Wed Jul 3 2024 01:46:53 UTC
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124 bugs found.
ID Product Component Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
207150 Base System bin allanjude New --- bsdinstall(8): ZFS install fails if zpool name equals to file/directory exists in root 2022-10-13
192927 Base System misc asiciliano New --- Installer disk partitioner has 15 character limit on mount points 2022-03-25
266956 Base System bin asiciliano New --- [request] bsdinstall(8): partedit display label 2022-10-13
192195 Base System bin bugs New --- bsdinstall unable to choose optional system components when fetching installation files over network 2022-10-13
196204 Base System bin bugs New --- bsdinstall only configures one network interface 2022-10-13
202081 Base System bin bugs New --- bsdinstall(8) doesn't set syscons font 2018-08-30
202912 Base System bin bugs New --- bsdinstall(8): install-time partitioning tool does not create arbitrary mount-point directories 2022-10-13
203777 Base System bin bugs New --- bsdinstall(8) zfsboot script unusable for unattended installs, unless "internal" variable nonInteractive is set 2022-10-13
205806 Base System bin bugs New --- [patch] bsdinstall(8): partedit can hang/crash on read/lseek/malloc failures 2022-10-13
205828 Base System bin bugs New --- [patch] bsdinstall(8): partedit crashes when modifying a zfs partition's mountpoint 2022-10-13
217602 Base System bin bugs New --- It is desirable that dot files grow recursive functionality in pw, bsdinstall, etc 2022-10-13
218398 Base System bin bugs New --- bsdinstall failed to download sources "Invalid URL scheme" 2022-10-13
219849 Base System kern bugs New --- Attention: 11.0-RELEASE (or 10.3-RELEASE) reuse of "bsdinstall/diskmgmt" DESTROY a gpt partitions, OS cant boot! 2022-10-13
231492 Base System bin bugs New --- bsdinstall(8) presents install media as option to install OS onto 2022-10-13
231591 Base System bin bugs New --- Installer / bsdconfig creates always settings for syscons 2020-09-13
233647 Base System kern bugs New --- bootonly.iso has checksum errors during bsdinstall 2022-10-13
246126 Base System bin bugs New --- bsdinstall fails to report wireless network scan failure 2022-11-22
252183 Base System kern bugs New --- 12.2 fails to boot after upgrade 2020-12-28
253496 Base System bin bugs New --- /usr/libexec/bsdinstall/auto active workaround 2022-10-13
261987 Base System misc bugs New --- bsdinstall(8) asks for partition table type 2022-10-13
263233 Base System bin bugs New --- bsdinstall: 'ZFS Configuration' has become a confusing heading for encryption-related stages of installation of FreeBSD 2023-03-26
263488 Base System bin bugs New --- bsdinstall(8): Boot configuration: There is multiple "FreeBSD" efi boot entries, … (dfa5a74357f) 2022-10-13
266123 Base System misc bugs New --- FreeBSD 13.1 installer errors out if base-dbg and/or lib32-dbg components are selected 2023-02-25
277469 Base System misc bugs New --- Installer incorrectly setting up UEFI boot manager 2024-03-08
212396 Base System bin emaste New --- Dual ifconfig DHCP created entries in rc.conf from bsdinstall 2023-12-27
222105 Base System misc gnn New --- CTF headers not installed for use 2017-09-08
258319 Base System kern net New --- Network (em0) does'nt work not only in 13.0-RELEASE but also in it's installer. 2021-09-12
202058 Base System bin sysinstall New --- bsdinstall - Disable dialog(3) for distfetch/checksum/distextract targets 2022-10-13
209997 Base System bin sysinstall New --- [request] bsdinstall(8): Optionally install packages included in installation media 2022-10-13
211617 Base System bin sysinstall New --- `bsdinstall` looping on Subnet Mask 2023-07-26
213488 Base System bin sysinstall New --- bsdinstall wants MANIFEST from filesystem even when installing from ftp 2022-10-13
214911 Base System bin sysinstall New --- bsdinstall/scripts/zfsboot detaches *all* GELI devices 2022-10-13
216398 Base System bin sysinstall New --- bsdinstall references invalid mirror 2023-07-24
217195 Base System kern sysinstall New --- bsdinstall: ZFS grabs all the HDD in the system falsely and fails when more 5 HDD is in the system 2022-10-13
219470 Base System bin sysinstall New --- bsdinstall crashes with SIGBUS if there aren't any disks attached to the system 2022-10-13
221379 Base System bin sysinstall New --- bsdinstall(8): Installer doesn't support default router outside local subnet 2022-10-13
222741 Base System bin sysinstall New --- bsdinstall: "Manual" disk partitioning error 2022-10-13
228322 Base System bin sysinstall New --- [patch] bsdinstall(8) and sade(8) lose the last block of disk in creating partition. 2022-10-13
231646 Base System bin sysinstall New --- bsdinstall(8) Unable to resolve own hostname, causes local mail to only queue 2022-10-13
232703 Base System usb sysinstall New --- it can't found floppy drive at the loader prompt when installation freebsd 11.1 2018-12-04
240327 Base System misc sysinstall New --- bsdinstall(8): Partitioning the disk via scriptedpart always adds an EFI partition 2022-10-13
