the initial description.
Sounds good Marcus. That (matching /usr/ports) covers for the example that spawned this issue. If it occurs in future with different path references we can evaluate any additional opportunities then.
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