The latest package in the tree for sabnzbd 4.2.2 lists a dependency on sabctools 8.1.0. However, in the latest `pkg upgrade` the python39 package was replaced by python311 which has also replaced with py31-sabctools 8.2.3. When starting up sabnzbd it fails with a version mismatch (expect 8.1.0, got 8.2.3). I see another bug 279389 opened (and closed) to handle the py-sabctools 8.2.3 upgrade but it doesn't seem to be generally available yet. To reproduce on FBSD 13.1: root@sabnzbd:~ # pkg install sabnzbd Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... FreeBSD repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. The following 40 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): New packages to be INSTALLED: py311-autocommand: 2.2.2_1 py311-babelfish: 0.6.1 py311-backports.tarfile: 1.0.0 py311-cffi: 1.16.0 py311-chardet: 5.2.0,1 py311-cheetah3: 3.2.6_1 py311-cheroot: 10.0.1 py311-cherrypy: 18.8.0 py311-configobj: 5.0.8 py311-cryptography: 42.0.8_1,1 py311-feedparser: 6.0.11 py311-formencode: 2.1.0 py311-guessit: 3.8.0_1 py311-importlib-resources: 6.4.0 py311-inflect: 7.0.0 py311-jaraco.collections: 5.0.1 py311-jaraco.context: 5.3.0 py311-jaraco.functools: 4.0.0 py311-jaraco.text: 3.12.0 py311-markdown: 3.6 py311-more-itertools: 10.3.0 py311-portend: 2.5_1 py311-puremagic: 1.14 py311-pycparser: 2.22 py311-pydantic: 1.10.15,1 py311-pysocks: 1.7.1_1 py311-python-dateutil: 2.9.0 py311-pytz: 2024.1,1 py311-rebulk: 3.2.0 py311-sabctools: 8.2.3 <--------- the problem py311-setuptools: 63.1.0_1 py311-sgmllib3k: 1.0.0 py311-six: 1.16.0 py311-sqlite3: 3.11.9_7 py311-sqlobject: 3.11.0 py311-tempora: 5.5.1 py311-typing-extensions: 4.12.2 py311-zclockfile: 2.0_1 python311: 3.11.9 sabnzbd: 4.2.2 Number of packages to be installed: 40 The process will require 290 MiB more space. 5 MiB to be downloaded. At startup, the following message is printed to the web GUI. SABCTools disabled: no correct version found! (Found v8.2.3, expecting v8.1.0)
*** Bug 279933 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
py-sabctools got bumped to 8.2.3 despite a restrictive version on sabnzbd (which had a limitation of >=8.1.0, <= 8.2). This caused port fallout, and In essence this is a duplicate of bug #277626
Yuri fixed the BUILD with the new sabctools and old sabnzbd, but I never thought to try to run it. Sorry! I'll ask for 4.3.2 to be committed ASAP
(In reply to James French from comment #2) Oops, edited bug properties with a half written reply and it saved: py-sabctools got bumped to 8.2.3 while sabnzbd had an intentional restrictive dependency (>= 8.1, < 8.2). The response to the package fallout was to make the dependency less restrictive which has broken things even more as instead of having a package failing to build, we've got a package that does build, but doesn't run. I can't find a bug report for that fix, but if it'd come to me for maintainer approval I'd have rejected it without a proper patch. I'm in the process of handing off maintainership to Nick, as I don't have the time to properly maintain the port any more. That said, we may be able to make an interim patch to get sabnzbd to the point where it can play nice with the bumped tools. Bug #277626 is open to bump sabnzbd to a supported version, but there's other dependencies that are not yet in ports that are being worked on to be able to bring it up to date. Unfortunately, this is not the first time we've broken this way (ref bug #272071). The tools are only used by sabnzbd, and need to be updated in lockstep with the daemon. They would really benefit from having a common maintainer - Po-Chuan, Nick: your thoughts please?
I've asked Zsolt to commit what we have right now as the only outstanding work is to port py-tavern so all of the pytest script works. Py-test requires a bit more dependency work before I can make it, so there will be a delay on that, and prior to this there was no test implementation at all so it won't be a step back in any way :) Certainly not worth leaving the port unusable IMO. Otherwise I've been using 4.3.2 since it was released and the only error I've seen is when I try to log in with the wrong password ;)
(In reply to James French from comment #4) I'd be happy to maintain both if Po-chien would like me to. I agree it does make sense since it's only used by sabnzbd. In the future it shouldn't be necessary though as the delay has been due to getting the sabnzbd port through a review and bringing it up to the latest and greatest standards Which we hopefully don't have to do every release ;)
(In reply to Nicholas Kirby from comment #6) Po-chuan, sorry! Didn't mean to misspell your name!
The news/sabnzbd is updated to 4.3.2 (92f517397e6c2f12f977a059665e003059a03df5).