241296 Base System bin sysinstall New --- bsdinstall: guided encrypted ZFS partition size (feature request) 2022-10-13
242983 Base System bin sysinstall New --- bsdinstall: Allow to set ZROOT partition size 2022-10-13
251086 Base System bin sysinstall New --- bsdinstall doesn't copy /BSDINSTALL_TMPBOOT/zfs/zpool.cache 2022-10-13
254098 Base System conf sysinstall New --- Selected keymap on bsdinstall is not added to rc.conf on new installation 2023-07-28
164094 Base System bin asiciliano Open --- bsdinstall(8): installer progress over 100% 2022-10-13
169748 Base System bin asiciliano Open --- [patch] bsdinstall(8): when distfile fetch is complete on some distfiles, but not entire set, progress can go over 100%; installer gets confused with distfiles and halts 2022-10-17
161049 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): could try to tell if SSDs support TRIM 2022-10-13
161050 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): should use new syntax for IPv4 in rc.conf 2022-10-13
161052 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): should be consistent about saving configuration settings 2022-10-13
161054 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): partitioner should list valid "type"s 2022-10-13
161055 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): partitioner should auto-populate GPT labels 2022-10-13
161056 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): could allow full control over newfs arguments 2022-10-13
161100 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): 9.0-BETA3: Add User but no Add Group 2022-10-13
161923 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8) games & ports install options 2022-10-13
161924 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): add msg box telling user to remove install media 2022-10-13
161928 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): (add option to enable 2 button mouse copy/paste) 2022-10-13
161929 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): (change partition editor screen default) 2022-10-13
162428 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): should check available disk space from distfiles 2022-10-13
162429 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): 9.x installer: selecting ZFS for the root partition results in error 2022-10-13
163123 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): IPV6 only errors connecting 2022-10-13
164097 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): always installs GPT 2022-10-13
164267 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8) bugs when RE-installing to GPT partitions 2022-10-13
164284 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): FreeBSD install assign incorrect dev as bootup disk 2022-10-13
164291 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): bsdinstall and filestetyem selection / creation 2022-10-13
164399 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): 9.0 installer failures 2022-10-13
166801 Base System kern bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): FreeBSD install is apparently not writing boot code to target disk. 2022-10-13
168188 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8) partitioner segmentation fault 2022-10-13
168269 Base System bin bugs Open --- comments on bsdinstall(8) 2022-10-13
168314 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): 9.0 install "live CD" option can't create resolv.conf 2022-10-13
169750 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): cannot run more than once with DHCP/SLAAC configured interfaces 2022-10-13
171113 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): FreeBSD 9.1-beta1 installer refuses to partition flash medium 2022-10-13
172847 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): missing boot loader location selection (MBR, root slice/partition) 2022-10-13
172905 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): Old mirroselect file in bdsinstall 2022-10-13
173301 Base System bin bugs Open --- [patch] bsdinstall(8): default to SU instead of SU+J 2022-10-17
174471 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): does not newfs and cannot mount any non-standard partitions 2022-10-13
174472 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8) partition editor is annoying to use when partitions already exist 2022-10-13
174473 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): cannot handle some or all partitions other than / 2022-10-13
174475 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): should remember user input 2022-10-13
175730 Base System bin bugs Open --- Segfault in bsdinstall(8) when no disks are present 2022-10-13
182880 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): Exiting out of ipv6 config leaves ipv6 netmask in ipv4 dhcp 2022-10-13
184675 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): installation crashes while asking for root password 2022-10-13
188951 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): [patch] Undefined behavior at line 135 in part_wizard.c (snprintf). 2022-10-17
169077 Base System bin geom Open --- bsdinstall(8) does not use partition labels in /etc/fstab 2022-10-13
