Bug 281687 - net-mgmt/netdata: needs a sample file for /usr/local/etc/newsyslog.conf.d
Summary: net-mgmt/netdata: needs a sample file for /usr/local/etc/newsyslog.conf.d
Status: New
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-ports-bugs (Nobody)
Depends on:
Reported: 2024-09-24 15:08 UTC by Trond Endrestøl
Modified: 2025-02-12 19:23 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
bugzilla: maintainer-feedback? (nk)

Proposed sample newsyslog(8) configuration file for net-mgmt/netdata (525 bytes, text/plain)
2024-09-24 15:08 UTC, Trond Endrestøl
no flags Details
Proposed sample newsyslog(8) configuration file for net-mgmt/netdata (605 bytes, text/plain)
2024-11-30 11:02 UTC, Trond Endrestøl
no flags Details
Proposed sample newsyslog(8) configuration file for net-mgmt/netdata (605 bytes, text/plain)
2024-11-30 11:12 UTC, Trond Endrestøl
no flags Details

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Trond Endrestøl 2024-09-24 15:08:59 UTC
Created attachment 253797 [details]
Proposed sample newsyslog(8) configuration file for net-mgmt/netdata

I keep adding my own /usr/local/etc/newsyslog.conf.d/netdata-logs.conf to all my systems running net-mgmt/netdata.
I figured I should propose my file as a sample newsyslog(8) configuration file for net-mgmt/netdata.
Comment 1 Namkhai B. 2024-10-01 02:03:08 UTC
I'll add this to bug #275792
Comment 2 Trond Endrestøl 2024-10-01 06:20:34 UTC
(In reply to Namkhai B. from comment #1)

I've noticed Netdata didn't always close the log files it held open and opening the newly created ones when signalled to do so. I'm not sure if this is the case. On one of my systems this led to Netdata continue writing to the rotated log file and not the new file.

Also, while running "service netdata restart" on some systems, Netdata doesn't shutdown in an orderly fashion and is thus brutally killed and never restarted as desired (the latter clearly being a bug in the rc system). I have then the option of re-running "service netdata restart" or running "service netdata start".
Comment 3 Trond Endrestøl 2024-10-10 06:14:55 UTC
(In reply to Trond Endrestøl from comment #2)

Here's a sample of this odd behaviour:

# service netdata status ; service netdata restart ; sleep 1 ; service netdata status
netdata is running as pid 60850 60851.
Stopping netdata.
Waiting for PIDS: 60850 60851, 60850 60851, 60850 60851, 60850 60851, 60850 60851, 60850 60851, 60850 60851, 60850 60851, 60850 60851.
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/netdata: WARNING: /usr/local/sbin/netdata has not terminated in 30 s. Using SIGKILL 60850 60851.
netdata already running?  (pid=60850).
netdata is not running.

# service netdata status ; service netdata restart ; sleep 1 ; service netdata status
netdata is not running.
netdata not running?
Starting netdata.
netdata is running as pid 32516 32517
Comment 4 Jordan Ostreff 2024-11-29 15:54:33 UTC
daemon.log is missing in proposed change - why?
Comment 5 Trond Endrestøl 2024-11-29 19:41:49 UTC
(In reply to Jordan Ostreff from comment #4)
I didn't see daemon.log on my system, but I'll happily add it.
Comment 6 Trond Endrestøl 2024-11-30 11:02:07 UTC
Created attachment 255537 [details]
Proposed sample newsyslog(8) configuration file for net-mgmt/netdata
Comment 7 Trond Endrestøl 2024-11-30 11:09:18 UTC
(In reply to Trond Endrestøl from comment #6)
Should we add a few flags, like C and Y, to ensure that the files exist and possibly compress them? /var/log on my systems compresses any file by way of OpenZFS. That isn't true for all systems in the world.
Comment 8 Trond Endrestøl 2024-11-30 11:12:01 UTC
Created attachment 255538 [details]
Proposed sample newsyslog(8) configuration file for net-mgmt/netdata
Comment 9 Namkhai B. 2025-02-12 19:23:50 UTC
Fixed by bug #284759