164950 Base System bin nwhitehorn Open --- bsdinstall(8): pc-style partitions: no way to set 'bootable' ('active') flag 2022-10-13
157189 Base System conf sysinstall Open --- bsdinstall(8): Default /etc/sysctl.conf should be removed. 2018-05-28
161047 Base System bin sysinstall Open --- [patch] bsdinstall(8): should not run on vt0 2022-10-17
161113 Base System bin sysinstall Open --- bsdinstall(8): 9.0-BETA3: overwrites Win*-bootcodes without warning? 2022-10-13
163943 Base System bin sysinstall Open --- bsdinstall(8) fails to detect CD device when booting with some media devices 2022-10-13
182601 Base System misc sysinstall Open --- Can't exit Network configuration 2023-08-02
182935 Base System bin sysinstall Open --- bsdinstall(8): Installation program interprets "dhclient already running" as an error and writes redundant data to /etc/rc.conf 2022-10-13
270707 Base System kern acpi Open --- Installer media doesn't boot on Thinkpad T14s Gen 3 (Ryzen 7 Pro 6850U) Fri 14:34
192194 Base System bin allanjude Open --- bsdinstall ignoring BSDINSTALL_DISTSITE defined environment variable for mirrorselect 2023-10-18
164294 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall(8): FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE bsdinstall dvd does not have media selection dialog 2023-03-22
196389 Base System misc bugs Open --- makefs(8): when populating METALOG with symlink information, no default user/group is populated 2023-04-18
233101 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall fails (i386, VirtualBox) 2022-12-28
236786 Base System misc bugs Open --- FreeBSD -.iso files not support written to USB drive 2019-04-01
249332 Base System misc bugs Open --- FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-i386-dvd1.iso : couldn't install 2023-03-29
260229 Base System bin bugs Open --- Install FreeBSD 13.0 stuck at can't find '/boot/entropy' 2023-03-30
262214 Base System misc bugs Open --- /boot/efi cannot be mounted during bsdinstall 2023-09-24
262461 Base System misc bugs Open --- bsdinstall: After manual partitioning the disk, installer installs "ZFS on root" directly on the pool not under separate ZFS datasets 2023-07-29
266987 Base System bin bugs Open --- bsdinstall: following multiple 'restart's, distributions are installed several times 2023-10-25
270393 Base System misc bugs Open --- hybrid ISO images report broken partition table 2023-04-04
270534 Base System kern bugs Open --- i386 13.1-RELEASE install CD: BTX halted: int=00000006 err=00000000 efl=00010006 eip=01405b81 2023-11-09
147475 Base System i386 i386 Open --- FreeBSD 8.x does not install on ASUS K8N4-E Mainboard 2023-06-25
267843 Base System misc kevans Open --- bsdinstall: Auto (ZFS) + MBR (BIOS) = "Missing operating system" – sole dataset with /boot alone 2023-07-03
198380 Base System bin sysinstall Open --- Can't install using MBR 2023-01-07
198797 Base System bin sysinstall Open --- bsdinstall: option to install BSD-Stats 2023-02-18
201419 Base System misc sysinstall Open --- Add Autoinstall option to installer 2023-10-01
204506 Base System bin sysinstall Open --- bsdinstall(8) umount target should be able to unmount zfs filesystems 2023-06-01
228005 Base System bin sysinstall Open --- bsdinstall's zfsboot step should run nvmecontrol to identify NVMe drives 2023-10-15
232845 Base System kern sysinstall Open --- Better support for MBR partition requested in FreeBSD installer 2023-01-07
247434 Base System misc sysinstall Open --- installer: 11.4-RELEASE DVD hangs during boot: init: login-getclass: unknown class "daemon" 2023-03-22
255659 Base System bin sysinstall Open --- bsdinstall failure "file://usr/freebsd-dist/MANIFEST : No such file or directory" 2022-10-13
258104 Base System misc sysinstall Open --- Error while fetching file : //mnt/user/freebsd-dist/base.txz : no such file or directory. 2023-07-17
258987 Base System bin sysinstall Open --- 13.0-RELEASE installer broken redundancy with UEFI and ZFS 2023-12-06
262770 Base System misc sysinstall Open --- bsdinstall with EFI system partitions on multiple disks: only one ESP gains attention 2023-09-24
268770 Base System bin sysinstall Open --- Unable to install FreeBSD 13.1 (other versions and systems based on FreeBSD) on Supermicro A3SSV-24C-SPLN10F 2024-06-14
269862 Base System bin sysinstall Open --- Restart installer :: device is busy 2023-03-11
271262 Base System bin sysinstall Open --- bsdinstaller in AutoZFS + MBR mode always wipes disklabel - rendering system non-bootable 2023-08-02
227999 Base System bin asiciliano In Progress --- bsdinstall(8) should maybe set moused_nondefault_enable="NO" if moused support isn't selected 2023-01-03
262262 Base System bin asiciliano In Progress --- bsdinstall: resolver configuration fails (is not automated) in some situations 2023-05-27
233211 Base System bin bcran In Progress --- 11.2-RELEASE freezes Gigabyte motherboard 2023-12-21
195705 Base System bin dteske In Progress --- Installer issues / bsdconfig 2022-11-13
124 bugs found.


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